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One of the problems of medical practice today, and especially in the United States, is that patients are treated systematically, just as it is currently done in a vehicle production line. Health practitioners should be more attentive to the individuality of the patient, they are increasingly interested in personalized treatment recommendations that respond to their preferences, beliefs, background, culture, environmental interaction, among other factors.
A medical care focused on each patient is extraordinarily fundamental if we take into account the ethnic and cultural diversity present more and more in the United States, especially if we take into account states such as California, Texas, Florida, among others. An ethnically and culturally diverse demographic such as that of the United States establishes challenges that frame the need to study and interpret the consequences of the lifestyle and cultural diversity that are part of the patient’s natural environment. There is a great need to transform the existing treatment plans, which are systematically imposed by the health system and the laws that surround it, to medical treatments focused on different types of life, family patterns and genetic patterns.
Another way in which health professionals can proactively plan to update their knowledge and skills is to seek interprofessional education and practice, that is, an interdisciplinary set that should be made up of different classes of professions with knowledge, experiences and ways of working that are different but at the same time specialized. The different professionals that make up a health team complement their observations, experience and knowledge with each other in order to improve the care of a patient or group of patients. Interdisciplinary health teams are very important to face the great complexity that exists in terms of medical care, and to coordinate and deal with the innumerable pathologies of patients, as well as to be prepared for the demands of new technologies. By forming health teams, the use of redundant medical services tends to be restricted, and more creative and better responses to patient problems tend to be developed, all thanks to the wide range of academic backgrounds and expertise of its members.
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