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Organizational Development and Change? PPT

(please check word doc named “Paper”) Wells Fargo & Company (domestic or U.S. ethics issues only)

Prepare slides which you believe necessary to cover the criteria below. Assume that you are the leader of an outside OD consulting team that has been retained by a member of the Board of Directors of this organization to conduct a study, given the tools from the text as noted below, and perform an intervention to address the issue of unethical U.S. behavior as found in this organization. Given your research of the Wells Fargo & Company (domestic or U.S. ethics issues only) in question, you are to apply these tools and present to the audience from this corporation your plan for the intervention to produce the desired outcomes.


Some of those Issue was already wrote on the word doc named ?Paper? you can check the doc as well

? Choice of Applicable Planned Change Model(23)

? Degree of Organization (over vs under-organized)(34)

? Self-Knowledge & Skills Necessary(49)

? External vs Internal Consulting(53)

? Role of Ethics(62)

? Entering into an OD Relationship(76)

? Clarify the Organizational Issue

? Determine the Relevant Client

? Selecting the Practitioner

? Essentials of Effective OD Proposal(78)

? Objectives

? Proposed Action

? Roles & Responsibilities

? Recommended Interventions

? Fee, Terms, & Conditions

? Developing a Contract(79)

? Mutual Expectations

? Time & Resources

? Ground Rules

? Factors Affecting Client-Practitioner Dynamics(86)

? Open System-Models in Diagnosing Organizational Systems(95)

? Cycle of Data Collection & Feedback(124)

? Data Collection Methods(126)

? Sampling Considerations(132)

? Population

? Sample Selection(random)

? Stratified Sample(mutually exclusive)

? Review Each of the Following OD Criteria ? Apply as Found Appropriate to Your Intervention

? Figure 7.2 ? Human Resource & Process Intervention(172)

? Figure 8.1 ? Effective Change Management(180)

? Table 9.1 ? Behavioral Outcomes to Measure Intervention(213)

? Figure 9.2 ? Institutionalization Framework(222)

? 10-2a ? Individual / Group Interventions-Process(270)

? 11-2a ? Process Interventions ? Application Stages(299)

? Figure 12.5/Table 12.4 ? The Process Structure(346-349)

? Figure 13.1 ? How Employee Involvement Affects Productivity(378)

? Figure 13.2 ? Secondary Effects on Productivity(379)

? ?Features of High-Involvement Organizations?(393)

? Figure 14.1 ? Relationships Among Core Job Dimensions, Critical Psychological States, and Personal and Work Outcomes(406)

? Figure 14.3 ? Model of Self-Managed Work Teams(416)

? Figure 15.1 ? Performance Management Model(441)

? ?Management By Objectives? (MBO)(444)

? Section 15.4 ? Reward Systems (452)

? Review Each of the Following OD Criteria ? Apply as Found Appropriate to Your Intervention

? Figure 16.1 ? Individual Career vs HR Planning(485)

? Table 17.1 ?Work Diversity Interventions(500)

? Figure 17.2 ? Stress Management(508)

? Figure 18.1 ? Systems Model of Organization Design(534)

? Table 18.1 ? Organization Designs(536)

? Figure 19.3 ? Organization Learning & Performance(586)

? Figure 19.4 ? Ladder of Inference(591)

? Table 20.1 ? Major M&A Phases and Activities(609)

? Figure 21.1 ? Components of Organizational Identity(663)

? Analyzing Data(133)

? Qualitative Tools

*Content Analysis

*Force-Field Analysis of Work-Groups

? Quantitative Tools

*Means, Standard Dev., Freq. Distr.

? Feeding Back Data(142)

? Contents (1-9)

? Possible Effects (flowchart possible outcomes)

? Process of Feedback (1-5)

? Survey Feedback (1-5)

>>Perform this assignment as described. Use an outline format for the slides. Do not try to break up a written report and paste into slides for this PPT. Avoid large quotes on the slides.

