Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Why some conflict is essential to effective team problem-solving? How have you solved conflict on teams you've been on at work or school? - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

  Management in Healthcare
Discussion Topic:  Conflict
please review the text and notes. 
Why some conflict is essential to effective team problem-solving? How have you solved conflict on teams you’ve been on at work or school?

APA Format. At least 150 words. 

Course Materials 
Required Text or E-Book: McConnell, C. (2015). The Effective Health Care Supervisor, 8th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Chapter 12

Safety and Workplace Violence

During the 1990’s
Almost two-thirds of non-fatal workplace assaults occurred in hospitals, nursing homes, and residential care facilities, and in most cases involved patients assaulting nurses. 

Factors Predisposing to Violence
Societal factors
easy availability of weapons
high crime rate in the community

Factors Predisposing to Violence (cont’d)
catastrophic life events (for example, illness, accident, or death of loved ones)

Distraught or vengeful spouses or other family members

Factors Predisposing to Violence
Workplace situations
layoffs, job outplacements, mergers, etc.
series of threats or aggressive incidents
jobs that involve handling money, drugs, etc.
Employees working alone, especially late at night
assignments in emergency or psychiatric units
frequent harassment by coworkers or superiors

Factors Predisposing to Violence
Workplace Situations (more)
weapons brought to the work site
interpersonal conflicts in the workplace
chronic labor–management problems
frequent grievances or complaints
poorly lighted and monitored parking areas

Factors Predisposing to Violence
Management deficiencies
inept handling of work problems
Inconsistent or insensitive supervision
failure to act early in the cycle of violence
lack of responsiveness to the warning signs
authoritarian management
lack of staff training in violence prevention

Violence-Prone Individuals
Reputation as a loner
History of drug or alcohol abuse
Obsession with weapons
Involvement with racist hate groups
Tendency to frequently claim unjust treatment; files many grievances

Violence-Prone Individuals
Lack of tolerance for criticism
Low or nonexistent tolerance for frustration
Dramatic change in personality, behavior, or performance
History of violence toward animals, women, and others
Pattern of verbal or physical aggression (threats, intimidation, verbal abuse)

Violence-Prone Individuals
“Hair-trigger” temper
Frequent disputes with superiors
Object of criticism or harassment from coworkers
Mentally disturbed, paranoid, perceives injustice
Tendency to project responsibility for problems onto others

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