Step 1: Read
Read pages 1100 – 153 of Chapter 5 (Section 5.1 Sensation verses Perception).
Link to assigned reading:
Step 2: Activity
View the Selective Attention Test at the following link:
(Right click on link and choose “open link”)
Simons, D. (2010). Selective Attention Test [Video]. YouTube.
Step 3: Discussion
Post an answer to the following question on week 5 discussion board (
initial response post and response to peer post required for full credit on the discussion assignment
Describe your experience watching the video. Were you able to correctly count the number of times the white team passed the ball? Explain why inattentional blindness might occur when viewing the video.
Extended discussion questions:
Not everything that is sensed is perceived. Do you think there could ever be a case where something could be perceived without being sensed?
Your discussion must include the following for full credit:
- The initial post is required to be a minimum of 100 words in length.
- It is required to include at least two key terms from chapter 5 – Please highlight the key terms in your post.
- It is required to include an APA formatted reference to the textbook and an intext citation. Please see course resources for more detailed guidance on APA format.
Reference Example:
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020). Psychology 2e. Openstax.
Intext citation example:
“The sensitivity of a given sensory system to the relevant stimuli can be expressed as an absolute threshold” (Spielman et al, 2020, Section 5.1 Sensation and Perception, para. 3).
Reply classmate’s post:
“While watching the video I was able to successfully count how many times the white team passed the ball, but while watching the video I experienced inattentional blindness which is “is the failure to notice something that is completely visible because the person was actively attending to something else and did not pay attention to other things ” (Spielman et al, 2020, Section 5.1 Sensation and Perception, para. 12). I was so focused on how many times the white team passed the ball I totally overlooked the bear completely. I don’t believe anything can be perceived without it being sensed first, sensation is “when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor, sensation has occurred” (Spielman et al, 2020, Section 5.1 Sensation and Perception, para. 1). and perception is described as ” Perception refers to the way sensory information is organized, interpreted, and consciously interpreted” (Spielman et al, 2020, Section 5.1 Sensation and Perception, para. 6). Sensation and perception as you can tell go hand in hand therefore I don’t think anyone would be able to perceive something before sensing it first.”
Step 1: Read
Read section 5.6 of the textbook Gestalt Principles of Perception.
Step 2: Activity
Watch the video at the following link:
Britt, M. (2013, Sept. 11). Gestalt Principles of Perception – With Examples. [Video]. YouTube.
Step 3: Discussion
Study the picture below identifying the two different animals that can be perceived.
Picture from Openstax textbook: Chapter 5- Critical Thinking Question #68.
OpenStax College. (2019). Psychology. Houston, TX: OpenStax CNX. Retrieved from
Respond to the following question:
Use the Gestalt theory of perception
(Figure-Ground Relationship)
to explain how we can perceive the picture in two distinctly different ways.
B3. Discussion Board Topic: Operant conditioning
Step 1: Read
Read pages 196 through 207 of Chapter 6 (6.3 Operant Conditioning).
Link to assigned reading:
Step 2: Activity
View the following video: It’s Okay To Be Smart
Please note: A transcript is available by clicking under the video.
Summary: Got a bad habit you just can’t seem to break? That’s because it’s literally wired into your brain. Every single thought, action, and feeling changes your brain. When repeated enough times, a habit is formed. The video using the example of brushing teeth to illustrate how to create a good habit and break a bad habit.
Its Ok To Be Smart (2018, August 28).
How habits change your brain.
. YouTube.
Step 3: Discussion
Respond to the following:
What is a good habit you have? Based on what you learned from the video, what did you do that maintained the habit?
What is a bad habit you want to break? What are some ways to help you break the habit (based on what you learned from the video).
Your discussion must include the following for full credit:
- The initial post is required to be a minimum of 100 words in length.
- It is required to include at least two key terms from the chapter. Please highlight the key terms in your post.
It is required to include an APA formatted reference to the textbook and an intext citation. Please see course resources for more detailed guidance on APA format.
Reference Example:
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020).
Psychology 2e
. Openstax.
Intext citation example:
“In operant conditioning, organisms learn to associate a behavior and its consequence” (Spielman et al, 2020, Section 6.3 Operant Conditioning, para.1).
Reference Example:
Reply classmate’s post:
“A good habit I have is having a good and set schedule, I wake up early every morning to my alarm, I take my borther to school if I have to some days, I make my bed, cook breakfast clean the kitchen, sweep and mod the house, and keep up with my pug all before work I even have time to watch an episode or 2 of Chicago med before Geri g to work at 3:30 and this is all because of continuous reinforcement , this reinforcement of this new schedule was a way to train and learn this new behavior which ended up being also like a conditioning approach.
A bad habit I have is when I get angry I don’t like to speak about what got me upset or angry I stay quiet and keep to myself and want nothing g to do with anyone involved the situation that made me upset and or angry and I just ignore everyone, my best friends and boyfriend know I do this so when they ask me what’s wrong a bazillion times I cave in and let go on what was wrong this would be NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020). Psychology 2e. Openstax.
