Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position. Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or another law or bill), who does this person share power wi - STUDENT SOLUTION USA


Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position.

Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or another law or bill), who does this person share power with, who does this person report to / who provides a “check and balance” on this position? o Explain how the role is filled (i.e. appointed or elected and the process). o Who is the current person in this position and provide background information about this person and major goals / initiatives this individual has in this position. o Is this person affiliated with a political party? What role does that play in this position (i.e. with election or appointment, with how this person carries out their duties, with decisions the person makes, with accountability)? o What are the major issues confronting the person in this position currently? o What is your opinion of this person and why? o Based on your research, what are the major impacts in history of this position and explain.

NOte: Paper should strictly follow APA Format and should be at least 3 pages and have at least 4 credible sources.

Government Department

El Centro College

Research and Writing Assignment

 This paper meets the requirements of the Core Objective Assessment (it measures the Student Learning Outcomes outlined

below) AND meets the requirements of the Quality Enhancement Plan (it is lined up with the AACU Critical Thinking Value


 The paper must be turned in via BlackBoard (for the Core Objective Assessment and QEP Data Collection – the data will be

pulled randomly from BlackBoard).

2306 – Texas Government

This assignment may address the following SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) for 2306: Upon Completion of this Course,

students will be able to:

 SLO 1 – Explain the origin and development of the Texas Constitution.

 SLO 2 – Demonstrate an understanding of state and political systems and their relationship to the federal government.

 SLO 3 – Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas.

 SLO 4 – Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Texas Government.

 SLO 5 – Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas.

 SLO 6 – Analyze the state and local election process.

 SLO 7 – Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

 SLO 8 – Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas.

The Assignment:

 Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position (i.e. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Texas Land
Commissioner, Attorney General, specific judge, or any other position).

 In your paper you should:

o Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or
another law or bill), who does this person share power with, who does this person report to / who provides a “check and

balance” on this position?

o Explain how the role is filled (i.e. appointed or elected and the process).
o Who is the current person in this position and provide background information about this person and major goals /

initiatives this individual has in this position.

o Is this person affiliated with a political party? What role does that play in this position (i.e. with election or
appointment, with how this person carries out their duties, with decisions the person makes, with accountability)?

o What are the major issues confronting the person in this position currently?
o What is your opinion of this person and why?
o Based on your research, what are the major impacts in history of this position and explain.

Length and Style:

 Your paper should be in APA format and double spaced.

 Your paper should include a cover page, abstract page, three (3) written pages at least (introduction, body, and conclusion),
and a works cited page.


 You must use at least 4 credible sources.

 All 4 sources must be either secondary or primary sources and are credible sources from either library books or library

 Wikipedia and Google are NOT sources.

 You must use at least one (1) chart, graph or other form of visual medium that you interpret / explain / comment on in your

 Please use the librarians – they are eager to help you with your research. Include citations for ALL sources you use. A separate
works cited page MUST be included, along with short form citations within the paper. As a general rule you should have at

least one citation for every paragraph except the introduction and conclusion.


 Your paper must be turned in via BlackBoard so it is maintained for college assessment purposes.


 Your professor will go over the attached Rubric and make sure you understand how you will be graded on this assignment.

 Please review the attached Rubric on your own and refer to it when writing your paper to make sure you follow directions and
receive the maximum points possible.

GOVT Paper Rubric (TOTAL: 100 points):

Criteria Early Thinker Beginning Thinker Practicing Thinker Advancing Thinker Points

Control of

Syntax &

Mechanics (WC)

Paper Format

2 points

Wrote less than 3 pages for

the actual body of the paper.

Did not use APA template.

Template has more than 4

formatting errors (i.e. uses

incorrect margin

specifications, multiple

spaces between paragraphs

to lengthen paper, centers

entire paper).

5 points

Wrote between 3-5 full

pages for the actual body of

the paper.

Used APA Template, and

has less than 4 formatting


8 points

Wrote between 3- 5 full pages

for the actual body of the


Used APA Template and has

less than 2 formatting errors.

10 points

Wrote between 3-5 full pages for

the actual body of the paper.

