Module 2 – Case Assignment
Assignment Overview
Mobile marketing spending is increasing in recent years due to the popularity of smartphone and mobile commerce. Burberry is starting to use the mobile apps to reach the target market. Burberry is the first brand to use a ‘Snapcode’ on Snapchat as it looks to give visitors in its stores access to exclusive content. Read the following articles related to mobile app marketing campaign by Burberry, mobile app design, and the digital marketing trends. Note that you can find the articles without links in our online library databases using the search box on TLC Portal.
BI Intelligence (2015). Here’s where digital ad spending is going over the next five years. Retrieved from…
Burberry launches on kakao (2015). Newton: Questex Media Group LLC.
Burberry launches global partnership with line. (2015, Feb 05). M2 Presswire.
DeMers, J. (2014, Aug. 15). 10 online marketing metrics you need to be measuring. Retrieved from…
Goodfellow, J. (2016). Burberry is printing codes on its products to encourage customers to use Snapchat in-store. Retrieved from…
L2 think tank: Burberry runs lunar new year WeChat campaign (2016). Chatham: Newstex.
Magrath, V., & McCormick, H. (2013). Marketing design elements of mobile fashion retail apps.Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 17(1), 115-134.
O’Reilly, L. (2012, Sep 20). Burberry to put mobile first in mix. Marketing Week (Online).
Roderick, L. (2015, Sep 18). Burberry in snapchat first as it premieres new fashion collection online. Marketing Week (Online).
Roderick, L. (2016, Apr 04). Burberry uses first ever snapcode to let in-store customers unlock online snapchat content. Marketing Week (Online).
Case Assignment
Imagine you have been hired as a consultant to the VP of marketing for Burberry. The VP wants to get an objective opinion from someone outside the company who is familiar with current digital marketing basics.
Your job is to write a short memo of 750 -1,500 words critically analyzing Burberry’s mobile marketing strategy. Note that the company has decided to use mobile social platforms to reach its target markets. Read and cite required articles listed above, including additional research you have done, to address the following issues:
- Evaluate the assumptions behind Burberry’s mobile marketing campaigns, with a brief introduction of the company mobile marketing efforts.
- Analyze the effectiveness of Burberry’s mobile marketing campaigns by applying relevant branding and promotion concepts. Also specify the criteria you use to evaluate the effectiveness.
- With the increasing popularity of mobile media and social media, what would you recommend to Burberry regarding its mobile promotion strategy? Explain why.
Do not spend a lot of time digging in the company’s website and do not just rehash what the company did; instead, introduce a critical perspective. Focus on the Case articles as well as relevant background reading from Modules 1 and 2. There are no right answers; after all, you do not have inside information. You will be evaluated on your understanding of the background materials and your logic reasoning. In particular, show your understanding of the way a change in target market affects the company’s promotion strategy. Also, give some thought as to how Burberry’s mobile marketing meshes with other elements of its marketing program, for example, merchandising (product management), channel management, and pricing.
Assignment Expectations Regarding Your References and Defense of Your Positions
Write clearly, simply, and logically. Your memo should be 750-1,500 words long, excluding title pages and references, but quality of writing is more important than length. Use single space, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size. Check the following link for business memo format:….
Back up your positions or opinions with references to the required reading found in the Module 1-2 Backgrounds. In using those references, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts presented. Rather than grading on how much information you find, emphasis will be on the defense of the positions you take on the issues. Also remember that:
- The “why” is more important than the “what.”
- The defense of your positions on the issues is more important than the positions you take.
Do not repeat or quote definitions. Your use of the required reading to support your opinions (that is, contentions or positions) should demonstrate that you understand the concepts presented. Do not include definitions or summaries of the readings, or simply describe what the company did. Instead, your responses to the questions should be analytical and should demonstrate that (a) you understand the principles from the background reading and (b) you can apply them to this particular case. Vague, general answers will not earn a good grade.
Avoid redundancy and general statements such as “All organizations exist to make a profit.” Make every sentence count.
Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.
When writing an academically oriented paper, you will uncover many facts about the product. If you paraphrase the facts, cite the sources in your text and link those citations to references at the end of the paper.
Here are some guidelines on how to conduct information search and build critical thinking skills.
Emerald Group Publishing. (n.d.). Searching for information. Retrieved from…
Emerald Group Publishing. (n.d.). Developing critical thinking. Retrieved from…
Guidelines for handling quoted and paraphrased material are found at:
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Academic writing. Retrieved from
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Retrieved from
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Is it plagiarism yet? Retrieved from…
Your paper consists of arguments in favor of your opinions or positions on the issues addressed by the guidelines; therefore, avoid the following logical fallacies:
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Logic in argumentative writing. Retrieved from…
- make sure to reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper,(See Attached)including pages 11-14 on in-text citations.
