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Discussion Rubric: GraduateCourse: PSY-520-X3293 Research Methods in Psych II 23TW3

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score

Comprehension / 20

Timeliness / 10

Engagement / 20

20 points

Develops an initial

post with an

organized, clear point

of view or idea using

rich and significant


18 points

Develops an initial

post with a point of

view or idea using

appropriate detail

14 points

Develops an initial

post with a point of

view or idea but with

some gaps in

organization and


0 points

Does not develop an

initial post with an

organized point of

view or idea

10 points


This level is not

applicable for

grading of this


10 points

Submits initial post

on time

7 points

Submits initial post

one day late

0 points

Submits initial post

two or more days late

20 points

Provides relevant and

meaningful response

posts with clarifying

explanation and


18 points

Provides relevant

response posts with

some explanation and


14 points

Provides somewhat

relevant response

posts with some

explanation and


0 points

Provides response

posts that are generic

with little explanation

or detail

Total / 100

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score

Critical Thinking / 30

Writing (Mechanics) / 20

30 points

Draws insightful

conclusions that are

thoroughly defended

with evidence and


27 points

Draws informed

conclusions that are

justified with


21 points

Draws logical


0 points

Does not draw logical


20 points

Initial post and

responses are easily

understood, clear,

and concise using

proper citation

methods where

applicable with no

errors in citations

18 points

Initial post and

responses are easily

understood using

proper citation

methods where

applicable with few

errors in citations

14 points

Initial post and

responses are

understandable using

proper citation

methods where

applicable with a

number of errors in


0 points

Initial post and

responses are not

understandable and

do not use proper

citation methods

where applicable

Overall Score

Points earned out of 10091 points minimum

The overall submission earned 91

points or more. Final calculation of

grades can be found in the


Points earned out of 10071 points minimum

The overall submission earned 71

points or more. Final calculation of

grades can be found in the


Points earned out of 1001 point minimum

The overall submission earned 1

points or more. Final calculation of

grades can be found in the


Points earned out of 1000 points minimum

The overall submission earned 0

points or more. Final calculation of

grades can be found in the


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