Two paragraphs each , Separate responds , One reference for each question
1. The New Beginning and Prototyping” Please respond to the following:
Give your opinion on what Thomas L. Friedman is referring to with the words, “Now the real IT revolution is about to begin.” Discuss how the beginning, referred to by Friedman, is different from the last couple of decades.
Evaluate prototyping as a technique for gathering quality business requirements. Determine the approach to prototyping that would be better suited for emerging technology projects. Determine if a combination of prototyping approaches would be more efficient. Explain your answer.
2. Risk Management” Please respond to the following:
Determine why project risk management is a key component to bringing a project to a successful conclusion. Include an example to support your answer.
Reflecting upon your example, describe the relationship between project risk management and cost estimation.
3. CIS 110
Describe a scenario not mentioned in the textbook in which the use of an array would be a plausible solution. Support your response with an example of the described use of the array.
Flesh out your thoughts and interact with your classmates. Post your initial response by Wednesday each week and then return on a couple of other days to see what’s going on with the discussions. The more you interact, the more you learn from your peers, and the more you share with them about what you know. You’ll also be showing your instructor what you’ve picked up.
4. Privacy”
1) Debate It – Take a position on this statement:” You have zero privacy. Get over it”. Support your views with one or two reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.) Class please make sure that you read the chapter material and provide substantial comments that reflect the content of the questions, examples and your understanding of the material. 🙂
2) Class, please RESPOND to at least one other student’s posting.
3) Instructor Insights Video (OPTIONAL)
Class, given that we are discussing privacy and media, or the lack thereof, I hope that you will review this short video and post your comments. This video posting in the discussion is not required, however, I hope that at least a few students will review and comment.
5. The goal of any database designer is to reach 4th normalization in our database designs. Describe each of the normalizations and explain why the goal is 4NF. Do you think it is possible to create a database that maintains the rules of 4NF? Are there any disadvantages to reaching 4NF?
Flesh out your thoughts and interact with your classmates. Post your initial response by Wednesday each week and then return on a couple of other days to see what’s going on with the discussions. The more you interact, the more you learn from your peers, and the more you share with them about what you know. You’ll also be showing your instructor what you’ve picked up.
Feeding the World
This week you learned that though there is, in fact, enough food available to feed the entire world every day, this is not happening for various reasons. Look at the community in which you live. If food became inaccessible to your community, how would that affect your day-to-day life? How would it affect the immediate community?
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