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Choose a poem and match content to formal devices and form overall. 3-4 pages (double spaced).

2.5 pages MINIMUM

So, again, no new homework. Just try and get everything in that you haven’t yet.

Basically what’s happening right now is we’re talking about outlining papers–how different cool things that words do in a poem are not just for funsies but help make the point the poem is trying to make overall!

“The Fable in Thermodynamics” is about recycling matter/energy and creating new things from old–for better or worse. Allusion–bringing something pre-existing (some other book OR historical context) into a new context (the present poem) is a kind of recycling. Anaphora–not just “repeating” like, the exact same thing like a refrain or CHORUS FROM A SONG, it’s just repetition at the beginning of a line–so also a kind of recycling in that it’s using the same words to start something but ends up being something else.


PAPER: 3-4 pages analyzing ONE (1) poem; buttttt if you’d like to talk about TWO (2) poems OR a song and its video (focusing on form)/TWO (2) just songs, give me about a page-ish long proposal and we’ll decide if you paper should be 3-4 pages, or if 4-5 is good.
Next mark ups: everyone should mark up Scheherazade the Clever and The Thousandth Night, thinking about the devices prioritized in each poem and how they speak to different elements of the story they tell (a woman telling stories for 1000 nights in a row to avoid being killed). Hints: one is very interested in diction and sound; the other makes more use of enjambment and imagery.

Then choose two of the following to markup as well: Looks (meant to be read with Sch. The Clever), Disappearing Act (meant to be read with Thousandth Night), OR both Disappearing Act AND Archaeology (read together).

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