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WRTG 391 7970 Advanced Research Writing
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 Searching Basics: Getting Started on WA #1
1. In your opinion, what is the most important step to take when reading research articles? According to the material you’ve watched and read, what is the most important step to take when reading research articles? Answer in one or two sentences.
2. What research topic do you think that you will focus upon for this semester’s work? Why? Answer in one or two sentences.
3. After reading “Searching Basics” and/or watching the first two library tutorials, please find one (1) article on your chosen research topic that review and give the findings of a research study.  In responding to this discussion topic, give the author(s), the title of the article, and a brief one- or two-sentence description of the research study and its findings.
(The activity in this last task will help you get started on your Critical Annotated Bibliography, which is Writing Assignment #1.)
4. Now take a moment to reflect on one classmate’s chosen topic (refer to #2). Respond to his or her thread and write one to two sentences sharing your thoughts on his or her topic.
DQ2 Practice in writing the annotated bibliography
Please access the article, “The CSI Effect at University: Forensic Science Students’ Television Viewing and Perceptions of Ethical Issue,” by Roslyn Weaver, Yenna Salamonson, Jane Koch, and Glenn Porter.
This article is in the e-reserves section of your class.  You can access the article by taking the following steps:
click Content
select Class Resources
select eReserves
select the icon for eReserves in the middle of your page.
in the list of items that appears, locate the article and download it
After accessing the article, complete an annotation of this article as if you were considering it for a source in a paper.  In addition, please read the document titled, “Sample_annotation_CSI_at_University_391_model.pdf,” which is listed in Content for Week 1.  That document provides an example of how to annotate an article for writing assignment #1 in this class.
Please complete the following in responding to this discussion thread:
1. List the article in APA format, as the video describes.
2. Write a 100-to-150-word summary/critique of the article in which you not only summarize the article but also note any strengths or weaknesses you find in it.  In addition, mention whether it will be a possible article for an essay on the topic of the CSI effect.
Your annotation thus should include the following:
Focus of the study (~ 1-2 sentences)
Conclusion(s) of the study (~ 1-2 sentences)
Analysis of the study (e.g., any strengths or weaknesses? Any thing that was particularly remarkable/helpful?) (~ 1-2 sentences)
Its relevance to research on the CSI Effect (~ 1-2 sentences)

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