>>Follow APA guidelines for your citations to be shown in the last slide.

This is to present your ?Change? via ?Intervention? plan to create and sustain a highly ethically run organization. Included with this, among other changes, should be the implementation of individual motivations within this ethical structure to serve the customer versus the employee. Your audience for this PPT is the individual that hired you and a group of select high level decision maker officers. The criteria to be addressed in your PPT are listed below. Each is to be addressed. If you determine something has no relevance here then address it by making it clear in your presentation. Again, each is to be addressed.


Your ?Issue? is described above and is to be addressed as you determine what your ODP (organizational development practitioner) approaches (criteria from the text below by page number) and considerations would be for each OD item below.

(numbers below indicate text page numbers where criteria for analysis is found)

Organizational Development and Change



The systematic use and sharing of behavioral science knowledge for the aim of establishing, enhancing, and sustaining the strategies, techniques, and attributes that influence an organization’s success is known as organization development .Typically, managers initiate and carry out the plan, sometimes with the help of an organizational development professional.

According to the Harvard Business Review, the major probe into Wells Fargo’s culture focused on the increasing sales atmosphere, which resulted in personnel springing up millions

of fraudulent identities (Ochs, 2016). Ex staff claimed that they were exposed to a disheartening culture of terror and continuous compulsion by administration, wherein they were pressured to fulfill unachievable revenue goals, some of which were accomplished by illegal means. This paper illustrates the role of organizational development and approaches that can be employed by organizational development practitioners to deal with organizational issues such as those of Wells Fargo.

The Nature of Planned Change (CH 2 P 30)

One of the organizational development approaches includes planning change.

Organizational development is the systematic process of changing an organization in attempt to optimize its entire effectiveness for sole-transformation. A variety of ways may be used to handle domestic ethical concerns at Wells Fargo under the planned modification item. The action research model of planned change can be applied to the Wells Fargo scenario, where initial study on the company will be conducted to offer data to guide future action. After identifying the issue, consultation with a behavioral science specialist may begin. It is at this point that the ODP will communicate his/her values and convictions with the corporation (P 30) in order to foster an interactive and transparent environment. Following that, as an ODP, I

will collect data and do a preliminary diagnosis with the assistance of Wells Fargo personnel and staff. The ODP may collect data in a variety of ways, including by questioning management and staff, such as John Stumpf, the organization’s CEO at the time.

In the instance of Wells Fargo, this will include learning about the business’s history, as well as any other internal ethical issues that the firm has encountered. Wells Fargo’s misleading sales practices are regarded immoral, and the resulting damage to firms’ image, workplace morale, compliance expenses, and a broader damage to society’s general faith in business, is enormous. Few Corporate leaders intentionally violate the rules in order to achieve competitive advantages, and the majority of businesses have mechanisms in order to prevent misconduct at all ranks. The research will focus on the perilous cultural dimensions within the firm, as well as inadequacies among top executives at Wells Fargo. According to Ochs (2016), there were five years of clear and frequent warnings about Wells Fargo’s fraud, but the senior management and directors took an unusually long time to recognize the scope and seriousness of the fraud and to confront it decisively.

The Organizational Developmental Practitioner (CH 3 P52)

As an organizational development practitioner, there are specific responsibilities, characteristics, and abilities that I should possess in order to enable the successful implementation of planned change at Wells Fargo. Ethical behavior is critical to an organization’s success, and Wells Fargo executives demonstrated the importance they put on ethical behavior. The ODP’s duty is to elicit complicated and confusing facts in order to make educated judgments regarding its applicability to Wells Fargo’s internal ethical concern.

Knowledge about the problem under examination and the necessary changes is critical for organizational growth.

