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HSDD 6000 – Developmental Disabilities Masters Research ProjectSemester and Year: Winter 2023

I. Course InformationSemester and Year: Winter 2023 Course Start and End Dates: 01/04/2023 – 04/30/2023Course CRN and Section: 31049 – L02Building and Room: Online Venue – CANVAS

II. Instructor InformationProfessor: Adela Beckerman Fontana Email: [email protected] Phone: 954-675-3723

If the instructor cannot be reached, please contact the Department offering this course.

III. Class Schedule and LocationDay Date Time Location Building/Room

01/04/2023 – 04/30/2023 Programs On-line Online Venue-CANVAS

IV. Course DescriptionIn this course, students are expected to work with a faculty member advisor to complete a researchproject in which they will design a social service program targeting individuals with developmentaldisabilities or will evaluate an existing program that serves developmentally delayed individuals. Programdesign and evaluation methodology, analytic thinking, and writing skills will be infused throughout thecurriculum to prepare students to complete this research project. Specific deadlines will be provided so thatthe student can complete the project in a timely manner. Prerequisite: HSDD 5000.

V. Course Objectives / Learning Outcomes1) Apply knowledge in a specific area within the field of developmental disabilities by conducting aresearch project consisting of either a program design or program evaluation. 2) Gain experience in designing or evaluating a program within the field of developmental disabilities.

VI. Materials and ResourcesBook Url: NSU Book StoreCourse Required Texts and Materials:American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication Manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 978-1-4338-3217-8Calley, N. (2010). Program Development in the 21st Century: An Evidence-Based Approach toDesign, Implementation, and Evaluation. Sage Publications:Thousand Oaks.Course Supplemental Materials:Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E. (2008). Reframing Organizations, (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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Fitzpatrick, J. L., Sanders, J. R., and Worthen, B. R. (2010). Program evaluation: Alternativeapproaches and practical guidelines (4th ed.). Prentice Hall.Greenberg, J. (2005). Managing behavior in organizations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: PearsonEducationHarvey, C. and Allard, J. (2005) Understanding and managing diversity (3rd ed.) NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.Heifetz, R. (2003) Leadership without easy answers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2008). Designing and managing programs: Aneffectiveness-based approach (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Knowlton, L. W. & Phillips, C. C. (2009). The logic model guidebook: Better strategies for greatresults. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.Patton, M. Q. (2008). Utilization-focused evaluation (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Patton, M. Q. (2001). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SagePublications.Ridge, J. B. (2010). Evaluation techniques for difficult to measure programs: For education,nonprofit, grant funded, business and human service programs. Xlibris Corporation.Rossi, P. H., Lipsey, M. W., and Freeman, H.E. (2004). Evaluation: A systematic approach (7th ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Sanders, J. R., and The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation. (1994). The programevaluation standards: How to assess evaluations of educational programs (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage Publications.Smith, M. J. (2010). Handbook of program evaluation for social work and health professionals. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.Shufflebeam, D. L. (1983). The CIPP model for program evaluation. In G. F. Madaus, M.Scriven, & D. L. Stufflebeam (Eds.). Evaluation models (Chapter 7, pp. 117-141). Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff.Wholey, J. S., Hatry, H. P., and Newcomer, K. E. (2010). Handbook of practical program evaluation(3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Section Required Texts and Material:American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the Psychological Association. (7th ed.). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Calley, N. (2010). Program Development in the 21st Century: An Evidence-Based Approach to Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks.

VII. Course RequirementsReview all course materials.Complete all assignments.Review feedback from the instructor and respond to all comments.Revise and resubmit each assignment, if requested.

VIII. Course Schedule and Topic OutlineClass schedule subject to modification, but not without prior notification.Course Schedule:All assignment due dates are provided within the Canvas course.If a student has a conflict or extreme difficulty meeting assignment due dates, please contact the instructoras soon as possible to arrange for alternate, mutually agreed upon due dates.Course Schedule:

Week Topic Readings &Objectives


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Introduction andoverview to thecourseHow to decide on atopic for yourproject

Read Chapters 1 and 10in CalleyObjectives 1 & 2

First chat, Wednesday, 1/4/, at 8:00pm Eastern Time via Zoom link inthe course menu. In this course you will develop aprogram, an example of which isprovided in course content. You will begoing through the steps this semester.We will discuss this in the first chat. Please post information about yourself inthe Discussion Section of Canvas, under“Meet Your Classmates.”Assignment: Due 1/10Email the instructor, in Canvas, thename of the program you will beproposing, its proposed location, anda one-paragraph description of theproposed program.


