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  In 100 words each, kindly help respond to the attached 8 peer posts  


QUESTION: What are the differences between command economies and market economies? Which are "better" types of economies? Support your post with concepts from the readings.

Command economies are when the government controls every aspect of the economy.  This includes what goods and services are produced, the prices of these goods and services as well as the methods to produce the items and the wages paid.  In this type of economy, the government also provides healthcare and education for free.

A market economy is set up to bring producers of goods and services together with the people or business who wish to purchase their goods or services.  In this type of economy, the decisions making is in the hands of the individuals and businesses. 

In my opinion, the market economy is the better of the two.  However, while the market economy gives more freedom to the individual as well as businesses ‘most’ of the time.  I say this because sometimes, I feel like it also holds back some people.  For many, making your own decisions on what you want to do for a living or what business you want to build for yourself is a great opportunity.  However, a lot of the time, this requires education or training that not everyone can afford. Often people starting their own business can’t always afford health care as they are building their business.  It would be nice if there were more options of a combination of the two styles of economies.

The difference between command economies and market economies are in  Market economies the demand of supply forces decide the production of goods, services, and the prices, the  Command economies the government decides the production of goods, services, and the prices. 

The  Market Economies is better than  Command economies, as the  Market economies is controlled by the demand and supply, and the Command economies is controlled by the government. The Market economies is more of a freedom of the citizens, whereas the Command economies are controlled by the Government without citizen input, which is unfair. The Government controls enough!

QUESTION: Define the micro, meso, and macro practice levels in social work.  Provide an example for each one.  What practice level do you currently work in or you would like to practice social work in the future?

 Micro Social work consists of working with an individual involving counseling and/or therapy services, family counseling also falls under this category and mental health and substance abuse treatment. Micro social work works directly with families and individuals with aspects such as access to housing, healthcare and social services to treating mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders ( Foundations of Social Work Research, 2022).  

     Mezzo Social Work involves working with groups in community organizations, management of a social work organization, and practices that focus on cultural and institutional change, rather than working with an individual client. This could mean working within schools, businesses, neighborhoods, hospitals, nonprofits and other small-scale communities.

     Macro Social Workers work with larger communities, examining the large-scale patterns. An example of a Macro-level study would be globalization, examining the interrelationships between nations. Macro social workers work towards large-scale systematic change by crafting laws, petitioning governments for community funds, organizing activist groups and molding social policy ( Foundations of Social Work Research, 2022).

     In the future I would like to utilize my expertise in the field of Macro Social Work, but there is also o rush in getting to that specified level, I don't mind starting from the bottom or the initial entry level in order to gain a deeper understanding of all three social work levels as they are all interrelated. I have always been intrigued in public policy implementation on a global scale, as well as initiating awareness campaigns regarding homelessness and/or prostitution and how we can better offer better resources to these victims. I would like to build and evaluate the programs that are already out there and available to people and analyze if they are doing the objectives that were set out to do. Directly working with individual clients on a Micro-level seems like it will be many challenges and there would be a need of creating strategies to better assist the listed clients, also when trying to initiate change, goals, resources and tools for clients, will there be a barrier when clients want to remain stagnant and not change their ways or behaviors. I just personally feel that each level will come with a lot, but I prefer to make more changes or the bigger issues within our communities and make necessary changes. Society will benefit more, and it is something that I am interested in long-term career wise.


      Foundations of Social Work Research. Docslib. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2023, from 

Micro-Level Social Work is what most people think of when they think about social work. Micro works with the individual or small groups providing support. There are many different types of micro social work that you may do working at this level. A clinical social worker would use therapeutic methods to assist in supporting clients. A military social worker would work with soldiers, veterans, and families that be facing either in a therapeutic setting or helping them navigate challenges and resources around a military background. A medical social worker will assist clients and families in obtaining and dealing with medical challenges that they are facing. They may help secure insurance or find placement for rehabilitation placement after or during an illness, and they may help make end-of-life plans and learn how to cope with the trauma that is having a medical setting. A school social worker will assist students and families experiencing anxiety and depression. They may run small groups or individual sessions or help students facing economic challenges find resources.

Mezzo Level Social Work is similar to Micro level in that they are still working with individuals and groups facing mental or physical health, socioeconomic, family, or cultural challenges. They differ from the micro level in that they might be working to implement programs that will improve the lives of vulnerable populations. Some of their work might include developing an on-site behavioral health program for a corporation whose employees are experiencing difficulty or low morale due to organizational changes. Another example would be a substance abuse social worker creating a drug prevention program that can be implemented in a local community experiencing a drug crisis. 