Entering and Contracting (CH 4 P82)

As the ODP, I will be expected to grasp many fundamental skills regarding Wells Fargo, including organizational design (structural systems, incentive systems, personnel management, sociopolitical, and workplace structure), system dynamics, and the firm’s history of growth and transformation (societal, geopolitical, financial, and personal forces). As previously mentioned, an organization’s culture is crucial, and it is critical to examine Wells Fargo’s comparative cultural viewpoints. According to Forbes, it is an irrefutable reality that an organization’s culture has a significant impact on how its people behave, and Wells Fargo neglected this fact, putting the bank at a crossroads .

Diagnosing (CH 5 P101)

Diagnosis is the phase during which the ODP determines the intervention actions necessary to increase an organization’s effectiveness. It is a way of obtaining a knowledge of how a system is currently operating. It entails gathering important data about present operations, interpreting that data, and generating inferences about the factors that contribute to recent standing and the possibility for development and reform (Cummings & Worley, 2015). Effective diagnosis generates the structured information about an organization that is required to plan effective solutions. In this instance, pertinent material includes customer damage that occurred over time and the impact of Wells Fargo’s culture. The data collection process should involve determining why staff violated customer confidence by acquiring credentials, falsifying identities, and surreptitiously transferring money. Additionally, the goal of diagnosing this problem is to determine why management minimized the situation until it burst and why it was quick to impose punishments on executives and other parties involved until after the first damning Congressional inquiry and months of public protest. Thus, were there workers who

attempted to raise concerns about Wells Fargo’s threatening atmosphere and unethical behaviors, and how did the business respond to them? These kinds of inquiries will aid in the diagnosis phase by facilitating the collection, analysis, and dissemination of diagnostic data.

Collecting, Analyzing, and Feeding Back Diagnostic Information (CH 6 P 117)

Organizational development is contingent upon the collection of diagnostic data that will be presented to the client in order to mutually analyze the organization’s performance and choose the most effective change intervention. As a result, the quality of data collected and the efficacy of the feedback mechanism are key components of the organizational growth cycle.

After assessing the information supplied by the company and connected individuals, providing feedback assists in choosing the most effective change intervention. This will be contingent upon the relevance of the content I obtain from Wells Fargo workers and personnel identifying domestic ethical issues that have impaired the organization’s performance and growth. I can, for example, study and determine why eight executives at this organization were sanctioned, as well as their participation in the sales scam. The business was fined up to 185 million

dollars for unethical sales activities, which included the creation of about 3.5 million bogus accounts without client consent. Almost every stakeholder was impacted by this crisis, and obtaining information from a variety of sources, including workers, consumers, and executives, would aid in developing interventions prior to implementing change.

Designing Interventions (CH 7 P169)

Under OD, intervention refers to a series of activities, actions, and events designed to assist an organization in enhancing its quality and productivity . This is a method that will assist Wells Fargo in resolving the domestic quandary and enhancing certain aspects of organizational performance, such as leadership and culture.

Managing Change (CH 8 P 184)

Managing change may be used to solving issues, benefiting from experiences, reinterpreting common beliefs, adjusting to changing environmental conditions, enhancing performance, and promoting potential developments. Organizational culture is a component in organizational growth largely because it has a tremendous influence on how people behave inside an organization. Apart from paying billions of dollars to resolve criminal and civil probes, Wells Fargo would be obliged to dismiss multiple senior executives and restructure its culture. Recognizing and apologizing for wrongdoing is critical to establishing change in this company.

Evaluating and Institutionalizing Organization Development Interventions (CH 9 P 215).

Evaluation and institutionalization are critical steps in managing change and they are based on the interventions. Evaluation includes giving feedback to the clients and organizations involved regarding the interventions? progress and impact. Given that Wells Fargo is fully aware that the action in which it was engaged was unethical, it should address the problem honestly and not attempt to conceal what occurred in order to maintain credibility. Wells Fargo was required to provide a prompt and public reaction as a means of admitting the situation for the benefit of all stakeholders. People want forgiveness, and remorse is ingrained in our society. Falsehood is not. Following the controversy, the corporation attempted to dodge criticism by running an ad campaign that people saw as inauthentic .This is one way the company demonstrated failure, since it was unable to increase consumer involvement and retention. Additionally, the organization should serve as a catalyst for cultural change.

