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Week 4 – Journal       

Encouraging Parent Involvement
Using the Journal tab, respond to the following prompt:

Reflect  on the following ways you would like to encourage parent involvement:  Positive news phone calls, post cards, emails, daily student notes, and  parent-teacher conferences.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entries.

   2.       Week 4 – Assignment       
Developing Relationships
Community relationships are important in school success. Schools are  often at the center of community activity and can be a significant  source of pride to a community. Creating and sustaining this positive  relationship is part of every educator’s work. This is especially true  in communities where tax levy elections support the school. Establishing  positive community relationships is the right thing to do. When people  in the community work together on behalf of students, great things can  happen. Part of establishing positive community relationships is  “getting the message out” about the good things the school is doing  in/for the community. 

For this assignment, you are to take the  part of a teacher who has been invited to speak for 10-15 minutes to a  community group (your choice) to discuss the school, what students are  doing in/for the community, and how the community can best support the  school and its students. 

Your presentation should be creative,  engaging, and media focused. You may use the presentation software of  your choice (Power Point, Present Me, Prezi, etc.). The length of the  presentation should be sufficient to cover a 10-15 minute presentation.  It is not necessary to use reference materials, but any reference  materials cited should be cited/referenced according to APA as outlined  in the Ashford Writing Center. Please be sure to include speaker’s notes  in your presentation.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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