poverty and obesity in elementary kids wilmington delaware
1-3 paragraphs setting up the paper. Identify the health topic that you will be addressing, explain why this is an impotant health topic to address (, give epi stats, cost in health care dollars, negative health effects, great potential to improve health outcomes if this problem is addressed).
*attached files for you to get information off of (PLEASE USE)
Social and Epidemiological Diagnosis of Wilmington, Delaware 19803
Alyssa Barrington, Emily Winburn, Grant Brown, Lauren Ruth, Nicole Tomassi
Dr. Marc Lodyga March 8, 2022
BHAN 490 Development of Health Promotion Programs
Social and Epidemiological Diagnosis
I: Social and Epidemiological Diagnosis on Wilmington, Delaware
In the United States, human health is at a dire point with more than half, 73.6% to be specific, of the country’s population recorded as overweight or obese (Centers for Disease
Control, 2021). According to the World Health Organization, obesity is defined as an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health (World Health Organization, 2021).
Obesity is a major public health issue that affects both developed and underdeveloped
communities as well as people of all ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups. The health implications that coincide with obesity are where the problems emerge. With negative health outcomes like increased risk and prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease,
and cancer all associated with obesity, it is crucial to understand why this epidemic has achieved such a high level of severity.
While there are predisposing genetic factors that can lead to obesity in some individuals, those cases are miniscule in the total population of those affected and hence, not enough to
explain the recent trend in obesity rates around the country in the last few decades. Since individual behaviors are often the leading risk factors, impacts on obesity of the physical and
social environment have become a large topic of discussion amongst epidemiological research. However, individual behaviors such as poor diet being risk factors are said to often compound with structural and institutional factors as well.
Health encompasses multiple disciplines in the sense that to have good overall health, it is important to monitor each facet of health individually, such as proper diet, sufficient exercise, social interactions, and a strong sense of community. While keeping up with these different

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