Introduction andstatement of theproblem

Read Chapter 2in CalleyObjectives 1 & 2

Part 1. Assignment A due 1/17·Submit title of proposal·Submit statement of the problemincluding:1)Identified problem 2)Target Population to your ProjectDirector for approval.


Significance oftopic to the field ofDevelopmentalDisabilities

Review “WritingProgram Proposals”Objectives 1 & 2

Part 1. Assignment B due 1/24Paragraph summary of the significanceof topic selected to the field


Literature Reviewwith IntegratedConceptualFramework

Read Chapter 3in CalleyObjectives 1& 2

Part 1. Assignment C due 1/31Literature Review


Program NeedsAssessment

Objectives 1& 2 Part 1. Assignment D due 2/7Needs Assessment for ProgramPlease see assignment details where itstates “Needs Assessment” below.Chat #2 on Wednesday, 2/1, at 8:00pm Eastern time via Zoom link inthe course menu.

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Program MissionStatement, Goals,and Objectives

Read Chapters 4-5 inCalley and [1]Objectives 1& 2

Part 2. Assignment E due 2/14Description of Program Philosophy andMissionNote: Please use the followingsubheadings:Mission Statement/Narrative.Goals and Objectives.Goal 1Objective 1.Objective 2.Objective 3.Goal 2Objective 1.Objective 2.Objective 3.Goal 3Objective 1.Objective 2.Objective 3.


Program LogicModel

Read Chapters 5-7in Calley 1& 2

Part 2. Assignment F due2/21. Program Logic Model(Suggestion: Use Figure 5.1, p. 149in Calley as template.)


Marketing Review Chapter 5 inCalley and 1 & 2

Part 2. Assignment G due 3/7 Submit your Marketing Plan for yourprogram. See “Marketing Plan” sectionbelow for guidelines.

Spring Break: 2/27-3/5


Program Funding& Budget

Read Chapter 8 inCalleyObjectives 1 & 2

Part 2. Assignment H due 3/14Description of program funding andbudget. See “Sample Budget” andassignment guidelines below.


PhysicalEnvironment andProgram Personnel

Review Chapter 6 inCalley Objectives 1, 3

Part 2. Assignment I due 3/21Description of Physical Environmentand Program Personnel. See guidelinesspecified belowChat #3 on Wednesday, 3/22, at 8pm Eastern time via Zoom link inthe course menu.

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ProgramMethodology &Procedures

Objective: 1 Part 3. Assignment J due 3/28Submit narrative of programmethodology and program procedures.See “Sample Supplementary Materials”and assignment guidelines specifiedbelow.



Read pp. 19-20, 83-84,11-119, 145-153, and335-370 in CalleyObjectives 2, 4

Part 3. Assignment K due 4/4Program Evaluation Procedures. See(1) “Sample Analysis/Results,” (2)“Sample Evaluation Plan,” and (3)Assignment guidelines below.


Program Strengths,Limitations, andFuture Directions

Objective 2 Part 3. Assignment L due 4/11Description of strengths, limitations, andfuture directions. See assignmentspecifications below


Final ProgramDesign Document Completed

Objectives 1 & 2 Part 3. Assignment M due 4/18 See“Sample Final Document” Final Program Proposal withfeedback provided throughout thecourse via assignments is due 4/18

The latest date the final report (Assignment M) should be received by the instructor for thissemester is April 18, 2023. If your final report (Assignment M) is not approved, the professor will let you know withinseveral days of submitting your final report.Your final report must be received by the program before a grade will be submitted. Theinstructor will submit your final report, as a PDF file, to the Program Office.


IX. Instructional MethodsDiscussion posts, emails, chats, and instructional resources provided. Feedback via written commentaryon each assignment.