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Wells Fargo and Company (Domestic ethics issues) Interventions to Create and sustain highly ethically run Organizations

Review Each of the Following OD Criteria ? Apply as Found Appropriate to Your Intervention

10-2a ? Individual / Group Interventions-Process (270)

Individual intervention helps people develop good communication skills and channels to be able to understand each other during work. OD in this process helps individuals to be able to figure out the behaviors of their colleagues during meetings or discussions. In private or hidden categories of communication it tends to become more personal this makes people raise their level of readiness and awareness on how their action may affect the people around them this may be in job or interactive places. Individual intervention helps in making people more open by airing out their views, emotions, and opinions reducing the hidden burden in people (pg. 269). Leaders at Well Fargo should consider monitoring and developing ways of enabling their workers to communicate openly and direct to address the issue of openness among leaders and employees.

11-2 a ? Process Interventions ? Application Stages (299)

When the organization has issues that are hindering their operations that require the board’s coordination, several processes need to be applied this includes;

1. The directors and board members are informed and meeting scheduled in the company?s conference room t identify the problem that relates to the effectiveness of the premises.

2. A committee is formed from finance, sales, operations, and quality assurance departments, varying from 5 to 15 members.

3. Members are advised to be open and honest, work hard to identify the problem and there are not pointing fingers at anyone with a suggestion.

4. Each group was given time to figure out the problem the organization might be facing.

An OD walks around helping each group where he can.

5. A general meeting is called, and each group presents their findings and solutions to the problem found. Since all the groups will be given time to present their cases.

6. At this stage, the problem list is made and broken down, and prioritized and immediate tactics to resolve the problems are made.

7. Each group reports the priority problems and the ways they can be resolved.

8. Meetings will be held to follow up and progress management resources involved to monitor progress. Leader reports to top management to the other team leaders on the progress made at a given time (pg. 299).

Figure 12.5/Table 12.4 ? The Process Structure (346-349)

Production functions are normally managed by a project owner. Supported by executive officers, chief operation officer, and heads of supportive staff. This eliminates departmental boundaries that slow coordination and decision-making process and task performance. This helps the organization to focus on their resources and the customers out and inside the firm. This brings in the focus on meeting market needs which results in improvement of speed, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. OD intervention also enhances employees’ involvement in the organization’s mission and vision (pg.348). This shows process structures are appropriate where market and customer demands keep changing according to the environment.

Figure 13.1 ? How Employee Involvement Affects Productivity (378)

In an organization communication is the key to a successful business. Employee involvement creates a conducive environment at work where employees communicate freely without the fear of being judged. Good communication and coordination with the employee bring in the motivating factor at work. This makes the employees give their all during work. Well, Fargo should have embraced and appreciated their employees to improve teamwork and motivation in the organization (pg. 378).

Figure 13.2 ? Secondary Effects on Productivity (379)

The secondary effects on productivity come with the well-being of the employees this means they should be comfortable with your offers and treatment; the organization should be able to be attractive to the employees to want to come work with the company as well as remain after being employed (pg. 379). Employee involvement is key and may help in the reattainment of your top-performing employees.

Features of High-Involvement Organizations (393)

High organizations possess high involvement features which are:

1. A flat lean organization structure helps in speeding up schedules, planning, and controlling activities carried out by managers and employees on the shop floor.

2. Job design helps to manage oof employees and ensure they are ready and equipped to carry out daily routines for a long period for the organization.

3. Selection of the employees where makes it easy to identify the correct team to be assigned a certain duty and execute to the best of their knowledge for the betterment of the organization

4. Training employees to improve their knowledge and skills to improve their decision- making judgment includes the development of impersonal skills.

