you can choose any topic from the docx I’ve send
. Term paper topics, John Ryan’s Math 1350 (Stat 251), and Math 210 classes.
Students who have not chosen a topic by our class on Novemberl15 will be assigned a topic by yours truly, without any input from the student. The student will be informed of the assigned topic in class or via email.
Each student will write on a single topic. One can pick a topic from the list below, or, as 8] below states, a student may choose his/her own topic, subject to my approval. Clear it with me first!
Each student will research a different topic. Once a student chooses a topic, no other student can choose that topic. You may change topics if you decide you want to. As soon as you decide on a research topic, inform me so I can list your name by that topic. Bolded topics have already been taken. You may choose a topic from
1] Compare Ptolemy’s geocentric theory of planetary motion, with Copernicus’ heliocentric theory of planetary
motion. Discuss the effect Copernicus’ heliocentric theory of planetary motion had on philosophy and the
Catholic Church. Use diagrams to illustrate.
2] List and explain Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Use diagrams to illustrate the first and second laws. Write an
equation for the third law and explain what the symbols stand for.
3] Explain how Eratosthenes accurately measured the circumference of the earth (ca. 200 BC). Use drawings
to supplement your explanations. (Yes, he assumed that the earth was spherical shaped.)
4] Display a solution to the 12-ball logic problem (It is on the internet, and I can give you a copy). Use diagrams (freehand) to
illustrate the weighings. Remember that the “weighings” only measure equality and inequality, not actual weight such as
pounds, ounces, etc.
5] Solve the problem below and explain fully your reasoning:
Given : a) A man walking across a train bridge is 0.65 of the way across the bridge when he hears a train coming.
b) The speed of the train (vt) = 60 mph.
c) The man can run at top speed (constant) in either direction and just get off of the bridge before the train runs
over him.
Problem: How fast can the man run? Any supplementary explanatory drawings must be drawn yourself. Similar
problems with different numbers are on the internet. You should be able to figure out how to solve the
problem by looking at the other problems and solutions.
6] Write an essay that explains the Monty Hall Problem and its solution. {Brandon Florez]
7) Explain why although the winter solstice (shortest day of the year) is on December 20 or December 21 (in the Northern
Hemisphere), the earliest sunset is about 2 weeks (in Las Cruces) before the winter solstice, and the latest sunrise is
about 2 weeks (in Las Cruces) after the winter solstice.
8) Explain Newton’s three laws of motion and his law of universal gravitation. Explain from a physics point of view. When
applicable, use equations. Explain what the symbols mean. For example, don’t just write F = ma for the 2nd Law.
Moreover, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” does not adequately explain Newton’s 3rd Law.
Don’t use it. Phrase it differently.
9) Explain the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Demonstrate with an example how an integer greater than one thousand can be
determined to be prime or not prime using the sieve. Choose an odd integer that is not very much larger than 1000 .
10) Explain how Hipparchus measured the precession of the equinoxes.
11) Discuss the controversy that developed about Newton and Leibniz regarding the development of calculus, and how it
affected the development of mathematics.
12) Explain how Ole Roemer measured the speed of light (ca. 1672).
13] Write an essay discussing the contributions to science of any one of the following: Appollonius of Perga (ancient geometer), Archimedes (foremost ancient physicist), Julius Axelrod (neurologist), Ada Byron Lovelace (1st programmer, computer science) , Georg Cantor (math), Arthur Cayley (math), A. L. Cauchy (math), Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, René Descartes (philosopher and founder of analytic geometry), Sylvia Earle (Marine biologist and oceanographer) Albert Einstein (physicist) , Euclid (ancient geometer), Leonhard Euler (math), Michael Faraday (19th century physicist/chemist), Galileo Galilei, Evariste Galois (math), Carl F. Gauss (math), Kurt Gödel (math), Jane Goodall (Legendary primatologist), Stephen J. Gould (paleontologist, evolutionary biologist), Otto Hahn (physicist, co-discoverer of nuclear fision), Werner Heisenberg (physicist), Dorothy Hodgkin (Nobel Prize in Chemistry), Grace Hopper (early computer scientist), Mae Jemison (1st African- American woman NASA astronaut), Antoine Lavoisier (founder of modern chemistry), G. W. Leibniz (philosopher, co-developer of calculus), Rita Levi-Montalcini (Nobel prize winner in physiology (medicine) , Barbara McClintock (physiology, cytogenetics), Lisa Meitner (physicist, co-discoverer of nuclear fision), Gregor Mendel (founder of genetics), Augustus de Morgan (math), Rita Levi Montalcine (neurology), Isaac Newton, Florence Nightingale (founder of nursing and first social statistician), Emmy Noether (math), Louis Pasteur (chemist, microbiologist), Candace Pert (neuroscientist, pharmacologist) Karl Popper (science philosopher, science v. pseudoscience), Joseph Priestly (early chemist), Julia Robinson (math), Bertrand Russell (math), Alan Turing (Math, computer science), Karen Uhlenbeck (mathematician), (Alfred R. Wallace (biologist, contemporary of Darwin), Karl Weierstrass (math), Alfred N. Whitehead (math).