X. AssignmentsAssignment # 1: Program Rationale and Purpose-Due Dates Indicated Under Items # 1-6 (30points total)

Designing a program is a multi-step process which includes building a rationale for the purpose of yourprogram in order to gain support from decision makers. It is important to include a well thought outrationale and comprehensive literature review that accurately describes the problem, explains the relevanceof the proposed program to the identified population and its potential impact, as well as includes a needsassessment that supports the need for funding and development of the proposed program. A) Prior to beginning the project, all topics must be approved by your Project Director. The student willsubmit a 1-2 page narrative describing the following:

Identifying an issue in the field of developmental disabilities and describe the problem in some detail(e.g. "Creation of a obesity prevention program for children with intellectual disabilities as a result ofhigh rates of obesity in this population").How it this problem currently being addressed in the field? Explain whether you believe this issufficient.

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Is this emerging project feasible ("do-able")?

Assignment A (5 points total)Criteria 0-1 points 2 points 3 points

Statement ofProblem andIdentifiedPopulation

Student does notidentify anappropriate issuein the fieldand/or does notprovidedescription

Student identifies an issue butdoes not describe the problem indetail and/or does not cite theliterature to support

Student identifies an issue in thefield of developmentaldisabilities and describes theproblem in detail with literatureto support

0 points 1 point 2 points

Discussion ofhow the problemis currently beingaddressed in thefield and projectfeasibility

Student omitsdiscussion ofstated problemand/or projectfeasibility

Some mention of how theproblem is being addressed isprovided, but is lacking in depthor there is no discussionregarding the feasibility of thestudent's proposed project.

Student discusses how problemis being addressed in the field,with literature to support, andprovides a discussion of how theemerging project is thought tobe feasible

Total /5 B) Students will then submit a minimum of a one page narrative discussing the significance and relevanceof their chosen program in the field of developmental disabilities. In addition, the student will discuss theimpact of their program on the target population, locally in the community, and nationwide. Assignment B (5 points total)

Criteria 0-1 points 2 points 3 points

Significanceof Programin the Field

Student does notadequatelydiscuss thesignificance andrelevance of theirchosen program

Student submits a narrative butdoes not meet the pagerequirement and/or does notadequately discuss thesignificance and/or relevance ofthe chosen program

Student submits a minimum of a onepage narrative, providing a thoughtfuldiscussion of the significance andrelevance of their chosen program inthe field of developmental disabilities

0 points 1 point 2 points

Impact oftheProgram

Student omitsdiscussion of theimpact of theprogram on thetarget population

Student provides cursorymention of the impact of theirprogram on the targetpopulation

Student discusses the impact of theirprogram on the target population,locally in the community, andnationwide, with data/literature tosupport.

Total /5 C) The student will submit a comprehensive literature review that should relate the main themes identifiedin the literature related to the topic/problem to be addressed via the development of your program. It shouldnot be a series of summaries of the various sources you have identified, but rather should inform the readerof the conclusions that can be drawn from the literature, with the sources cited supporting the conclusions.You should include a minimum of 10 references in your literature review and a minimum of 8 pages in

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length. The program rationale and/or hypotheses should logically follow from the conclusions of thissection. When citing the literature, please remember to follow APA style. Assignment C (10 points total)

Criteria 0-1 points 2-4 points 5-6 points


Student presents aseries of articlesummaries and doesnot relate the mainthemes identified inthe literature to thetopic/problem.

Main themesare identifiedandconclusionsare drawnfrom theliterature; however, theprogramrationaleand/orhypotheses donot logicallyflow from theconclusion

Literature review is provided that clearly relatesthe main themes identified in the literature to thetopic/ problem. The review informs the reader ofthe conclusions that can be drawn from theliterature and presents an rationale for the programbased on those conclusions.

0-1 points 2 points 3-4 points

APA styleandReferences

Sources are notprovided supportingthe conclusions and/ormany errors in APAstyle are evident. Most sources are notfrom peer-reviewedjournal articles and/orare not consideredcredible sources (e.g.,Wikipedia)

Student doesnot meet thepage limit andprovides lessthan 10references intheir literaturereview and/ora some errorsin APA styleare evident.

Student includes a minimum of 10 references,follows APA style, and meets the pagerequirement. The majority of references arearticles from peer-reviewed journals.

