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Considering physical growth, how might aspects of biology and the environment interact to affect the developmental trajectory of adolescents adopted from underdeveloped nations?

Please use rubric attached to help with assignment.

PSY 322 Short Paper Rubric

As part of this course, you must write short papers on different topics pertaining to corrections. While the topics vary, your papers, at minimum, should include
the following components:

 Answer the question or address the issue(s) described in the instructions.
 Include your perspective, when applicable, and share your opinion or explain your rationale for your position.
 Follow word count guidelines. Include references and citations for material presented that are not your own original work. You can use first person to

indicate your opinion (I, my, etc.) in lieu of listing yourself as a source.

Guidelines for Submission: Short paper assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch
margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirement: 1–2 pages.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Analysis Well-developed, effective, and
accurate analysis of the topic
and its impact on adolescent

Effective and accurate analysis
of the topic and its impact on
adolescent development

Accurate analysis on the topic
and its impact on adolescent
development, but requires
additional support

Does not accurately analyze
topic and its impact on
adolescent development


Conclusions Clearly identifies conclusions
and/or perspectives and
connects each to a specific
adolescent development
concept with clear supporting

Identifies conclusions and/or
perspectives and connects
each to a specific adolescent
development concept

Attempts to identify conclusions
and/or perspectives but does
not always clearly or accurately
relate each adolescent
development concept

Does not identify
conclusions and/or
perspectives and does not
connect each to specific
adolescent development


Clarity Organization is sound and ideas
flow logically

Ideas are organized clearly,
although there may
occasionally be some lapse in
logical flow

Organization is difficult to follow
at times, and there is a lapse in
the logical flow of ideas

Organization is confused
and structure of ideas lacks


Citation Integration
and Format

Paraphrases and/or integrates
quotes effectively, with all
citations in accurate format

Mostly paraphrases and/or
integrates quotes effectively,
with almost all citations in
accurate format

Paraphrases are occasionally too
similar to original text and/or
quotes are occasionally too long
or are integrated ineffectively,
with most citations in accurate

Paraphrases are primarily
similar to original text
and/or essay is composed
primarily of quotes. Most
sources not cited accurately


Writing Mechanics No errors related to grammar,
style, and citations

Errors of grammar, style, and
citations are marginal and
rarely interrupt the flow

Errors of grammar, style, and
citations are limited enough that
the paper is still able to be

Errors of grammar, style,
and citations make the
paper difficult to


Total 100%

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