The essay should be at least 3 pages long, single spaced or 5 – 6 pages double spaced, excluding cover page, drawings, and bibliography.
14] A project of the student’s choosing, subject to my approval. Inform me of what topic you propose to research.
Term paper project info, John Ryan’s Math 1350 (Stat 251), Math 142, and Math 210 classes.
This is a departmental requirement, not mine.
I suspect that most of you will use a word processor for the text in your research project. Please use Microsoft Word for your word processor, not Adobe.pdf. You may write your project in longhand (cursive or printing) if you want to, as long as I can read it.
Single space or double space your text. Use a font that is easy to read. My favorite is Calibri. Do not use a cursive font or some weird font, such as heavy metal. For your text use a size 10, 11, or 12 font. For headings use a size no larger than 16.
You are advised to make a photocopy of your term paper prior to emailing it to me. You should also keep a copy on a hard disk on a computer, or on some type of storage device such as a flash drive or a floppy disk. I could accidently delete it. I recommend that you turn in your term paper directly to me, rather than leaving it in the department office to be placed in my mailbox [Disregard, spring 2021]. Your paper is not officially turned in until I mark it on my list. I will not accept “but I left it in the office with the office clerk” as an excuse for not seeing to it that your term paper gets into my hands. [Disregard]
I don’t expect a long, say 25 page, essay or dozens of references. It is impossible to put a precise number on the number of pages I expect. It will vary depending on the topic, and whether you single space or double space. Those papers with calculations and equations will generally be shorter than an expository topic, such as “The Contributions of Candace Pert to neuroscience.”
For equations you may skip a line, write the equations on a line, and skip another line before resuming text.
You may either indent paragraphs or skip a line.
I am not a stickler for spelling, but obvious typographical errors, such as “thr” instead of “the” are indicative of carelessness. Look over your paper and correct your typos! If I correct them I will deduct points.
You may either intersperse drawings, charts, photos, etc. in your text or place them in an appendix.
Of course you will use sources, but write your paper in your own words. Do not copy your source verbatim, except for brief quotes. Use quotation marks when you quote from sources.
Exactly how you cite your quotes is up to you. There are several acceptable styles.
List your sources under Bibliography or References as the last item in your project, whether you have quoted them or not. Some projects may not need any more than two sources. Others may need slightly more. I don’t expect a long list of sources.
If you use Wikipedia as a source, use at least two other sources.
I am not picky about what particular style you use for your references. Examples of acceptable styles are:
Human Anatomy and Physiology, Elaine N. Marieb, R. N., Ph. D., 2nd edition, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co., 1992,p. 378.
Journal article:
Leifer, Ron. “A Critique of Medical Coercive Psychiatry, and an Invitation to Dialogue”, Ethical Human Sciences and Services, 3 (3), pp. 161-173, (2001).
Sterling, Ron, “Hoeller does a disservice to professionals”, op-ed rebuttal, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9 September, 2003.
Eccles, John C. (1903-1997), Encyclopedia of Psychology by George B. Joseph, accessed Nov. 16, 2007, accessed Oct. 3, 2006
April 19 is the deadline for choosing a topic. Students who have not chosen a topic by 5:00PM on that date will be chosen a topic by yours truly, without any input from the student, and I will not let the student change the topic. The student will be informed of the assigned topic via email.
The term paper is to be emailed to me by Wednesday, May 12 for full credit. Points will be deducted (minimum 6 points) from papers emailed after that date, depending on how late the paper is emailed. The term paper must be turned in to receive credit for the course. If a paper is not turned in by 5:00 PM Friday, May 14, the student will receive the grade of ‘F’ for the course.