Total /10 D) Create a needs assessment plan for your proposed program, including approaches to measurement andmethods of data collection and analysis. Your needs assessment should be able to answer the followingquestions:

Who is the priority population?What are the needs of the priority population?Which subgroups within the priority population have the greatest need?Where are these subgroups located geographically?What is currently being done to resolve identified needs?How well have the identified needs been addressed in the past?

The questions outlined above can be answered by incorporating the following steps: determining thepurpose and scope of the needs assessment, gathering data, analyzing the data, identifying the factorslinked to the problem, identifying the program focus, and validating the prioritized needs. Please be sure tooutline your needs assessment in this manner in order to fully answer the questions listed above.Students are expected to produce a minimum of 5 pages, cite references, and use APA style throughout.

Assignment D (10 points total)

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Criteria 0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

Plan forProgramNeedsAssessment

Student did not provide aplan to conduct aprogram needsassessment

Students provides a plan toanswer most, but not all, ofthe questions listed in theassignment description

Student provides acomprehensive plan to conducta needs assessment, which isdesigned to answer all of thequestions provided (i.e. a-f)using appropriate methods

0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

Approachestomeasurementand methodsof datacollectionand analysis

Students does notinclude approaches tomeasurement andmethods of datacollection and analysis intheir needs assessmentplan

Student mentions datacollection, but does notexplicitly describe themethods of data collectionthat will be used in theplanned needs assessment

Student identifies and describesthe approaches to measurementand methods of data collectionand analysis which will be usedin their planned needsassessment.

Total /10 Assignment 1 Points:Statement of Problem and Identified Population 5 pointsSignificance of Program in the Field 5 pointsLiterature Review 10 pointsNeeds Assessment 10 pointsTotal Points for this assignment 30 points Assignment # 2: Program Planning-Due Dates Indicated Under Items # 1-6 (30 points total) In order to successfully implement your proposed program, you must plan spend a considerable amount oftime planning the mission and goals of the program as well preparing a logical model, marketing plan,formulating a budget as well as the personnel needed and physical environment where the program willtake place. Successful programs have detailed plans of the resources that will be needed to implement theprogram and reach the targeted population. E) Students will formulate a mission statement or a brief narrative that describes the general focus of theprogram that includes the intent and philosophy driving it. In addition, students will identify at least 3 goalsof their program (future event toward which a committed endeavor is directed) and 3 measurableobjectives for each goal (e.g., improve social skills, improve nutrition knowledge) that will be described in aminimum of 3 pages.

Assignment E (5 points total)Criteria 0-1 points 2 points 3 points


Student did notformulate a sufficientmission statement orbrief narrative andomitted describing thegeneral focus of theprogram

Student formulated a missionstatement or a briefnarrative but did notadequately describe thegeneral focus of the program

Student formulated a missionstatement or a brief narrative thatdescribed the general focus of theprogram including the intent andphilosophy driving it

0 points 1 point 2 points

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ProgramGoals &Objectives

Student does notinclude relevant goalsand objectives

Student identifies at least 3relevant goals for theirprogram; however, does notlist 3 objectives for eachgoal; the narrative falls shortof the 3-page minimum

Student identifies at least 3 relevantgoals for their program and lists 3related, measurable objectives foreach goal

Total /5 F) Students will complete a Program Logic Model. Based on information gathered from the literaturereview and needs assessment, students will produce assumptions, which will form the foundation of thelogic model. Students should be sure to include key elements including resources, activities, outputs, short-and long-term outcomes, and impact. Describe the steps you took to create your logic model, how youconsidered available resources in your plan, and how you will measure activities to generate outcome data. It should include both a narrative explanation of your programmatic elements in addition to a visualdepiction of your logic model (i.e., chart).

Assignment F (10 points total)Criteria 0 points 1 point 2 points

Inputs arecomprehensively


Anincompletelist isprovidedthat ismostlyvague ornotapplicable.

Presents the most importantinputs involved in the program; afew inputs may lack specificity.

Lists all important categories ofinputs that make the programpossible.

0 points 1 point 2 points

Activities aredescribed

Veryincomplete,missing keyprogramactivities

Includes most importantprogram activities and providesadequate detail.

All salient programmatic activities areincluded and stated in sufficientdetail.

0 points 1 point 2 points

Outputs arespecified

Items notphrased ascounts.Includesoutcomes.