5. Rewarding employees who have done the company proud boosts the morale of employees. This shows their hard work and dedication to the company are appreciated. This brings in a new energy of positive competition which intern benefits the company itself. Well, Fargo embraces the concept of the involvement of the employees in a dynamic and this helps the organization to attain its goals .in the market.

Figure 14.1 ? Relationships among Core Job Dimensions, Critical Psychological States and Personal and Work Outcomes (406)

This dimension influences three more categories this includes critical psychological state, personal, and work outcomes. For one to be employed they need skill, task identity, autonomy, and response. Core job dimension outcomes reduce absenteeism and turn out and improve high- quality work performance and satisfaction. It is important to know your Task significance which the employees possess (pg.407). the feedback will impact the workers’ ability to carry out their work either positively or negatively.

Figure 14.3 ? Model of Self-Managed Work Teams (416)

High-performance work teams are mostly responsible for their action during production. They control other members in decision-making about the task given and the approach is taken for the effective completion of the task(pg.416). This is also important in team management and employee involvement. This is influenced by team task design, team process intervention, and organization support systems.

Figure 15.1 ? Performance Management Model (441)

This is a process of defining, assessing, and developing employee work outcomes and behavior. Performance management in an organization includes rewarding systems and training

of the employees. employee levels in an organization determine the nature of management practice(pg.441).

Management By Objectives (MBO) (444)

This is applied where misunderstanding on the organizational ambitions is not clearly stated and understood by the people. This is characterized by systematic and periodic meetings to help attain the organizations’ goals. MBO is developed to improve and grow jobs to improve performance this may help in setting short-term goals and eventually help them in attaining their goals(pg.444).to reach these desired outcomes the management by objective has to go through a process that involves, groupwork involvement, goals set in a joint management subordinate, and establishing criteria of success this means agreeing on a common stand to improve the entire process (pg. 445).

Section 15.4 ? Reward Systems (452)

These are incentives and tokens that employers use to improve the performance of employees’ workgroups (pg.452). this also produces a high-level performance among employees since there is positive competition among employees and this means high level and improved performance in an organization. OD practitioners are attempting to implement this system. The rewards system improves both employees and organizational effectiveness. Well, Fargo company should employ this system to motivate workers to be proud of working for the company. This includes performance-based payment and promotion to the workers who provided top-level services to the company.

Review Each of the Following OD Criteria ? Apply as Found Appropriate to Your Intervention

Figure 16.1 ? Individual Career vs. HR Planning (485)

The development of careers is key to meeting the certain objective in work. This may include personal organizational goals job assignment and performance enhancement which if essential in the advancement stage. Wells Fargo and the company should borrow human resource management practices since it will help their employees in Career development can also contribute to different outcomes in an organization such as lowering turnover and enhancing member satisfaction (pg.485).

Table 17.1 ?Work Diversity Interventions (500)

Deals with workforce characters such as gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation. In this modern-day organization is employing people with disabilities there is a significant increase in women employees in the workforce. The integration of good working conditions career planning and rewarding systems organizations like well Fargo will be among the leading industries in growth since they value the work out by their employees and by retaining good and productive employees the organization will only realize profits rather than losses. Disabled people only require little training to be able to keep up in working environments (pg. 501).

Figure 17.2 ? Stress Management (508)

Managing organizational stees a well-established communication strategy should be in place; employee relationship should be good this should cut across the company from senior to junior staff. The management should put programs that will help monitor employees’ mental and physical state (pg508). This can be done through the establishment of recreational activities to

help employees relieve stress. Well Fargo company cubed both organizational personal stress since there was good and clear communication and well-established working standards.