Step 1: Read
Read Pages 208 through 211 of Chapter 6 of the textbook (6.4 Observational Learning).
Link to assigned reading:
Step 2: Activity
Watch this video clip (
) to see a portion of the famous BoBo doll experiment, including the interview with Albert Bandura.
(Right click on link and choose “Open link”)
Step 3: Discussion
Respond to the following:
What is the effect of prosocial and antisocial modeling?
What is something you have learned how to do after watching someone else? Describe the behavioral effects of this observational learning?
Your post is required to be a minimum of 100 words in length for full credit.
B.5 Discussion Topic: Cognitive Biases
Step 1: Read
Read pages 233 and 234 of chapter 7 of the textbook (Table 7.3, Summary of Decision Bias).
Link to assigned reading:
Step 2: Activity
Visit this site (
) to see a clever music video that a high school teacher made to explain these and other cognitive biases to his AP psychology students.
Alternative Link (Right click on the link and choose “open):
Please note: The video link can be accessed directly from the course e-book in the “Link To Learning” section 7.3 (page 234).
The summary of decision biases are listed on Table 7.3 of the textbook (pages 233-234).
Wray, B.. (2009, Dec. 22).
Cognitive bias video song
[Video]. You Tube.
Step 3: Discussion
Post a video, audio, or written response to the following.
Want to have some fun? – If you are feeling creative, you can respond with a musical video or audio recording! Another idea would be to team up with a class member (either virtually or in person) and make an audio dialogue and/or act out your response. If you team up together for the post, each person can post the same video with the team member’s names listed.
Feel free to use (appropriate) humor, props, or images to make your points. Have fun!
What types of biases were presented in the video? Which of these do you recognize in your own decision making?
How has this bias affected how you have made decisions in the past and how you can use your awareness of it to improve your decision-making skills in the future?
Please Note: You are not required to share personal information. Only share information appropriate for an academic setting keeping in mind this is not a private post and can be viewed by all the class participants.
Your discussion must include the following for full credit:
- The initial post is required to be a minimum of 100 words in length.
- It is required to include at least two key terms from the chapter. Please highlight the key terms in your post.
It is required to include an APA formatted reference to the textbook and an intext citation. Please see course resources for more detailed guidance on APA format.
Reference Example:
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020).
Psychology 2e
. Openstax.
Intext citation example:
Sometimes when we make decisions, “we are swayed by biases or by others manipulating a situation” (Spielman et al., 2020, Section 7.3 Problem Solving, para. 11).
Reference Example:
Reply classmate’s post:
“Two types of the various biases presented in the video were hindsight bias and anchoring bias. The first is stated when he sings, “Hindsight bias, I knew it all along,” and the second, “Anchoring bias, see the forest for the trees” (Wray, 2009). He also sings about representativeness bias, availability bias, confirmation bias, self-serving bias, self-consistency bias, and expectancy bias, phrasing a short description or explanation of the specific bias into the song. One bias that I definitely recognize impacting my own decision-making is hindsight bias. As stated by the textbook, “Hindsight bias leads you to believe that the event you just experienced was predictable, even though it really wasn’t,” which can lead to many problems when it comes to looking back at past events and current situations (Spielman et al., 2020, Section 7.3 Problem Solving, para. 12). This caused me to look back on various situations like I knew more than I did, but in reality I had no way of knowing, presenting hindsight bias.
One example of how this bias has affected decisions I made in the past was with friendships. When someone in a group of friends betrayed another friend, I felt like I already knew something like that was going to happen. However, in reality, I had no way of knowing what would end up happening, which presents hindsight bias. I can use my awareness of my tendency towards this bias to keep an open mind and look realistically at situations, rather than assuming.
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020).
Psychology 2e
. Openstax.
Wray, B.. (2009, Dec. 22).
Cognitive bias video song
[Video]. YouTube.
Step 1: Read
Read pages 275 through 278 in Chapter 8 of the OpenStax textbook Section 8.4: Ways to Enhance Memory
Link to reading:
Step 2: Activity
Watch this fascinating
TED Talks lecture
titled “Feats of Memory Anyone Can Do.” The lecture is given by Joshua Foer, a science writer who “accidentally” won the U. S. Memory Championships. He explains a mnemonic device called the memory palace.
This link can be found in your textbook under section 8:4 Ways to Enhance Memory –
Right click on the link and choose “open”
Foer, J. (2012, February).
Feats of memory anyone can do
. [Video]. TED Conferences.
Step 3: Discussion
Respond to the following:
According to the textbook, what are some strategies that can be used to enhance Memory?
What are some memory techniques discussed in the video?
Explain how some of these strategies could help you study more effectively?
Your response is required to be a minimum of 100 words in length.
Step 1: Activity
Read the following articles at the links listed below:
Step 2: Discussion Topic
Explain what plagiarism is and how it can be avoided in academic/professional writing.