Quantifies most of the activitiesand services.

Quantifies all of the activities andincludes all of the important elements.

0 points 1 point 2 points

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Short-term,intermediate,and long-termoutcomes are


Outcomesare toobroad orvague;Listsoutcomesnotoutcomes.

Most of the outcomes areclearly indicated. Some are notspecific and include outputs.

Clear, specific, concrete, andappropriate for the scope of theprogram. Minimal jargon.

0 points 1 point 2 points

Logic Modellayout andnarrative

Narrativenot includedand/orlayoutincoherent/disorganized

Writing poorly edited; awkwardconstruction and/or poor flow ofideas in the description of thelogic model. Poor layout and notconsistent with logic modeltemplates reviewed in course.

Coherent narrative, which effectivelydescribes the process for logic modeldevelopment and components,including how outcomes will beassessed. Precisely follows a logicmodel template reviewed in thecourse.

Total /10 G) Students will create a marketing plan in order to promote their proposed program. The marketing planwill include information regarding who you intend to market to as well as the modalities that you will utilizeto promote your program. Sample marketing plans will be available via Canvas Modules for your review.

Assignment G (5 points total)Criteria 0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points


Student did notadequatelyprepare andsubmit amarketing planwith the requiredinformationincluded

Student created amarketing plan but omittedinformation regarding whothe intended audience willbe and/or modalities theywould utilize

Student created a marketing plan includinginformation regarding who they intend tomarket to as well as the modalities theywould utilize


H) Students will generate a proposed budget for their program (visual and narrative) as well as a narrativeexplaining how they propose to fund their proposed program. A sample program budget will be available inthe Modules section of Canvas for your reference.

Assignment H: Proposed Budget (5 points total)Criteria 0 points 1 point 2 points

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Student doesnot present aprogrambudgetnarrative

Student presents a narrativeof the proposed use offunds; however, thenarrative presented doesnot provide enough detail tosufficiently describe theallocation of funds

Student narrative cohesively explains theproposed budget of the program, with cleardescriptions of the allocation of funding.

0-1 points 2 points 3 points


Student doesnot present avisual budgetrepresentation,or budget doesnot reflectwrittennarrative

Student presents a visualbudget representation;however, it appearsdisorganized, is notaccurately calculated,and/or does not seemappropriate to the proposedprogram

Student presents a clear visual budget (e.g.,spreadsheet, table) that reflects andcompliments the written narrative, iscalculated correctly, and is appropriate for theproposed program operations and scope.

Total /5 I) Students will provide a detailed narrative (3 page minimum) describing the personnel that will be neededto run your proposed program. Please include a description of the job titles and explanation of their rolewithin the program including administrators, support staff, and direct service personnel. Students will alsodescribe the physical environment in which the program will take place.

Assignment I: Program Personnel and Physical Environment (5 points total)Criteria 0-1 points 2 points 3 points

Narrative that includesjob titles, explanation ofroles, administrativeinformation, supportstaff, and direct servicepersonnel.

Student narrativeexcludes many of thedetails required, and/orlacks anyorganization/cohesionbetween programdetails

Student presents details ofthe narrative, but details ofthe program are missingand/or the details are notpresented in an organizedway

Student narrativediscusses all outlinedareas with sufficientdetail. Narrativepresents all areas in acohesive way.

0 points 1 point 2 points

Discussion of PhysicalEnvironment/ Narrativelength

Student minimallydiscusses the physicalenvironment, and/ordoes not present a fullthree pages of content.

Student discusses thephysical environmentof the program, andthe narrative is at least3 pages in content.


Assignment 2 Points:Program Mission Statement and Goals 5 pointsProgram Logic Model 10 pointsMarketing Plan 5 pointsProposed Budget 5 pointsProgram Personnel and Physical Environment 5 pointsTotal Points for this assignment 30 points

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Assignment # 3: Methodology/Implementation The focus of this assignment will be on describing how the proposed program will be carried out in order toachieve its goals that are in line with the mission statement. In addition, a discussion of how programoutcomes will be evaluated and strengths and limitations of the program will be required. After obtainingfeedback on each of these assignments from your Project Director, the student will consolidate theassignments to form a final product. A sample of the final document with appropriate formatting will beavailable via Blackboard.

