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I need to create a protocol proposal for my local EMS system. I was planning on proposing the use of oral ondansetron (zofran) for EMTs in the case of nausea and vomitting. All my sources must be per reviewed. I attached the requirements for the assignment.Identify a protocol that you think needs to be added, changed, or removed from the current Jackson County Standing Orders. This can be based on information you have learned in class, credible EMS articles you have read, personal experience on EMS responses, or other motivation.

If you are proposing something that is a change to the Scope of Practice, or an equipment issue, rather than just a protocol change, you must clearly identify what would need to take place in order to bring about that change.

***Please note that this assignment is being graded as a college-level, evidence-based, academically appropriate paper. The details are outlined below. If you have any questions or need help, please ASK.***
Do not procrastinate on this project! You are given many weeks to work on this because it will require a significant amount of work to earn a good grade.
Suggested Timeline
?Winter term, weeks 1-8
oSelect topic (due week 9, with brief explanation)
?Winter term, weeks 6-9
oFind supporting references
oResearch opposing arguments, costs, challenges
?Winter term, weeks 9-11
oStart writing proposal (If you haven?t already)
oCreate an outline; required details below (due week 11)
?Winter term, week 11 to Spring term week 1
oFill in additional details
oReview your content critically (have others review it as well)
oPROOFREAD for spelling, grammar, formatting, etc. (have others review it as well)
oMake final additions and corrections
?Spring, week 3
oTurn in completed assignment

Part 1: Topic Selection (15 points) Due week 9 of winter term
?Describe what change you are going to propose.
?Include a brief statement about why you selected this and why you think it is important. This may be the start of your introduction section.
Part 2: Outline: (25 points) Due week 11 of winter term
?Describe what change you are going to propose.
?Include a brief statement about why you selected this and why you think it is important. This may be the start of your introduction section.
?Identify if this is a change to an existing local protocol, a new protocol, a Scope of Practice change, a new equipment item to add, or something else.
?Provide a description (a bullet-point list is fine) of how you will structure your paper. (Introduction, followed by sections to address the graded components listed below, references at the end, etc.)
?List at least three credible sources you plan to use to support your argument. These need to be listed in appropriate AMA reference format.

Assignment format:
?Must be a Microsoft Word document.
?12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and at least 4 pages in length, NOT including the title page, references, or the one-page draft protocol.
?Must include a title page, a brief introduction, details to fully support the proposal, a minimum of 3 to 5 credible references, a conclusion, page numbers, and a draft protocol. (An abstract is not required)
?Create a clear and descriptive title.
?Provide any additional details as needed, such as a description of Scope of Practice changes needed (and how that would be accomplished) or equipment purchases and their costs.
?Proposed protocols must follow an appropriate format (use provided template) and fit on a single page, if possible. If your proposal requires both a medication protocol and a treatment protocol, then you should create a one-page protocol for each. If your proposal involves modifying an existing protocol, you may use that protocol and clearly highlight your changes or additions to it.

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