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Final Paper. Due on Tuesday. 5 pages.

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Week 5 – Final Paper

Due 21 Dec by 23:59 Points 20 Submitting an external tool

Final Paper
Write a five to six-page essay on the following topic: What are the humanities and how are they
relevant to our lives? Illustrate your discussion with reference to one specific ancient/medieval
text assigned in this class and explain its relevance to modern society. Explain the text using
one of the frameworks we explored in this class (i.e., myth, philosophy, religion, or literature).
You should refer to at least two secondary sources, but note that this is not a research paper.
You should be able to complete the paper drawing only from the required and recommended
resources included in this course. (See the Week 1 Resources tab for information on how to
cite sources in this class.)

Your paper should be outlined as follows:
In your introduction include a clear definition of the humanities and a concise summary
of their relevance for our lives. (No more than one page)
In your next paragraph, explain the methodology you will use to illustrate your claim
about the humanities. State which text you will use and which humanities framework
you will use to analyze your chosen text. Give a very brief summary of that framework,
making sure to explain why it is considered part of the humanities, what distinguishes it
from other humanities disciplines, and why it is a good framework for interpreting your
chosen text. (No more than one page)
Give an interpretation of your chosen text using the specific framework you selected,
focusing primarily on the aspects of the text that are relevant to life in modern society.
You may need to summarize some aspects of your chosen text before trying to explain
its relevance, but your discussion should be primarily analysis rather than mere
summary. In other words, explain the meaning of the text from your framework’s point of
view, not just what the text says or what happens in the plot. (No more than three
In conclusion, summarize how your chosen text fits into the definition of the humanities
you stated in your introduction and also how it serves as an example of the humanities’
relevance to our lives as you summarized it in your introduction. (No more than one

The Final Paper
Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references
pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

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Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the primary text you are
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as
outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric
( for the criteria that will be
used to evaluate your assignment.

Waypoint Assignment

The assignments in this course will be submitted to Waypoint. Please refer to the instructions
below to submit your assignment.

1. Click on the Assignment Submission button below. The Waypoint “Student Dashboard”
will open in a new browser window.

2. Browse for your assignment.
3. Click Upload.
4. Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate

week’s assignment tab in Waypoint.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the Waypoint Tutorial
ff53b3cc3794/1/Waypoint%20Tutorial.pdf) .

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