J) Students will provide a detailed narrative of their program design including but not limited to theproposed programs intake procedures and admissions criteria, measures or tools utilized, a detaileddescription of what services will be provided and how they will be delivered to the program's participants.Furthermore, sample intake forms, measures that will be utilized, and program consent forms will besubmitted and included in the appendix of the final document.

Assignment J: Program Procedures/Methodology (10 Points)Criteria 0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

Detailed Narrativeincluding: Procedure,Admission Criteria,Measures Utilized,Services Provided, andService Delivery

Student narrativeexcludes many of thedetails required, and/orlacks anyorganization/cohesionbetween programdetails

Student presents details ofthe narrative, but details ofthe program are missingand/or the details are notpresented in an organizedway

Student narrativediscusses all outlinedareas with sufficientdetail. Narrativepresents all areas in acohesive way.

0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

Sample Intake Forms,Measures, andConsents

Student does notpresent multiple sampleforms, and/or the formsare not discussed in thenarrative

Student presents sampleforms, but forms aremissing and/or are notappropriately discussed inthe narrative

Narrative has sampleforms in appendices,and the role of theforms areappropriatelydiscussed in thenarrative

Total /10 K) Students will create a program evaluation plan via a chart (sample available via Canvas) that includesthat program's goals, target outcomes, steps to achieve the outcome, results, analysis and action plan, theperson responsible for each of the program goals, and the time frame in which each goal will be evaluated.

Assignment K: Program Evaluation (10 Points)Criteria 0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

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Programevaluation chartincorporatesProgram Goals,TargetOutcomes,Steps toCompletion, andResults

Chart is missingmultiple requiredaspects of theevaluation planand lacksdetail/organization

Chart is missing one ormore required aspectsof the evaluation plan(e.g., goals, outcomes,steps, and/or expectedfindings), or lackssufficientdetail/organization

Chart incorporates relevant programgoals, target outcomes, steps to achieveproposed outcomes, and what thefindings are expected to be. All aspectsare in alignment, meaning the outcomesare related to the goals, and the steps toachieve proposed outcomes make sense.

0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

Programevaluation chartincludesAnalysis, anAction Plan,Responsibilities,and Timeframefor goalevaluation.

Chart is missingmultiple requiredaspects of theevaluation planand lacksdetail/organization

Chart is missing one ormore required aspects(e.g., action plan, dataanalysis plan,timeframe) of theevaluation plan, orlacks sufficientdetail/organization

Chart incorporates plan for data analysis,and an action plan (steps involved in theevaluation and who will be responsiblefor each step) and timeline forcompletion of each step of theevaluation.

Total /10 L) Students will provide a narrative description (2 page minimum) of their program's strengths, limitations,and future directions or ways in which the student would like to see their program evolve, grow or change.

Assignment L: Program's Strengths and Limitation (5 Points)Criteria 0-1 points 2 points 3 points

Narrative ofProgram'sStrengths andLimitations

Student does notpresent strengthsand/or limitationsof the program.

Student presents somestrengths and weaknesses ofthe program, but this discussionlacks cohesion and/or detail.

Student presents an in-depthdiscussion of the strengthsand limitations of theprogram proposed

0 points 1 point 2 points

FutureDirections/ProgramEvolution and PageLength

Student does notdiscuss futuredirections of theprogram

Student presents inappropriatefuture directions of theprogram, and/or the narrative isless than 2 pages

Student presents appropriatefuture directions of theprogram, and does this in atleast two full pages.

Total /5 M) After receiving weekly feedback on each of their assignments in the course, the student willincorporate feedback provided by their Project Director and will consolidate the assignments to produce afinal document. The document should be written in accordance with APA style. No typeface smaller thanTimes New Roman 12pt should be used. The document should be double spaced with 1" margins. Asample format for the final document will be available via Canvas.

Assignment M: Final Program Design (10 Points)Criteria 0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

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Student did not consolidate allaspects of the assignmentand/or the document lacksoverall cohesion.

A final document wassubmitted, but lackscohesion betweenassignment sections.

All assignments wereproperly consolidated into acohesive final document

0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points

Incorporationof weeklyfeedback

Feedback was notincorporated into the finalpresentation

Feedback wasminimally incorporatedinto the assignment

All feedback was weighedand properly incorporated intothe final document.