- NO Plagiarism (will check on Turnitin)
Module Overview
The Marketing Mix: Promotion
In the Module 2 SLP, you will continue to work on the charge you chose for the marketing plan by conducting SWOT analysis. In this module, we will also focus on promotion. This includes all areas of promotion: advertising, sales promotion, public relations, publicity, and personal selling.
By way of introduction, here is a thought-provoking e-mail sent by Dr. Stan Shapiro to Trident University students on Nov. 2, 2003:
“Advertising is all around us and people like to comment and/or complain about it all the time. But now two quick questions: First, in the U.S., how do you think total spending on advertising compares with what’s spent on sales-force-related activities? Do you think, all told, marketers spend more on sales or advertising?
“Unless you said total spending on sales is 8 to 10 times greater than total spending on advertising, you would be wrong. Obviously, the proportions differ by company and product line, but, overall, sales-related expenses are many times greater than all that advertising we talk about. Also, don’t fail to recognize the relative importance of all forms of sales promotion as compared to paid media advertising. Even the firms that you most often see advertising on television are now, on average, spending as much on various forms of sales promotion as they are on all forms of paid advertising combined.
“One final point: Different companies, selling directly competing brands, may use very different promotional mixes. Some rely more on advertising while others rely on cents off deals and coupons. Still others give promotional allowances to retailers, expecting them to provide the actual promotional effort. They may use different advertising appeals (speed vs. safety for cars), different media mixes (TV vs. magazines), and also spend very different percentages of their total sales on promotion. This happens, of course, because there is no obviously ‘best way’ to promote cars or cosmetics. What everyone attempts to do, however, is to develop a promotional program that they believe will encourage the firm’s intended target market to buy its product.”
In the module, you will examine a traditional promotional mix:
· Advertising (including TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, and billboards)
· Personal Selling
· Sales Promotion
· Public Relations
· Publicity
You will also examine up-and-coming electronic media such as cell phone & Web page advertising.
Promotion, which sometimes is thought of as the “sizzle” or the “showbiz” in the marketing mix, is also often confused with the whole of marketing, so let’s give it its due.
As you will see in the last exercise in the Case Assignment, a lot of attention is properly given to the creative side of this activity, particularly in advertising. The ability to evoke an emotional response—to portray a powerful or memorable image, to come up with “the big idea”—is equivalent to a home run in baseball.
We are often impressed by what artists and copywriters come up with. But that experience has occasionally been chastened by disconnects with marketing strategies—the failure to consider audience targets and salient attributes, and, most importantly, to set and reflect objectives.
So, without discounting the value of “home runs,” we want to stress the importance of marketing “small ball,” the equivalent of pitches in the strike zone, solid defense, getting on base, and intelligent base running.
Therefore, we have to start any discussion of promotion strategy with a reminder of the importance of keeping the overall game plan in mind: how our customers are segmented, the targets we want to reach, and the positioning points that are most important in those customers’ buying decisions.
Next, within the framework of those basics, we want to identify our objectives, both in terms of an overall campaign and for each specific element of that campaign. While some efforts are clearly intended to increase sales (such as a price promotion for the holiday season), we sometimes want simply to inform an audience about some competitive attribute or only to build brand awareness in a promising segment.
MBA reasoning about what does or doesn’t constitute an effective promotion often turns on the concept of ROI (return on investment): the profit that can be attributed to a specific investment. However, that calculation often depends on some indirect relationship that connects net sales revenues to the achievement of a non-monetary objective. Accordingly we need to be sensitive to (1) the prospect that a direct measurement may be impossible and (2) the need to at least estimate the impact of, say, knowledge about a brand’s qualities to the likelihood of purchase.
Another issue to stress is the importance of integrating marketing communications efforts. You’ll note that “promotion” includes personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion as well as advertising. As we determine which of these is best suited in terms of cost/effectiveness to carry a message, we also want to ensure consistency in the messages conveyed through each approach. For example, a heavy-duty price promotion is not consistent with a brand position based on some non-price attribute.
Finally, a comprehensive understanding of promotion will encompass the various agents involved in delivering messages effectively—adequate training for the sales force and credible advertising media. And, as we become increasingly dependent on the Internet and social media, control of the message becomes more important than when we could simply depend on internally generated reports and Nielsen indices to tell us how we were doing.
In conclusion, strategic management of promotion involves right-brain activities, to be sure, but don’t overlook the left-brain contributions required to win ball games.
Student Guide to Writing
a High-Quality Academic Paper
Follow these guidelines when writing academic papers,
including your Case and SLP assignments.
An effective academic writing style is an essential part of a
university education.
Poorly written papers detract from your ability to effectively share
your knowledge and ideas with others, including your professors.
