Project Management Essentials Assignment
Refer to the project selected attached for a charter and stakeholder analysis. Use this project and the examples for the office relocation project scenario to complete the following assignment.
Create a project scope statement. Follow the example given in the office relocation scenario.
Create a WBS for our selected project using the office relocation WBS as a guide. Feel free to use the template from the Office Relocation project. I have provided the example as an attachment.
Submit each work product for grading. Your deliverables should be comparable in quality and detail to the office relocation project example. (Minimum 1 page)
DO NOT USE ANOTHER STUDENT WORK! It will be ran through a checker!!!!!
Office Relocation Project
(1) Finance
(1.1) Budget
(1.2) Payments
(2) Transition Plan
(2.1) Supplies
(2.2) Infrastructure
(3) Relocation Management Personnel
(3.1) Planners
(3.2) Coordinators
(3.3) Packers
(4) New Location
(4.1) Building Layout
(4.3) Furniture
(5) Existing Location
(5.1) Layout
(5.2) Utilities
(5.3) Closeout plan
(3.4) Movers
(4.2) Layout
(5.4) Packing
Project Management Organizational Framework
Project Management Organizational Framework (tinkme)
Dec 29, 2020
Business Mergers project
General Manager
Project Management
Business Development Manager- Cliff Smith
Start Date
Project Duration
4 months
Cliff Smith, Business Development Manager
Adam Barkley, HR Manager
John Kale, IT officer
Mary joseph, Finance Manager
Tom Lee, Sales Manager
Specific Business Need
The company has expanded its operation to various territories worldwide. There is a need for company to merge with other established firms in the industry so as to reduce completion and develop goodwill and dominate the market.
· Need for security against failure
· New incentives to the managers
· To enjoy scales of economies
· Need for diversification
· New tax benefits
· To eliminate corruption
· Develop brand image
· To enjoy market share
· To achieve synergy effect
· To achieve growth and development
· To enhance transparency
· Eliminating competition
· To gain market power
· To create leader in the sector
· To expand internationally
· To achieve cost reductions
· To develop talent sharing
· The company will be required to decorated the building of the merged company, office layouts, and develop a new for identification
· Some workers may need to be retrenched, others trained and hiring of new workers which may be costly to the company.
Success Criteria
The company will enough Assets, labor, customer Base and wider market for its products.
Authorization Signatures
Sponsor:_______________________ Date:____________________
Project Manager: ________________ Date: ____________________
Project Title:
Business mergers report
Date Prepared:
Dec 29,2020
County director
General Manager
Development Manager
Gupta, P. K. (2012). Mergers and acquisitions (M&A): The strategic concepts for the nuptials of corporate sector. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 1(4), 60-68.

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