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Criteria Ratings Pts

85 pts

Write a brief analysis ofthe connection betweenevidence-based practiceand the Quadruple Aim.Your analysis shouldaddress how evidence-based practice might (ormight not) help reach theQuadruple Aim, includingeach of the four measuresof:· Patient experience·Population health· Costs·Work life of healthcareproviders

85 to >76.0 ptsExcellentThe analysisclearly andaccuratelyaddresses indetail howevidence-basedpractice eithersupports or doesnot support theQuadruple Aim…. The analysisaccurately andthoroughlyexplains in detailhow the fourmeasures ofpatientexperience,population health,costs, and work-life of healthcareproviders eithersupports or doesnot support theQuadruple Aim…. The analysisprovides acomplete,detailed, andspecific synthesisof two outsideresourcesreviewed on thefour measuressupporting or notsupporting theQuadruple Aim.The responsefully integrates atleast two outsideresources andtwo or threecourse-specificresources thatfully support theanalysis providedwith credible anddetailedexamples.

76 to >67.0 ptsGoodThe analysisaccuratelyaddresses howevidence-basedpractice eithersupports or doesnot support theQuadruple Aim…. The analysisaccuratelyexplains how thefour measures ofpatientexperience,populationhealth, and worklife of healthcareproviders eithersupports or doesnot support theQuadruple Aim…. The analysisprovides anaccuratesynthesis of atleast one outsideresourcereviewed on thefour measuressupporting or notsupporting theQuadruple Aim.The responseintegrates atleast 1 outsideresource and twoor three course-specificresources thatmay support theanalysis providedand may includesome detailedexamples.

67 to >59.0 ptsFairThe analysisinaccurately orvaguelyaddresses howevidence-basedpractice eithersupports or doesnot support theQuadruple Aim…. The analysisinaccurately orvaguely explainshow the fourmeasures ofpatientexperience,populationhealth, and worklife of healthcareproviders eithersupports or doesnot support theQuadruple Aim…. The analysisprovides aninaccurate orvague analysis ofthe fourmeasuressupporting or notsupporting theQuadruple Aimwith a vague orinaccurateanalysis ofoutsideresources. Theresponseminimallyintegratesresources thatmay support theanalysis providedand may includevague orinaccurateexamples.

59 to >0 ptsPoorThe analysisinaccuratelyand vaguelyaddresseshowevidence-basedpractice eithersupports ordoes notsupport theQuadrupleAim or ismissing. …The analysisinaccuratelyand vaguelyexplains howthe fourmeasures ofpatientexperience,populationhealth, andwork life ofhealthcareproviderseithersupports ordoes notsupport theQuadrupleAim or ismissing. …The analysisprovides avague andinaccurateanalysis of thefour measuressupporting ornot supportingthe QuadrupleAim with avague andinaccurateanalysis ofoutsideresources.The responsefails tointegrate anyresources tosupport theanalysisprovided or ismissing.

Total Points: 100

Criteria Ratings Pts

5 pts

5 pts

5 pts

Written Expression andFormatting—ParagraphDevelopment andOrganization:Paragraphsmake clear points thatsupport well-developedideas, flow logically, anddemonstrate continuity ofideas. Sentences arecarefully focused—neitherlong and rambling norshort and lackingsubstance. A clear andcomprehensive purposestatement andintroduction is providedwhich delineates allrequired criteria.

5 to >4.0 ptsExcellentParagraphs andsentences followwriting standardsfor flow, continuity,and clarity. … Aclear andcomprehensivepurposestatement,introduction, andconclusion isprovided whichdelineates allrequired criteria.

4 to >3.5 ptsGoodParagraphs andsentencesfollow writingstandards forflow, continuity,and clarity 80%of the time. …Purpose,introduction,and conclusionof theassignment isstated yet isbrief and notdescriptive.

3.5 to >3.0 ptsFairParagraphs andsentences followwriting standardsfor flow,continuity, andclarity 60–79% ofthe time. …Purpose,introduction, andconclusion of theassignment isvague or offtopic.

3 to >0 ptsPoorParagraphsand sentencesfollow writingstandards forflow,continuity, andclarity lessthan 60% ofthe time. … Nopurposestatement,introduction, orconclusionwas provided.

Written Expression andFormatting—EnglishWriting Standards:Correctgrammar, mechanics, andproper punctuation.

5 to >4.0 ptsExcellentUses correctgrammar,spelling, andpunctuationwith no errors.

4 to >3.5 ptsGoodContains a few(one or two)grammar,spelling, andpunctuationerrors.

3.5 to >3.0 ptsFairContains several(three or four)grammar,spelling, andpunctuationerrors.

3 to >0 ptsPoorContains many(five or more)grammar, spelling,and punctuationerrors that interferewith the reader’sunderstanding.

Written Expression andFormatting—The paperfollows correct APA formatfor title page, headings,font, spacing, margins,indentations, pagenumbers, running head,parenthetical/in-textcitations, and referencelist.

5 to >4.0 ptsExcellentUses correctAPA format withno errors.

4 to >3.5 ptsGoodContains a few(one or two) APAformat errors.

3.5 to >3.0 ptsFairContains several(three or four) APAformat errors.

3 to >0 ptsPoorContains many(five or more)APA formaterrors.

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