Total /10 Assignment 3 Points:Program Procedures/Methodology 10 pointsProgram Evaluation 10 pointsPrograms Strengths and Limitation 5 pointsFinal Program Design Document 10 pointsTotal Points for this assignment 35 points Chat Participation: 5% of final grade There will be three Zoom chats during the term. Participation in the chats is mandatory. Discussion andfeedback from project director and classmates on research projects will be provided.

Rubric for Classroom Participation

Criteria 0 points 1-2 points 3 points

Actively contributesto classroomdiscussions

Professor has no ability toconnect student's name,voice, and ideas. Student"multi-tasks" or distractsothers in class.

Student followsclassroom discussionand offers thoughtsduring some classes.

Student initiates discussionsor actively contributes todiscussions in a variety ofways, including thosebelow.

Criteria 0 points .5 points 1 point

Displays awarenessof class readings

Contributions display lack ofawareness of the readings.

Contributions displaytangential or vagueawareness ofreadings.

Contributions connected toreadings. Student able toreference ideas from thereadings.

Criteria 0 points .5 points 1 point


Student passively accepts,passively rejects, or gives upon ideas from readings.

Student participatesin discussions ofquestions related toreadings, or testingof ideas.

Student initiates questionsarising from the reading orchallenges ideas inresponse to other,contrasting ideas.

Total /4Expectations:The course evaluation and final grade will be based on the students’ satisfactory completion of the courseassignments and overall requirements. Assignments must be written and typed following the guidelines inthe Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, and must be written at a graduate

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level, with good sentence structure and good syntax. Students must also adhere to the professionalguidelines for the use of copyrighted literature and commercially produced materials, as well as materialsgenerated by colleagues and friends and information collected from conferences and presentations.Allassignments must be organized and numbered the way they are in the course syllabus. The courseassignments must be submitted to the instructor (or in the drop box if available) on time and on the daysspecified in the syllabus. Students are advised to make and keep copies of their assignments before turningthem in. Any assignment submitted after the specified due date may have points deducted.

XI. Grading CriteriaYour final grade is determined by your performance on a number of different tasks:Grade Quality Points Percentage Points

A 4.00 90 – 100

B 3.00 80 – 89

C 2.00 70 – 79

F 0.00 Below 70

NPR 0.00 –

P 0.00 – Additional Grades: I (Incomplete), W (Withdrawn), AU (Audit), NPR (No Progress), and TR(Transfer). The grade of PR (Progress) may be used for programs with a thesis or dissertation in whichthe student continues to demonstrate progress towards requirement completion. Programs with clinicalrotations, internships, or externships in which grades may not be available within the university’s approvedgrading period may use the IP (In Progress) grade.

Final Course Grade:Assignment Points

Program Rationale and Purpose 30

Program Planning 30

Methodology/Implementation 35

Live Chats 5

Total 100

XII. Course PoliciesGeneral Policy:A. Attendance:Students are required to attend and participate in EVERY class session. Any student who misses a classsession should listen to/watch the recording of the session and email the instructor a summary or commentsregarding that session.

Preparation readings, activities, assignments need to be completed for each class is required, and classparticipation is expected.

Most students are working adults and once in a while, an issue may come up that may prevent them fromparticipating in class. The student must make every attempt to ensure that they attend and participate in

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each class session. If an emergency prevents the student from being in class and there is no otheralternative but for the student to be absent, the following protocol applies: The student must notify yourprofessor in advance by e-mail that they will not be attending the session and why. Remember,participation is 5% of your grade. The professor may also schedule a conversation with the student toensure that they understood the material and answer any questions that they have over the materialcovered in your absence.

B.Plagiarism Policy:Work that is submitted for credit must be the original work of the student. Assignments that are not theoriginal work of the students are considered plagiarized and in violation of the Code of Student Conductand Academic Responsibility. Plagiarism also occurs when giving or allowing one’s own work to be copiedor otherwise duplicated.