Used APA Template.

Template has no formatting

errors: correct title page, fonts,

margins, double-spacing, no

spacing errors, correct header,

title page, and reference page.


Control of

Syntax &

Mechanics (WC)



Punctuation, and


2 points

Student does not use
correct grammar, spelling,
capitalization, and
punctuation. Multiple errors
found in submitted

5 points

Student assignment
contains some incorrect
grammar, spelling
punctuation, and

8 points

Student assignment contains

few instances of incorrect

grammar, spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization.

10 points

Student uses correct grammar,

spelling, punctuation, and




Context &

Purpose of

Writing (WC)


Position (CT)

Topic Selection


1 point

Specific position is not

stated in the introduction.

Omits introductory


2 points

In the introductory

paragraph, specific position

is not clearly stated or the

thesis or is too simplistic –

attempt was made but it is

very hard to tell what student

is going to write about in


3 points

In the introductory paragraph

the paper overview is clear but

it does not fully take into

account the complexities of the

issues / topic that will be


5 points

In the introductory paragraph,

specific position is stated and

information is given that

demonstrates the student has

taken into account the

complexities of the issues.


Paper Contents

Explanation of

Issues (CT)


10 points

Varieties of perspectives are

not presented or the

presentation is inaccurate.

20 points

Varieties of perspectives are

acknowledged and accurate,

but presentation is shallow

30 points

Varieties of perspectives are

acknowledged, but details are

not fully presented.

40 points

Variety of perspectives are

acknowledged and presented

accurately with full, detailed



Research &

Views Included







Design Process


Few concepts and

explanations addressed in a

context-rich manner.

Paper exceeds more than

30% direct quotes.

Topic viewpoints and issues

are stated without


Little analysis to compare

and contrast primary and

secondary source

information. Sources are

not used to their full


Sources are not placed in a

logical place in the paper to

show thorough analysis – a

more thoughtful presentation

of sources would have

shown better analysis and


and simplistic.

Some key concepts and

explanations are addressed

in a somewhat organized,

context-rich manner.

Paper contains no more

than 30% direct quotes.

Topic viewpoints and issues

are stated but descriptions

are ambiguous and vague.

Some analysis to compare

and contrast primary and

secondary source

information. Sources could

be used in a more effective


Most key concepts and

explanations are addressed in

an organized, context-rich


Paper contains no more than

20% direct quotes.

Topic viewpoints and issues

are stated and defined so that

understanding is not seriously

impeded by omissions.

Adequate analysis to compare

and contrast primary and

secondary source information.

Sources are properly replied

upon, placed, and used.


Key concepts and explanations

are addressed in a

comprehensive, organized,

context-rich manner.

Paper contains no more than

20% direct quotes.

Topic viewpoints and issues are

clearly stated and defined with all

relevant information necessary

for full understanding.

Complete analysis to compare

and contrast primary and

secondary source information.

Conclusion (CT,


Limitations &



Influence of

Context &



1 point

Poor summary of


Conclusion is inconsistently

tied to the information


2 points

Shallow summary of


Conclusion is tied to

information presented but

does not elaborate to tie in

information presentation in

paper to show

understanding of material.

3 points

Good summary of information.

Conclusion is logical and

related to paper, but is weakly

tied to evidence presented in

the paper.

5 points

Excellent summary of


Conclusion and related

outcomes are logical and reflect

student’s informed evaluation of

information based on evidence

and perspectives included in the



Evidence (CT,



5 points

Complete, accurate APA

citations for a minimum of 2

sources that meet

assignment criteria.

Less than 70% of the in-text

citations are complete and


10 points

Complete, accurate APA

citations for a minimum of 3

sources that meet

assignment criteria.

70% of the in-text citations

are complete and accurate.

20 points

Complete, accurate APA

citations for a minimum of 4

sources that meet assignment


80% of the in-text citations are

complete and accurate.

30 points

Complete, accurate APA

citations for a minimum of 4

sources that meet assignment


All in-text citations are complete

and accurate.


Total 100

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