Due Dec 18 by 10:59pm Points 50 Submitting a text entry box or a file uploadAttempts 0 Allowed Attempts 2
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In the world of counseling, many clients come to their first session either (a) already takingpsychopharmaceutical medications for specific disorders previously diagnosed by a psychiatrist or otherprescriber, or (b) in need of a psychiatric evaluation (psych eval) to determine the actual diagnosis andpotential psychopharmaceutical options for stabilization. It is incumbent upon us to make sure that westay within our scope of practice and our standards of practice. For this Assignment, you will review theliterature and applicable code of ethics to analyze what are the most appropriate professional attitudesand behaviors related to working with clients who are on or need medications for mental health and/orsubstance use disorder stability and recovery.
To Prepare
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
WEEKLY RESOURCES (https://waldenu.instructure.com/courses/21975/modules/items/589458)
For this Assignment, you will review the reading assignments, resources, code of ethics, and currentliterature to analyze the role of counseling interns, certificants, and licensees when working withclients who are currently on or need psychotropic medications.
Assignment (3-5 pages)
Should a counselor be able to prescribe psychotropic medications to a client? Why or why not? When, if ever, can a counselor share their personal or professional opinions about prescribedmedications, over-the-counter medications and/or supplements with a client? Explain your thoughtsabout this question.Who is best qualified to diagnose and prescribe psychotropic medications? What qualifies them tobe the best resource for diagnosis and prescribing? What are the relevant codes within the ACACode of Ethics that support your answer?When a client comes to you already on psychotropic medications, what is within your role and scopeof practice? What is not within your role and scope of practice?If a client needs further evaluation in order to determine their diagnosis and potential need forpsychotropic medications, how can we frame the conversation so it is client-centered, empathic,ethical, and informative?
Your Assignment will be 3 to 5 pages in length, not including cover page or references page. Be sure tosupport your Assignment with specific references from the text, resources, and literature. In addition tothe Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed academicliterature to support your Assignment. This Assignment must utilize appropriate APA format and citations.
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To checkyour draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.
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Criteria Ratings Pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
Responsiveness:Thepaper demonstratesthat the studentrecognizes andunderstands thecomplexity andlimitations of thecounselor’s roleregarding the use ofpsychotropicmedications byclients. The paperclearlycommunicates athorough response toeach question.
20 to >17.9 ptsA
The content ofthe paperincludesthoroughresponses thatsubstantiallycover the topicof all thequestions in theinstructions.
17.9 to >15.9 ptsB
The content of thepaper includesresponses to all ofthe questions andthe responsessubstantially coverthe topic of morethan half of thequestions in theinstructions.
15.9 to >13.9 ptsC
The content of thepaper includesresponses to atleast half of thequestions and theresponsessubstantially coverthe topic of at leasthalf of thequestions in theinstructions.
13.9 to >0 ptsF
The content ofthe paperincludesresponses tofewer than halfthe questionsand/or theresponsessubstantiallycover the topicof less than halfof the questionsin theinstructions.
Content Knowledge:The extent to whichthe contentdemonstrates anunderstanding of ourcurrent knowledge,providing informationfrom the research,literature and Codeof Ethics that validatetheir answers.
20 to >17.9 ptsAThe responses tothe questions in theinstructionsdemonstrate:… 1.)In-depthunderstanding andapplication ofconcepts andissues presented inthe course showingthat the student hasabsorbed thegeneral principlesand ideaspresented;… 2.)Rich and relevantpresentation; and…3.) Mastery andthoughtful/accurateapplication ofknowledge andskills or strategiespresented in thecourse.
17.9 to >15.9 ptsBThe responses tothe questions inthe instructionsdemonstrate:… 1.)Understandingand application ofthe concepts andissues presentedin the coursedemonstratingthat the studenthas absorbed thegeneral principlesand ideaspresented;… 2.)Relevantpresentation;and… 3.) Masteryand application ofknowledge andskills or strategiespresented in thecourse.
15.9 to >13.9 ptsCThe responses tothe questions inthe instructionsdemonstrate:… 1.)Minimalunderstanding ofconcepts andissues presentedin the course,and, althoughgenerallyaccurate, displayssome omissionsand/or errors;and/or… 2.)Irrelevantpresentation;and/or… 3.) Littlemastery of skillsand/or numerouserrors when usingthe knowledge,skills or strategiespresented in thecourse.
13.9 to >0 ptsFThe responsesto thequestions in theinstructionsdemonstrate:…1.) Lack ofunderstandingof the conceptsand issuespresented inthe courseand/orapplication isinaccurate andcontains manyomissionsand/or errors;and/or… 2.)Irrelevantpresentation;and/or… 3.)Many criticalerrors whenapplyingknowledge,skills, or
Quality of Writing:The extent to which
10 to >8.9 ptsA
8.9 to >7.9 ptsB
7.9 to >6.9 ptsC
6.9 to >0 ptsF
Total Points: 50
Criteria Ratings Pts
strategiespresented inthe course.
the studentcommunicated in away that meetsgraduate level writingor communicationexpectations.
Writing orcommunicationexceedsgraduate-levelexpectations. Thereference guide:…1.) Includeslanguage that isclear, concise,andappropriate;… 2.)Has few, if any,errors in spelling(if written),grammar, andsyntax;… 3.) Isextremely wellorganized, logical,clear, and neverconfuses thereader orlistener;… 4.)Uses apreponderance oforiginal languageand uses directquotes only whennecessary and/orappropriate;… 5.)Providesinformation abouta source whenciting orparaphrasing it.
Writing orcommunicationmeets graduate-levelexpectations.The referenceguide :… 1.)Includeslanguage that isclear;… 2.) Has afew errors inspelling (ifwritten),grammar, andsyntax;… 3.) Iswell organized,logical, andclear;… 4.) Usesoriginal languageand uses directquotes whennecessary and/orappropriate;… 5.)Providesinformation abouta source whenciting orparaphrasing it.
Writing orcommunication issomewhat belowgraduate-levelexpectations: Thereference guide:…1.) Includeslanguage that isunclear and/orinappropriate;and/or… 2.) Hasmore thanoccasional errorsin spelling (ifwritten), grammar,and syntax;and/or… 3.) Ispoorly organized,is at times unclearand confusing,and has someproblems withlogical flow;and/or… 4.)Reflects anunderuse oforiginal languageand an overuse ofdirect quotes andparaphrases;and/or… 5.)Sometimes lacksinformation abouta source whenciting orparaphrasing it.
Writing orcommunication iswell belowgraduate-levelexpectations: Thereference guide:…1.) Includesunclear andinappropriatelanguage;and/or… 2.) Hasmany errors inspelling (ifwritten), grammar,and syntax;and/or… 3.) Lacksorganization in away that createsconfusion for thereader; and/or…4.) Contains manydirect quotes fromoriginal sourcematerials and/orconsistently andpoorlyparaphrasesrather than usingoriginal language;and/or… 5.) Lacksinformation abouta source whenciting orparaphrasing it.