6/2/23, 2:00 AM Week 3: Course Project – Milestone 1: Change Analysis Paper – Images
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Week 3: Course Project – Milestone 1:Change Analysis Paper – Images
Due May 29 by 1:59am Points 100 Submitting a file uploadAvailable after May 14 at 1:59am
LMA.HRM587.CP.Milestone 1
The Change Analysis Paper (Milestone 1) is due this week. This paper should focus on evidence thatdemonstrates how the management of the organizations integrated one or more of the six images ofmanaging change, how effective the change was, and what organizational management could have donedifferently to increase the probability of successfully implementing the strategic change initiative. Again, thisis a compare and contrast paper, to include information about both companies in your team report.
For more information (including the grading rubric) please read the Course Project Overview(https://devryu.instructure.com/courses/93635/pages/course-project-overview) page in the Introduction &Resources Module.
6/2/23, 2:00 AM Week 3: Course Project – Milestone 1: Change Analysis Paper – Images
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Criteria Ratings Pts
15 pts
10 pts
20 pts
20 pts
Properly filledout andsubmittedchange gridshowing yourinitial analysisand notes.
15 to >13.5 ptsExcellent
The changegrid is properlyfilled out withinitial analysisand notes.
13.5 to >12.0 ptsCompetent
The change gridis filled outproperly withinitial analysis,but the notes aremissing.
12 to >10.5 ptsLimited
The changegrid is not filledout properly,but parts of theanalysis ismissing and nonotes.
10.5 to >9.0 ptsPoor
The changegrid is not filledout properly, butanalysis ismissing and nonotes.
9 to >0 ptsUnacceptable
The changegrid did notmeet thiscompetency.
Documentationand Formatting
Paper isproperlyreferencedaccording toAPA guidelineswith at leastfourreferences,properly citedand in-textcitationsincluded.
10 to >9.0 ptsExcellent
The paper isproperlyreferencedaccording toAPA guidelinesand has at leastfour referenceswith in-textcitations.
9 to >8.0 ptsCompetent
The paper ismissing onereference, butthe studentused APAcorrectly andhas at leastthreereferenceswith most in-text citations.
8 to >7.0 ptsLimited
The paper ismissing two tothreereferences, andthe studentuses APAinconsistentlyand has atleast tworeferences withsome in-textcitations.
7 to >6.0 ptsPoor
The paper ismissing morethan threereferences andthe studentuses APAinconsistentlyand has at leastone referencewith some in-text citations.
6 to >0 ptsUnacceptable
The paper didnot meet thiscompetency.There are noreferences norsupporting in-text citations.
Twocompaniesselected,briefed, andreferenced.
20 to >18.0 ptsExcellent
The paperincludes twocompanies,described, andfree of spellingandgrammaticalerrors.
18 to >16.0 ptsCompetent
The paperincludes twocompanies, butonly one isdescribed andthere are somespelling andgrammaticalerrors.
16 to >14.0 ptsLimited
The paperincludes onecompany,described, andhas spellingandgrammaticalerrors.
14 to >12.0 ptsPoor
The paper ismissing the twocompanies andtheir descriptionand has severalspelling andgrammaticalerrors.
12 to >0 ptsUnacceptable
The paper didnot meet thiscompetency.
A thoroughdescription ofthe changeexplained.
20 to >18.0 ptsExcellent
The paperincludes athoroughdescription of
18 to >16.0 ptsCompetent
The paperincludes adescription andthere are some
16 to >14.0 ptsLimited
The paperincludes somedescription ofthe change and
14 to >12.0 ptsPoor
The paperincludes notdescription ofthe change and
12 to >0 ptsUnacceptable
The paper didnot meet thiscompetency.
6/2/23, 2:00 AM Week 3: Course Project – Milestone 1: Change Analysis Paper – Images
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Criteria Ratings Pts
20 pts
11 pts
4 pts
the change.Free of spellingandgrammaticalerrors.
spelling andgrammaticalerrors.
has spellingandgrammaticalerrors.
has manyspelling andgrammaticalerrors.
Comparison ofthe twocompanies,similarities anddifferences ofthe changes,and theresults.
20 to >18.0 ptsExcellentThe paperindicates acomparison ofthe twocompanies,describing thesimilarities anddifferences ofthe change andthe results,Free of spellingandgrammaticalerrors.
18 to >16.0 ptsCompetentThe paper ismissing oneelement(comparison,similarities anddifferences ofthe changesand the results)and there aresome spellingandgrammaticalerrors.
16 to >14.0 ptsLimitedThe paper ismissing twoelements(comparison,similarities anddifferences ofthe changesand the results)and hasspelling andgrammaticalerrors.
14 to >12.0 ptsPoorThe paper ismissing threeelements(comparison,similarities anddifferences ofthe changesand the results)and has manyspelling andgrammaticalerrors.
12 to >0 ptsUnacceptableThe paper didnot meet thiscompetency.
Explain whichimage (orcombination ofimages) youfeel wouldhave bestfacilitated thedescribedchange andexplain why.
11 to >10.0 ptsExcellentProvidedimage(s) anddescribed thechange andexplains why.
10 to >9.0 ptsCompetentProvidedimage(s) anddescribed thechange and didnot explain why.
9 to >8.0 ptsLimitedProvidedimage(s) anddid notdescribe thechange anddid not explainwhy.
8 to >7.0 ptsPoorDid notprovide animages(s) butdescribessome of thechange.
7 to >0 ptsUnacceptableThe paper didnot meet thiscompetency.
IntegratedistinctprofessionalHRcompetenciesand practicalapplications inHR
4 ptsExcellent: Thepaperincludes clearevidence thestudentintegratesprofessionalHRcompetencies
3 ptsCompetent:The paperprovides mostevidence thestudentintegratesprofessionalHRcompetencies
2 ptsFair: Thepaperprovidessomeevidence thestudentintegratesprofessionalHR
1 ptsPoor: Thepaperprovides littleevidence thestudentintegratesprofessionalHRcompetencies
0 ptsUnacceptable:The paperprovides verylittle or noevidence thestudentintegratesprofessionalHR
6/2/23, 2:00 AM Week 3: Course Project – Milestone 1: Change Analysis Paper – Images
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Total Points: 100
Criteria Ratings Pts
managementto ensure thatanorganization’smost importantasset isavailable,capable andeffective in anever-changingbusinessenvironment. threshold: 3.0 pts
and usespractical HRmanagementapplicationsto ensurehumanresources areavailable,capable andeffective.
and usespractical HRmanagementapplicationsto ensurehumanresources areavailable,capable andeffective.
competenciesand usespractical HRmanagementapplicationsto ensurehumanresources areavailable,capable andeffective.
and usespractical HRmanagementapplicationsto ensurehumanresources areavailable,capable andeffective.
competenciesand usespractical HRmanagementapplications toensure humanresources areavailable,capable andeffective.