Central State University
Module 3 Journal
Nelson Torres
Curriculum and Assessment
Dr. Headley White
September 2, 2022
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In this chapter, I learned about accommodation criteria that are employed when judgments on
accommodations are being made, usage of teacher-designed tests, and differences in the
methods of assessment in the core subject areas of reading, mathematics, spelling, and writing
for beginning and advanced students are discussed.
To be successful, I think I need to learn more about the possible sources of difficulties that
might arise from the use of teacher-made assessments and the many ways that can be taken to
observation. In our roles as educators, we are required to maintain a high level of self- and
student-awareness. As stated in the reading, “Teachers are constantly monitoring themselves
and their students. Sometimes they are just keeping an eye on things to make sure that their
classrooms are safe and goal oriented, to anticipate disruptive or dangerous situations, or to
keep track of how things are going in a general sense.” (Salvia, 20160201, p. 134)
We are able to keep our teaching approaches improving in order to better suit the demands of
our students since we have the capability to preserve data of observations.
My level of understanding regarding the topics presented in this module’s chapter are
manageable, yet there is potential for me to expand my comprehension. In the classrooms
where I have worked, one of my responsibilities has been to monitor and record the activities
of the children. Information pertaining to conduct, academic achievement, and interactions
with peers. The information that I have gathered has been prepared and presented in student
IEP sessions for the purpose of making any necessary adjustments and additions to the IEP.
What I liked best from this chapter scenario in assessment. The scenarios allowed me to
visualize myself in the situation and consider how I would react to various challenges along
the way. The ability to "role play" provides the opportunity to consider several courses of
action that can be followed to deal with a certain circumstance.
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What I think I will use the most in my future or current classroom is data collection
throughout the school year in order to make proper accommodations to meet student needs.
Salvia states, “When making decisions about what to teach, it is important to collect
information about the student’s current skills in a way that the student can adequately
demonstrate his or her knowledge.” (Salvia, 20160201, p. 108) After reading this modules
chapters, and completing all the activities, I can discuss, explain, and demonstrate the criteria
for accommodations that are used when judgments on accommodations are being made are
discussed, as well as the use of teacher-designed tests and the differences in the methods of
assessment in the core subject areas of reading, mathematics, spelling, and writing for
beginning and advanced students. The learning activity that helped me more than any other
was the scenarios in assessment and chapter comprehension questions.
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Salvia, J., Ysseldyke, J., Witmer, S. (20160201). Assessment in Special and Inclusive Education,
13th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf 10.1.1]. Retrieved from vbk://9781305887329
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