Macro-Level Social Work looks at the frequent causes of social issues/problems or injustices. At the Macro level, a social worker could study the factors impacting substance abuse among minors. They could take that information and create an intervention program. They also may work with government agencies to create campaigns that address large-scale social issues. 

I currently work at the micro level in a high school setting. This is the level that I would like to continue to work at. I enjoy working directly with students and families to create systems that help them overcome their challenges in high school. I enjoy analyzing and creating systems at school around socioeconomic or behavioral problems due to perceived or actual injustices. 

Lesson 2 Discussion 1

QUESTION: How do social workers use research to treat individuals, families, groups, communities, and societies?  Give examples and explain outcomes.  Have you seen this first hand in your work or studies in social work? 

Social workers use research to create plans and systems to help individuals or groups solve a problem they are having. In a school setting, a School psychologist asks for data to create a behavior support plan. School counselors may research a particular group or socioeconomic issue to create interventions to overcome the barriers students face. For example, last year, there was a problem with students vaping in the restrooms. Many people wanted to address the behavior that was happening. Still, the counselors asked that we look at why these events might be happening and address the anxiety and depression students were talking about. Instead of creating punitive punishments, they did a deep dive into behavior data looking at more than just how many incidents but also what grade students were and what demographic of those students were from a socioeconomic level, race, and gender level—systems where then created to help with prevention and interventions. Instead of stopping the behavior, they wanted to find a replacement behavior for the problem. Vaping is still happening at the school, but the incidents have significantly decreased, and students have even started asking for resources to stop vaping. Since the school decided to take evidence base research path, they have seen positive results for the social problem. 

Looking at the research to see what is causing the issue helps find paths to resolving that issue faster than just trying to throw out suggestions hoping one hits the target. It won't always solve the problem completely but it will give further data so that additional research can be done to keep the positive growth going. 

Social workers researchers will send out a survey receive response from surveys are great the results analyze data and form some kind of conclusions based on trends, surprisingly surveys are one of the most common research methods that is used by Social Workers. Because surveys tend to be relatively simple and affordable. An example of treatment of individuals is by gathering concrete data and evidence that help with assessing. Social Workers support families by acting as a observer which would allow them to do an initial assessment they also support families by helping them set goals and do a good job of connecting family with different resources that needed. Groups are by doing some evaluating necessities and assets of individual in their surroundings. As far as it goes for communities the research allow the Social Worker to dig deep to find the challenges of that community and to advocate to bring help rather its programming other things.

Lesson 2 Discussion 2

QUESTION: What benefit does research offer to the social work community? Do you know of an incidence where you have used research in your practice of social work, work, or academia?

What benefit does research offer to the social work community? Do you know of an incidence where you have used research in your practice of social work, work, or academia? Some of the benefits of research is that research can be utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the engagement process and develop new knowledge of policies etc. Yes I have used research in my work of working with a program that I do called Son to A Father. In Son To A Father I have a diverse group of dads of the ages of 16-24 and we do a series of exercise and the result vary. I purposely get a group of young man that did not have a relationship with their biological father and a group that had some type of relationship with their fathers. I then ask some questions ranging from when was you told that you had to be a man or had to hide your emotions, to find out those who grew up without a father stated that was not allowed at all to show emotions or they would be consider weak. On the other hand the ones that had a relationship with their fathers was allowed to express theirs. So doing research and creating different groups can be valuable to see different results from a group of individuals.

Research in social work is important for many reasons when working with a client, groups and/or families.  Research is utilized to evaluate the effectiveness in the programs and treatment plans they implement.  Social workers research can conduct before and after surveys to determine how the implementation of a new program has benefitted or not benefitted the people, groups, families in the community and make changes going forward if need to be. 

I have personally used research in my areas of work many time because what works for one client may not work for the next and so on… I have had to research different therapeutic activities for the different diversities of clients and cultures I have served. For example, Anger management. When dealing with a client who has anger issues, or problems controlling their rage issues, I have researched other creative or more therapeutic ways and activities they can participate in that wont frustrate them or trigger their anger. Which leads me to another form of research I have had to conduct with others who have mental illness to help me better understand what their hearing, seeing and/or feeling so I can be effective when helping them during their treatment.  I am currently in the drug and alcohol field and I always have to do research on their past case notes, why they were discharged, what's their patterns are so I can try and identify it before they fall back into that same pattern. 

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