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Logan Family Episode 1  
Logan Family Episode 1 
Program Transcript 
MS. WARRICK: Hi, Ebony. It’s good to see you. I saw you at the track meet. Nice  job on the 100 meter dash.  
EBONY: Oh, thanks. Thanks for seeing me, Ms. Warrick.  
MS. WARRICK: So what’s on your mind?  
EBONY: I’m pregnant.  
MS. WARRICK: Are you sure?  
EBONY: Two months.  
MS. WARRICK: Oh, Ebony. Why? Did you want to get pregnant? Didn’t you use  
EBONY: Nobody talks about birth control here. All they teach is abstinence. I  made a mistake.  
MS. WARRICK: Do you know who the father is?  
EBONY: Darion, my boyfriend. We’ve been going together for about four months.  
MS. WARRICK: Have you told him?  
EBONY: He told me to do whatever I want to do. I know what that means,  though, but he won’t say it. He thinks we’re too young to have a baby.   
MS. WARRICK: Have you told your family?  
EBONY: My mom. She wants me to have an abortion. Says I’ll ruin my life if I  have a baby now. But not my dad. He says it’s god’s choice, not mine. I don’t  know what to think. I’m all mixed up. What do you think I should do?  
Logan Family Episode 1 
Additional Content Attribution 

 For this Discussion, review the literature on abstinence education. View the Sessions episode on the Eboni Logan case. 

our explanation about what should come first—the development of a  research question or a thorough literature review. Justify your answer  by adding your thoughts about which process you believe to be more  realistic and/or appropriate, and why. Finally, describe potential  consequences of deciding on a research question without conducting a  review of the literature. 

Last Paragraph suggest two ways of avoiding the consequences he or she described. 

Please use the resources to support your post. 

Must us references below:

Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., & Myers, L. L.  (2018). Research methods for social workers (8th ed.). New York, NY:  Pearson.

Review Chapter 4, “Conducting the Literature  Review and Developing Research Hypothesis” (pp. 71-99)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Social Work Research: Couples Counseling

Social Work Research: Couples Counseling Social Work Research: Using Multiple Assessments

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

The Logan Family

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