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For this assignment, you will be listening to a TED Talk and writing a paper analyzing the leadership and change principles represented in the podcast.

Watch the following video: How Do We Heal Medicine? | Atul Gawande.

Write a paper that addresses the following items:

Give a summary of this TED Talk. What is its key message?
What leadership styles and principles do you see represented in this TED Talk?
How can thinking of health care as a team of administrators and clinicians as “pit crews” affect how organizations change and adapt to new challenges?
Write a conclusion that lists your key learnings from this TED Talk.
3-page paper, double-spaced, 1,000 words, two references ? use readings from the course and the course text to support your answers.

Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

Select tools a health leader can use to change and adapt culture in a health care organization.
Evaluate the challenges of dealing with non-performing employees in a health care organization.
Interpret how the complexity of the health workforce may lead to communication failure and conflict.
Propose strategies for moving non-performing employees toward a more productive posture within a health care organization.

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