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Strategic MarketingUnit Title Strategic Marketing

Unit Reference Number K/616/3030

Unit Level Level 5


Date issued

Hand in Date

Unit Grading Structure Pass

Assessment Guidance To achieve this unit, learners must achieve thelearning outcomes and meet the standards specifiedby all assessment criteria for the unit.


LO Description AC

AC Description

1 Understand theprinciples of marketingand its role in businesspractice.


Evaluate the role of marketing in an organisation.


Analyse the relationship betweencorporate strategy and marketingstrategy.


Explain how marketing strategy is developed.

2 Be able to evaluateapproaches tomarketing analysis.


Evaluate various approaches to internalenvironmental analysis.


Evaluate various approaches toexternal environmental analysis.


Explain how internal and external analyses canbe integrated to devise strategic alternatives.

3 Be able to applystrategic marketingdecisions and choices.


Justify decisions and choices to be made ata corporate level.


Assess how these decisions influence marketingat business unit and functional level.


Evaluate approaches to competitive positioningof businesses.

4 Be able to evaluate the useof marketing strategies forcompetitive advantage.


Summarise a range of strategies thatcan contribute to competitiveadvantage.


Assess marketing strategies, their applicationand implementation for an organisation.


Evaluate marketing strategies for an organisation.


You are employed at Marketing Trooper, a consulting firm that specialises in Strategic Marketing.You are part of the sales team and you have contacted CraftSupplies, a company specialising inArt and Craft Supplies.

Task 1 of 3 – Presentation (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3)


CraftSupplies are interested in setting up a new marketing campaign to increase sales and haveasked you to prepare a presentation for the Board of Directors and the Senior ManagementTeam.

You will need to cover the following topics in your presentation:• Explain the role of marketing to an organisation and what the relationship is between

marketing strategy and corporate strategy.• Describe how a marketing strategy can lead to competitive advantages, and the type of

competitive positioning an organisation can adopt• Explain how a marketing strategy is developed.• Discuss marketing’s role in the competitive positioning of the business. • Evaluate a rangeof marketing strategies that can contribute to organisation’s competitive advantage.

Delivery and Submission• 1 x Presentation file with speaker notes and executive summary – (1000 words) excluding

TOC, diagrams, references and appendices.• You can use PowerPoint, Prezi or any other suitable template.

Task 2 of 3 – Brochure (ACs 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3)


You are going produce a brochure detailing your services as a marketing firm. Your firm’sstrongest point is conducting market research and your brochure should have 3 sections.

• Section A covering the various approaches to internal environmental analysis • Section Bcovering various approaches to external environmental analysis • Section C covering howinternal and external analysis can be used to decide on strategic marketing options

Please include a short note in the brochure to explain that different approaches will be priced atdifferent levels.

Delivery and Submission• 1 x Brochure – (1000 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices.

ASSIGNMENT BRIEFS | SEPTEMBER 2021 13Task 3 of 3 – Individual Blog Entry (ACs 3.1 & 3.2)


In addition to your service, your company has its own blog and you have been asked to write anindividual blog post. You should read the business section of a newspaper and write a blog entryreviewing at least 3 strategic marketing decisions made at corporate level, weighing their prosand cons. You are also asked to evaluate approaches to competitive positioning of businesses.Finally, you should also reflect on how strategic marketing decisions influence marketing at lowerlevels within the organisations.Your blog reflection must be backed up by theory which must be appropriately referenced.

Delivery and Submission• 1x Blog entry (1000 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices.

Referencing:• Each section must reflect any supporting Harvard style citations.• A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.

Evidence to be submitted:• Presentation file and Executive Summary – 1000 words• Brochure – 1000 words• Blog – 1000 words


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