C.Americans with Disabilities Act: [ 1.htm]

ADA Policy: Nova Southeastern University provides reasonable accommodations for qualified studentswith a documented disability. For more information about ADA policy, services, and procedures, studentsmay call the Office of Student Disability Services at 954-262-7185 or visit

D.Last Day to Withdraw From Course:In order to withdraw from a course, it is NOT enough to stop attending class or to inform the instructor ofyour intention to withdraw.In accord with NSU policy, students wishing to withdraw from a course mustdo so formally through the Registrar.

XIII. University PoliciesPlease consult the FCE catalog for information on college and department policies and the NSU StudentHandbook for information on NSU policies:

NSU Class Recording Policy:Class content throughout this course may be recorded in accordance with the NSU Class RecordingPolicy. If class content is recorded, these recordings will be made available to students registered for thiscourse as a supplement to the classroom experience. Recordings will be made available to all students whowere registered to attend the live offering of the class, regardless of a student’s section or discipline, orwhether the student is participating in the course online. If recordings are intended to be accessible tostudents or third parties who were not registered for the live offering of the class, students’ personallyidentifiable information will be removed or redacted from the recording, unless (1) their written consent tosuch disclosure was previously provided, or (2) the disclosure is permissible in accordance with the FamilyEducational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”).Students are prohibited from recording audio or video, or taking photographs in classrooms (including onlineclasses) without prior permission from the instructor or pursuant to an approved disability accommodation,and from reproducing, sharing, or disseminating classroom recordings to individuals outside of this course. Students found engaging in such conduct will be in breach of the Student Code of Conduct and subject todisciplinary action.

XIV. Appendix/AppendicesStudents completing HSDD 6000 will be able to meet the following program objectives by thefollowing assessment measurements and methods:

Course: Program Design and Evaluation

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LearningOutcomes/ObjectivesProgram Objectives


Assessment Method

Learning Outcome 1:Apply knowledge in aspecific area within thefield of developmentaldisabilities by conductinga research project,specifically a programdesign.Program LearningObjectives:PLO 1, Applyknowledge of effectiveadministrative andresearch skillsPLO 2, Demonstrateknowledge of differentdisabilities andchallenges facedthroughout lifespanPLO 5, Applyknowledge of programdesign/administrationPLO 6, Demonstrateresearch, analytic, andwriting skills

Live Chats,ProgramRationaleAssignment,ProgramPlanningAssignment,ProgramImplementationAssignment

A 30 point criterion-based rubric is used to assess students'ability to produce well thought out rationale andcomprehensive literature review that accurately describesthe problem, explains the relevance of the proposed programto the identified population and its potential impact, as wellas includes a needs assessment that supports the need forfunding and development of the proposed program.A 30 point criterion-based rubric is used to assess students'ability to generate the mission and goals of the program ascreate a logical model, marketing plan, a budget as well asidentify the personnel needed and physical environmentwhere the program will take place.A 35 point criterion-based rubric is used to assess thestudent's ability toconceptualize the procedures necessary in the servicedelivery of the program that help achieve its goals that are inline with the mission statement. In addition, a discussion ofhow program outcomes will be evaluated and strengths andlimitations of the program will be required. The student'sability to integrate all of the components of the program toproduce a final product will be evaluated as well.

Learning Outcome 2:Gain experience indesigning or evaluating aprogram within the fieldof developmentaldisabilities.Program LearningObjectives:PLO 5, Applyknowledge of programdesign/administrationPLO 6, Demonstrateresearch, analytic, andwriting skills

Live Chats,ProgramRationaleAssignment,ProgramPlanningAssignment,ProgramImplementationAssignment

A 30 point criterion-based rubric is used to assess students'ability to produce well thought out rationale andcomprehensive literature review that accurately describesthe problem, explains the relevance of the proposed programto the identified population and its potential impact, as wellas includes a needs assessment that supports the need forfunding and development of the proposed program.A 30 point criterion-based rubric is used to assess students'ability to generate the mission and goals of the program ascreate a logical model, marketing plan, a budget as well asidentify the personnel needed and physical environmentwhere the program will take place.A 35 point criterion-based rubric is used to assess thestudent's ability toconceptualize the procedures necessary in the servicedelivery of the program that help achieve its goals that are inline with the mission statement. In addition, a discussion ofhow program outcomes will be evaluated and strengths andlimitations of the program will be required. The student'sability to integrate all of the components of the program toproduce a final product will be evaluated as well.

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