Figure 18.1 ? Systems Model of Organization Design (534)

This system has five categories of business components. Management process, business strategy, work design, human resource practices, and structure. They help in utilizing competitive advantages to achieve organizational objectives. Management practices help elaborate the goals set by the organization, decision making and the resource to be allocated (pg.535)

Table 18.1 ? Organization Designs (536)

Design s new organization is easier than meditating an existing one where resistance if change may be imminent and may cause dislocation and bad character among employees and the management. The organic design promotes organizational innovation and change (pg. 535) due to competition new organizations’ strategies are being adopted to inmove on the teamwork and productivity of the company. Well Fargo employs this strategy and notices an improved system and moral improvement among its workers this enables them to improve in their productivity.

Figure 19.3 ? Organization Learning & Performance (586)

The OD intervention makes it easy for organizations to acquire and develop employee skills to be enabled to come up with new strategies to be able to maintain long-term competitiveness with other organizations. These designs are put to implement to help organizations come up with new and improved techniques to be able to compete with the new market. The knowledge includes the invention of new commodities, production, and generation in the organization(pg.586).

Figure 19.4 ? Ladder of Inference (591)

This assists in knowing members’ mental models and strategies that are being used.

Ladder helps members understand why their theories can lead to unproductive behaviors in the organization if applied in business(pg.590). well Fargo brought back their customer and cleared their names from public damage and realized new strategies to meet their objectives.

Figure 21.1 ? Components of Organizational Identity (663)

Organizational identity is centralized and endures characters that make it stans out on the organization. He reflects clearly on the company?s culture and goals these are the organizations’ reputation, image, feedback, and brand (pg. 664). For an organization to be successful and stand out to the market it should stand up to what the company stands for to please the customers.

Analyzing Data (133) Qualitative Tools

Content Analysis

This is a method employed to analyze qualitative data specifically interviewing of data(pg.133). It compresses necessary components into a smaller task which is also a formulative data analysis method that follows three processes; reading the questions, generation of the peace to be analyzed, and categorizing response according to the results.

Force-Field Analysis of Work-Groups

This is data analysis that organizes information about changes that occur in an organization into significant categories namely forced against change and force for change. OD practitioners believe efforts determine multipotent and negative details in this method (pg.134).

Quantitative Tools

*Means, Standard Dev., Freq. Distr.

Helps in summing up quantitative data h=where the standard deviation and the mean are calculated for each variable that has been used in the data analysis and the result can be compared across different subgroups.

Feeding Back Data (142) Content (1-9)

this should be relevant to address the required topic, understood and describe what it should consider time, should be verifiable signific and comparative.

Process of Feedback (1-5)

provides data for the organization to attend meetings where inputs should be discussed the conclusions of the meetings and the solutions to problems that the organization is facing. OD practitioners should be able to help organizations to manage these processes smoothly.

Survey Feedback (1-5)

This process assembles and feeds data received from an organization through questioners. This covers purpose topic relevance and organizational effects.

ODP Recommendations going forward for the organization

The OD after assessing and surveying the well Fargo and company came up with the following recommendations

1. There should be the improvement in production and sales efficiency in the organization

2. The organization should embrace the OD practices to enable them to operate efficiently.

3. Human resource practices and employee involvement should be practiced to improve teamwork

4. Health practices should be practiced in the company to maintain customers they need.

Addressing Unethical Behavior at Wells Fargo

Student name


Course name


Applicable Planned Change Model

Leaders need to create an open communication

Appoint ethics committee for various positions and systems

Design products aligning with moral beliefs and principles of

the company

Promoting respect, fairness and dignity in the company

Self-Knowledge and Skills Necessary

Building trust to encourage open process

Support group action in the company

Reduce boundary issues between seniors and the subordinates

Be transparent, responsive and have drive to solve customer problems

Adhere to corporations act, norms and society rules

Stakeholders must communicate their company preferences

Protect company data by restricting access to the right personnel

Role of Ethics

Develop acceptable and desirable goals and values

Ensuring employee consent in activities

Avoid resentful work environment by eliminating coercive manage

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