relationship of torts to risk management
This Competency Assessment assesses the following learning competency/competencies:
LS311M2: Enhance learning through the use of personal management tools and study strategies.
GEL 1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.
GEL 7.1: Identify the ethical issues within the field of Business.
Assignment Scenario
Candie Cardigan has been asked to model CARDWAREs newest sweater line that is made of thin and yet warm material, called Naturally There, as it can withstand temperatures of 30 below 0. Because this will provide CARDWARE with good publicity of its newest clothing line, she agrees to walk the runway in Fashion City. The modeling event is being held at the Easton Hotel. Celebrities and those involved in the fashion industry will be in attendance. Several models precede Candie and her debut of Naturally There. Clad in a tasteful skirt, 4-inch high heels and a green Naturally There sweater, Candie proceeds to the end of the runway. A small wrinkle in the carpet causes Candies left shoe to get caught and she falls over the end of the runway onto the row of judges. Unfortunately, Myra, a judge and world renowned model, suffers a broken nose and cut to her face from one of Candies shoes.
Myra wants to bring a lawsuit based on negligence against CARDWARE and Candie.
Assignment Instructions
You are the paralegal working for CARDWAREs corporate counsel and have been asked to draft a 23-page double-spaced memorandum to the CEO, Casandra (Cassie) Cardigan and discuss the following:
The elements one must establish to bring a cause of action based on negligence.
Potential defenses that CARDWARE and Candie may use against Myras claim.
Checklist Before Submitting Your Assignment
Read the question and what is being asked of you twice.
Review the chart on negligence and the defenses.
Structure your Assignment in memorandum form.
To: Candie Cardigan, CEO
From: [Your Name]
Re: Negligence Requirements and Potential Defenses to Myras Claim
Organize your memorandum with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Note: Your memorandum length of 23 pages is separate from the cover sheet and reference page.
Keep all font color consistent throughout. If a blue hyperlink appears, remove it by hovering over it and right click. A vertical dropdown menu will appear. Click on Remove Hyperlink.
Avoid the use of first person.
Provide in-text citations. If a reference is listed in your reference page, make sure it is displayed within your submission where you retrieved information from.
Provide hanging indents where needed.
Double space throughout your submission, including throughout your reference page. Note: This includes between your references.
Your reference page should be separate from the body of your submission.
Use Times New Roman size 12 font.
Provide an APA formatted cover sheet.

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