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Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 7 Points: 100 Overview: This project will be a venue for you to apply the concepts and methods developed in class in a practical context of your interest. The goal of the project is to develop an implementable idea that has the potential to generate value in that context. Instructions: Choose one of the following perspectives for your project:

a. a portfolio management team looking for a new trading strategy; b. a consulting firm advising corporations on issues of financial management; c. an entrepreneurial start-up developing a retail financial product (further

alternatives can be thought of – e.g., social entrepreneurship is a viable venue in some cases where profit opportunities are not available but correcting a bias would have great social value).

You will submit your desired topic/idea choice for instructor approval during Unit 2. In each case, the main deliverable is in the form of a “pitch” to potential clients, which can include institutional investors in the case of portfolio managers, corporate clients, or venture capitalists. Your project must contain the following elements:

• Description of a behavioral anomaly to be exploited (or corrected). This must include specific behavioral biases and an explanation of how these biases lead to the observed behavior/anomaly, including why market forces alone may not act to eliminate them.

• Description of the proposed strategy for taking advantage of this anomaly (e.g., in the case of asset mispricing) or for correcting the bias, either profitably or with benefit to society.

• Evidence supporting the idea behind the strategy (why should it succeed?).

• Description of risks and challenges (why might it fail?).

FIN402: Behavioral Finance in Personal Investment

Unit 7 Assignment: Portfolio Management Project

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• The length of the paper should be 6-8 pages and double-spaced with additional title and reference pages included.

• Begin your pitch with an appropriate introduction and complete it with a related conclusion.

• Use a minimum of five (5) resources. Academic research journals should make up at least two (2) of these. You may also cite the course text.

• Proper grammar and APA formatting must be followed. • See grading criteria on the following page.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

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Evaluation Rubric for Portfolio Management Project

CRITERIA Needs Improvement Satisfactory Proficient

(0-13 Points) (14-17 Points) (18-20 Points) Analyzes the Material

The pitch is unclear or fairly clear but discussed too broadly and does not meet expectations. Contextual factors are weakly considered and lacking in some significant areas. Complex issues are overlooked or handled without care. The application is stretched or not applied.

The pitch is presented, and all items are discussed appropriately, though may be lacking specific details. Contextual factors are considered but can be expanded on in some areas. Key terms are defined, and complex issues are recognized.

The pitch is clearly presented, and all items are discussed in detail. Contextual factors are considered. Key terms are defined, and complex issues are navigated with precision.

Pitch Approach Introduction and conclusion are missing or may be lacking details to properly set up and then wrap up the essay. The introduction/ conclusion are not related.

Introduction and conclusion are included and set up and wrap up the essay, though they could be stronger and/or relate better.

Introduction and conclusion effectively set up and wrap up the essay. The introduction/ conclusion relate well to each other and work together to appeal to the reader.

Research Elements

Academic sources are not used, or there are few than five (5). Arguments incorporate research but often include personal opinion without appropriate support. Sources are, at times, not used appropriately. Research is not aware of multiple viewpoints of complex issues.

At least five (5) academic primary and secondary materials, including academic journal articles, are used throughout the pitch. Arguments are supported with research materials and are aware of multiple viewpoints of complex issues; however arguments can be more strongly supported with research.

At least five (5) academic primary and secondary materials, including academic journal articles, are appropriately used throughout the pitch. Research incorporates multiple viewpoints of complex issues and arguments are correctly and strongly supported with research.

Structure and Flow

Flow is poor. Paragraphing is inappropriate. Transitions are minimal or absent. Redundancy is evident.

Flow is good. Paragraphing is mostly appropriate. Transitions are present, and redundancies are minimal.

Flow is excellent. Paragraphing is clear, and transitions are smooth and consistent. Inappropriate redundancies are absent.

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CRITERIA Needs Improvement Satisfactory Proficient (0-6 Points) (7-8 Points) (9-10 Points)

Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format

Errors impede professional presentation; no/minimal APA guidelines followed.

Few errors contained that do not impede professional presentation. Some APA guidelines may not be followed.

Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free.

(0 Points) (10 Points) Assignment Length

Assignment length is significantly less than or more than requirement.

N/A Assignment meets length requirement.

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