Assignment Instructions
Prepare a revenue cycle plan for a community hospital. Include the following information in your plan:
Evaluation of clinical data required for payment and reimbursement systems (PPS, DRG, RBRVS, RUGs, VBP, Billing/insurance plans).
Explanation of chargemaster and claims management applications and processes.
Assess the effect on healthcare finance of revenue management (cost reporting, budget variances).
Summarize revenue cycle management and reporting processes (CCI, X12N).
Evaluation of the severity of illness and how it impacts the healthcare payment systems.
The format of this plan is like a policy and procedure but is a longer document. Compile your document based on the findings and collection of information for each of the requirements.
Domain IV. Revenue Cycle Management
IV.3. Evaluate compliance with regulatory requirements and reimbursement methodologies.
Writing a critical essay involves analyzing a particular text or work of art and evaluating its effectiveness or merit. To write a critical essay, follow these steps:
Choose a topic: Select a text or work of art that you want to analyze. This could be a book, movie, piece of artwork, or even a speech.
Read or watch the work: Read or watch the work carefully, taking notes as you go. Pay attention to the themes, characters, plot, and any literary or artistic techniques used.
Research: Conduct research on the work to gain a deeper understanding of its context, history, and cultural significance. This can help you better evaluate the work’s effectiveness.
Develop a thesis statement: Based on your analysis and research, develop a thesis statement that articulates your argument or perspective on the work. Your thesis should be clear, specific, and debatable.
Write an outline: Organize your thoughts and arguments into an outline, which will guide the structure of your essay.
Write the essay: Using your outline as a guide, write your essay. Be sure to support your thesis with evidence from the text and incorporate your research to provide context.
Edit and revise: Once you have completed your first draft, edit and revise your essay for clarity, coherence, and style.
Example of a critical essay on a book:
Thesis statement: In George Orwell’s “1984,” the use of language as a tool of oppression reveals the dangers of totalitarianism.
In “1984,” Orwell depicts a dystopian society where the government controls every aspect of citizens’ lives, including their thoughts and language. The government’s language, Newspeak, is a tool of oppression that limits citizens’ ability to think critically and communicate effectively. For example, the government replaces words with their opposite to limit the range of ideas that can be expressed. The government also uses slogans and propaganda to manipulate citizens’ beliefs and emotions. By showing how language is used as a tool of oppression, Orwell reveals the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of preserving free speech and thought.
Example of a critical essay on a movie:
Thesis statement: In “Get Out,” director Jordan Peele uses horror and satire to critique racism and the commodification of black bodies.
“Get Out” is a horror movie that doubles as a biting satire of racism and the commodification of black bodies. The movie follows Chris, a black man who visits his white girlfriend’s family and uncovers a horrifying conspiracy. Peele uses horror tropes to underscore the horror of racism, such as the “sunken place” where Chris is trapped. He also uses satire to expose the absurdity of the commodification of black bodies, such as the white family’s desire to transplant their consciousness into black bodies. By blending horror and satire, Peele creates a powerful critique of racism and its insidious effects on society.

In conclusion, writing a critical essay involves careful analysis, research, and evaluation of a particular text or work of art. By developing a clear thesis statement and supporting it with evidence and research, you can provide a thoughtful and persuasive critique of the work.

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