BUS520 Leadership and Organizational
Week 3 PREP Assignment
Question 1
Use the provided textbox to address the following:
Identify the company that you want to research for the three written assignments in the course.
Describe the organizational issue in your chosen company.
Explain why the issue hinders organizational efficiency.
BUS520 Leadership and Organizational
Week 4 Assignment 1
Leaders address issues and propose solutions. As a leader, you’ll need to stay on top of events that may facilitate or hinder productivity. You must create and implement solutions to address these issues. This assignment exposes you to complex modern organizational challenges. The solutions you devise should reflect your learning and research of organizational and individual influences in the workplace.
The new CEO has selected your consulting firm to give him/her an analysis of the organizational efficiency.
Write a double-spaced 2 to 3 page paper in which you will present to the
CEO your findings during your research steps. You must propose strategic
solutions in your paper to include the following:
1) Describe the Organization and the Issue to Resolve
• Provide a brief description of the organization you selected.
• Presentthe organizational issue that adversely affected productivity and that you, the consultant, will review and
2) Analyze Current Corporate Culture
• How has the current corporate culture facilitated the development of the current issue? Research the organization,
dig into the culture, and analyze how it contributed to this issue. Hint: Review the mission and vision statements as well as the
corporate website.
3) Identify Areas of Weakness
• What are the organization’s areas of weakness? Use your research on organizational behavior approaches to corporate
culture, diversity, teamwork, and motivational strategies.
4) Propose Solutions
• What organizational practices would you modify? What solutions would you recommend to management? As the
consultant you will identify the suggestions and solutions you would present to the organization’s leadership with regard to modifying current organizational practices to resolve the issue.
5) References and Citations
• Provide at least 2 quality resources such as the course textbook, company website, business websites (CNBC,
Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, and/or outside sources. Note: Wikipedia and web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources.
• In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.
6) Formatting and Writing Standards
• Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.
BUS520 Leadership and Organizational
Week 6 Assignment 2
As you continue your consulting role, the next task is to deliver a professional development program to the CEO of your chosen organization. It is important that your program’s proposal be based on your research of emotional intelligence (EI) and specifically detail how a new incentive program, based on an EI management approach, will:
? foster teamwork,
? strengthen interpersonal relationships,
? enhance communication,
? increase overall performance,and
? benefit not only managers but the bottom-line.
Create a double-spaced 5 to 7 page proposal that includes the following components:
1) EI and Motivation
• Which ofthe EI building blocks would impact management’s ability to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction?
• Based on your research on motivational theory, describe how you would utilize positive or negative reinforcement to influence the members ofthe organization and resolve the issue. Provide examples to support yoursolution.
2) EI and Social Skills and Decision Making
• Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy of the management team.
3) Effective Teams
• Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies
youwouldimplementto developteamdynamics thatwill benefit the
4) Reward Systems
• Createaneffectiverewardsystemforthisorganization.Determine
the strategies you would incorporate to motivate employees and influence behavior.
5) References and Citations
• Provide at least 2 quality resources.
• In-textcitationsarerequiredwhenparaphrasing or quotinganother source.
6) Formatting and Writing Standards
• Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.
BUS520 Leadership and Organizational
Week 9 Assignment 3
In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity. In your role as consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate culture.
Create a double-spaced 5 to 7 page report that addresses the following:
1) Influence of Politics andPower
• Explain how politics and power-play may haveinfluenced the organization’s culture.
2) Sources of Power
• Explore the sources of power and describe how management could use this influence to benefit your department and improve organizational performance.
3) Leadership Behavior and Culture
• Make recommendations that support how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve the organization’s culture.
4) Leadership Influence
• Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior.
How does it influence organizational structure and performance?
5) References and Citations
• Provide at least 2 quality resources.
• In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.
6) Formatting and WritingStandards
• Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align
your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.