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What are five factors that have fuelled the rise of direct marketing activity

*What are five factors that have fuelled the rise of direct marketing activity?
*What is the importance of identifying and understanding the target audience? How can the target audiences be identified?
*Define and elaborate on direct mail.
*What are the stages in the recruitment and selection process?
What are the three criticisms for psychological tests are:
1.  It is easy to cheat.  The applicant may give fake answers in order to give a correct profile of a successful salesperson. In response to a question “who is of more value to society –  the practical man or thinkerr? they may answer “the practical man” no matter what they really believe is correct.
2.  Most tests measure interest rather than sales ability – it is very clear that measuring someone’s’ interest does not predict sales ability
3.  Tests have been used to identify individual traits which may or may not be associated with sales success  – Factors such as sociability , dominance, friendliness,, and loyalty have been used to measure sales success.  They may, howevverr fail to distinguish between high and low perrforming sales personnel
*What are terms trades used to define?
*What is meant by Ethics?  What are selling ethics?
*Describe the five sources of gaining prospects.
*What are objections and why are they important to the saleseperson?
*What are hidden objections?  How should the salesperson handle hidden objections?
*Define Key concept management and discuss it features.
Describe what is meant by Global account management.
Global account management  is the process of coordinating and developing mutually beneficial relationships with a select group of important customers operating in global industries.  This has arisen because certain firms are of strategic to suppliers.  The growth in globalization of businesses is making global account management even  more important for sellers.
What is meant by relationship selling?
Relationship selling is when the seller  uses tactical features of securing and building up relationships  iimplicit in relationshipmarketing.  This establishes a ffirm’s competetive advantage because it can serve customer future and present needs.
*Contrast transaction and relationship marketing
*What are the advantages of having knowledge about the competitors products and benefits
What is culture and how can it influence international selling?
What is aesthetics?  Why can aesthetics be important to the international seller?
Aesthetics is a culture’s idea of beauty and good taste together with an appreciation of color and form.  The seller must be aware that there are positive and negative consequences of using various designs, packaging, and advertising.  The company should be very sensitive to local preferences and logos should embed those preferences.
How has the Globalization of  markets affected selling and sales management?
How has Rising consumer/organizational buyer expectations and fullfillment of higher order needs changed sales and sales management?
According to Howard and Sheth there are three types of buying situations.  Describe each in detail. What are examples of products in each category?
Describe what is meant by the SWOT analysis
Describe the stages in the product life cycle.
Differentiate between the production and Marketing orientation.

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