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Social Determinants of Health
The environment in which a person is born, grows, stays, works, as well as ages affects his or her health (SDH). In addition to a person’s financial situation, education, and physical and social surrounds all need to be taken into account when determining their health and well-being. Despite its importance, health care is a poor predictor of future health. The study’s evaluation of the association between these characteristics and general health takes into account genetics, health practices, social and environmental factors, as well as access to healthcare services and facilities. This is all considered. New research shows the most critical factors in health outcomes are health behaviors like cigarette smoking or dietary habits or physical activity as well as social and economic characteristics. Social and economic factors have also been shown to play a role in people’s health behaviors, but experts are unable to agree on the extent of each factor’s significance. With the help of data from previous studies, this article investigates the problem of discrepancy among various social categories within our healthcare system, which is addressed in the subsequent section. The articles also emphasized the need to address the issues at hand as well as the several approaches that may be used to accomplish so. According to an article in U.S. News, a doctor’s knowledge of a child’s upbringing, nutrition status, and the mental health of the child’s parents (such as their stress levels) is just as important as taking the child’s vital signs. This is because, in most cases, the problem is nutritional rather than health-related. Instead of focusing on a person’s physical health, the social factors of healthcare should be the primary subject of concern because they are the primary source of unfairness in healthcare delivery and access. Both writing pieces address a wide range of topics, including diet, housing, education, and employment. Housing insecurity, hunger, poverty, and economic instability are all identified as socioeconomic determinants of health that must be addressed in both publications cited.
#1 Social Determinants of Health
Article from Frontiers of Public Health was specifically about ?social determinants of health? and the linkage to disparities in health. ?The World Health Organization defines social determinants of health as conditions or circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age? (PMC). This could be related to things like a healthy living setting, nutrition, health access, having an education, (SES)/employment, stress/addiction, social norms, etc. We can see that these social factors have caused inequality in people’s everyday life and also within healthcare because of things like; bad governance, unfair economic arrangements, and also poor policies and programs. The article’s tries to communicate the message that there are two dimensions behind the concept of SDOH to people like policy-makers, researchers, healthcare providers, the general public, and or students to try to improve this. (FPH) states that ?there is now evidence that shows significant improvements in health determinants and consequently parallel improvements in population health may simultaneously increase the inequalities in determinants of health outcomes?.
This article uses data from past research to investigate the issue of the inequalities among certain social groups within our healthcare system. Some of their findings track back to ?the quality, quantity, and distribution of resources together, to a large extent, determine citizens’ health and well-being? (FPH). Meaning that, when an individual is able to access resources in an adequate amount, they tend to have and receive better care, but if someone were to live in rural and or city areas they may tend to receive less and sloppier care. SDOH has also been discussed as a primary concept in population and public health. Just supporting that these inequalities need to be improved because it is vital for overall public health achievement.
#3: Health communication theory
The issue of the social determinant has become a significant concern in the field of healthcare. Social determinants of health including; SES/income, education, race, access to resources, and much more, have negatively impacted the life of people and the quality of care that they receive. The articles have highlighted the need and ways to address the challenges. The U.S News article emphasizes that a doctor knowing the things such as child’s upbringing, nutrition status, and or the mental health of his/her parents (such as their stress levels) is as important as taking the vital signs of that child, since in most cases, the problem is not health-related but perhaps nutrition (Williams, 2019). The articles have panelists interviewed, while some suggest that the healthcare providers can help improve the child’s wellbeing by helping deal with the social-economical issue. Another says this may be a workload for the doctors and may be pointless since the doctor may have less power to provide for parents’ needs. However, the panelist agreed on the need to incorporate screening tools in inpatient evaluation. The tools include hunger, poverty, instability, homelessness as they may be helpful by other health care providers such as social workers. Social determinants of health have contributed to the health inequity among people in a great way.
Frontiers in public health articles have noted that the main challenge of addressing determinants would be the variation of the list. The list is quite long and may create the impression the social determinants cannot be tackled. Additionally, the article notes the dilemma would be emphasized or prioritized.
Frontiers in public health articles understand the need to eliminate the social determinant of health. According to the article, there is a need for all stakeholders to understand the concept of the social determinants, including the public (Islam, 2019). The articles note that it may be challenging to communicate the message of change to people without the knowledge of evolution. The public should demand change, and since the government likes to follow where people are, change may be achieved. Also, the current lawmakers should formulate policies to advocate for change.
#4 Comparison
Although U.S News examines the effect of the social determinants in children and Frontiers in Public Health in the general population, the two articles agree that some health problems are attributed to the social determinant of health, such as lack of proper nutrition and not health issues. The social elements of health are the circumstances where people are born, raise, stay, or work and have become essential in healthcare. The primary source of concern to be addressed should be the social determinant rather than the person’s medical condition, which is the primary source of inequity in health care. The list of both articles includes nutrition, housing, education, and employment. Both articles agree on the need to address the social elements of healthcare like homelessness, nutrition, poverty, and instability.
However, the Frontiers of Public Health article says the governance and the policies are to blame for the inequity in health. At the same time, U.S News articles address the role of the care providers to the health of a child experiencing social-economic challenges. The doctors have noted that nutrition has become one of the prescriptions since some of the cases presented are not medical related but social-economic problems. One of them focuses on the problem and how to address it, and U.S News highlights the problem and its effect on health and no conclusive way of handling the challenges.