NUR2407 Pharmacology
Module 2 Quiz
Question 1A nurse is caring for a client being treated with an alpha blocker. What counseling should the client r
Rasmussen NUR2407 2023 January Module 2 Quiz Latest
NUR2407 Pharmacology
Module 2 Quiz
Question 1A nurse is caring for a client being treated with an alpha blocker. What counseling should the client receive?
Rise slowly from lying to standing to avoid dizziness and a possible fall.
Void before taking the medication to avoid urine retention.
Take a daily laxative to avoid constipation.
Avoid drinking more than 600 mls of fluid per day while taking this medication.
Question 2The provider is considering starting a diabetic client on valproic acid for nerve pain this week. During the health history, the client tells the nurse, “I drink a six pack of beer daily and two to three six packs on weekends.” What is the priority nursing action?
Obtain a lab order to assess the current level of valproic acid.
Tell the client his alcoholism is causing his nerve pain, so medicine won’t help.
Seek an order for liver function labs to see if valproic acid would be safe for the client.
Reassure the client that beer and valproic acid are compatible.
Question 3When reviewing the client’s list of medications, the nurse notes that two anticholinergics have been prescribed. Which of the client’s recent symptoms could be caused by excessive anticholinergic therapy? (Select all that apply.)
Hyperacidity and gastric reflux
Dry mouth
Frequent loose stools
Light sensitivity due to dilated pupils
Question 4The nurse recognizes that which of the following are actions of benzodiazepines? (Select all that apply.)
Sleep facilitation
Relief from anxiety
Suppression of seizures
Relief from tardive dyskinesia
Improvement of muscle coordination
About APA 7th Edition
APA 7th edition is the latest version of the American Psychological Association (APA) citation and referencing style guide. It is commonly used in social sciences, psychology, education, and other related fields for writing academic papers, research articles, and dissertations. The APA 7th edition provides guidelines for citing sources, formatting the document, and organizing the structure of the paper.
An illustration/example of APA 7th edition citation for a journal article is as follows:
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day of Publication). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, volume number(issue number), page range.

For example:
Smith, J. (2022, June 10). The impact of technology on mental health. Journal of Technology and Mental Health, 3(2), 50-60.
In the reference list, the sources are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. In-text citations are used in the main text to give credit to sources and include the author’s last name and the year of publication.

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