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InstructionDiscussion forums must show evidence of critical thought, and it is necessary to provideevidence to support you answers (from lectures, readings, videos, etc.). The discussionforums provide you with a platform to develop your critical thinking skills, research, writing,and referencing skills, review class materials and practice articulating your understandingsof key concepts, and interact with and learn from your fellow classmates!

Discussion forum

What are some ideas you have about the media that you think may have been a part of yoursocialization process?

RespondMedia has been a powerful agent in shaping my socialization process. I have learned thatspending too much time on media has significantly impacted how I interact with thosearound me. For example, mass media is one of the agents that have spread negativeportrayals of women stating that women can't do that or that. The images of women in themedia shaped how I view women as a whole. Social media already told me that womenshould be this and that. Media, I found it, can make you a wrong person even though youwere a good person. Most people might find this incorrect, but I speak from my experiences.However, I have refused to accept any media messages that do not have proper research oranalysis.

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