This guide will help you prepare high-quality papers that are:
▪ Logically argued
▪ Clearly structured and formatted
▪ Written in a professional, academic style
The basic structure of an academic paper includes:
1. Cover page 2. Introduction 3. Body of the
paper (which may have subsections) 4.
Conclusion 5. Reference page
The cover page of an academic paper should
include the:
▪ University name ▪ Student’s name ▪
Assignment title ▪ Course number and name
▪ Professor’s name ▪ Date
Note: Some professors recommend adding the assignment instructions
(tasks and/or questions) to the bottom of the cover page to help students
make sure they have addressed each part of the assignment.
University Name
Student’s Name
Module 1 Case Assignment
Course Number: Course Name
Professor’s Name
In the introduction, provide a brief, clear overview of:
1. Each problem or issue that you will discuss
2. The solution to the problem(s) or your response to the
3. How you will prove or demonstrate that your solution or
response is correct
Tip: Try writing the body of your paper first. Then come back
and write the introduction once you know what your paper is
The body of the paper is where you discuss the solution to the problem(s)
or your response to the issue(s) raised in the assignment.
After you have read the materials related to the assignment, begin by
creating a quick outline:
▪ What are the main points of your argument? Jot them down.
▪ Depending on the length of the paper, 3–6 main points should be
▪ If a point is complex, it may have 2 or 3 sub-points. Jot those down as
▪ Now arrange those points in a logical sequence.
▪ Which point needs to be made first because it provides a basis
for the points that follow?
▪ For example, “Point A leads to point B, which leads to point C, and
when A, B, and C are considered together they mean that the
solution is point D.”
Example of the structure of a Case Assignment that requires 4 pages of
(not including the cover page, and not including a reference page for assignments that require one):
Main Sections Points Sub-points Page # # of Paragraphs
Cover Page
Introduction 1 1
Body of Paper Point A 1 1
” Point B 2 1
” Sub-point 1 2 1
” Sub-point 2 3 1
” Point C 3 1
” Point D 4 2
Conclusion 4 1
Reference Page
In the body of your paper:
Use headings and subheadings to help your reader follow the points and sub-
points in your discussion and to better organize sections and subsections.
Give each point and sub-point a short name that tells your reader what that section
is about. Use those names for your headings.
Here is a quick “how-to” guide to headings with links to examples and instructions:
Now you are ready to begin writing the body of your paper.
▪ Discuss one point at a time and explain each point clearly.
▪ Discuss one point or sub-point in each paragraph.
▪ As you advance to writing more complex papers (e.g., upper-division
undergraduate or master’s-level assignments), it may take 2 or 3 paragraphs to
fully develop and support a point.
In the body of your paper:
Each paragraph should be made up of approximately 3–5 sentences. (Note: A
single sentence is not a paragraph. Break long sentences into 2 or 3 shorter
ones.) Each paragraph should include:
▪ The point or focus of that paragraph in the first sentence
▪ Additional sentences in which you explain, elaborate, and support your point
(see section on Supporting Your Points that begins on the next slide)
▪ A conclusion/transition to the next point and paragraph
Each point should be supported by citing and referencing the sources that provide
the foundation for your solutions and/or responses. How to do this will be
discussed on the next slide.
Supporting Your Points
What makes an academic paper “academic”? How does an academic
paper differ from other types of writing—for example, a short story, a blog, a
newspaper article, a business letter, or an e-mail message?
In an academic paper:
▪ You must provide support for each idea, statement, or point that you make that
is based on someone else’s ideas.
▪ Support is provided through citations and references. (References are
discussed beginning on Slide 17.) Citations appear within the paper itself
wherever you draw upon another person’s ideas or another source of
information. References are listed on a separate page at the end of your
▪ Each citation refers to a specific reference so that your reader can look up the
sources of your support and read them for himself or herself.
▪ Citations are short and usually only include the author’s last name and the
date of publication of the author’s work, for example, “In a study of K–12
education, Jones (2013) found that…”
Citation Examples
You can cite at the beginning or ending of a sentence:
▪ According to Jones (2007), a reason for poor student performance is large
classroom size.
▪ Student performance decreases as classroom size increases (Jones, 2007).
When multiple sources support your point, cite them together in alphabetical order
at the end of the sentence:
▪ Educators agree that large classroom size decreases student performance
(Adams, 2005; Jones, 2007; Smith, 2008).
When a source is written by more than one person, give their last names in the
citation at the end of the sentence, like this: (Smith, Adams, & Jones, 2006).
When there is no author and/or no date (e.g., a Web page), see this example:
Do not spell out the titles and publication details of your sources in the body of your
paper. Instead, provide a short citation, and add a full reference with the publication
details in your reference list. Interested readers can then find the details about the article
in your reference list at the end of your paper.
The first article that will be discussed is called “The Very Separate Worlds of Academic
and Practitioner Periodicals in Human Resource Management” written by Sara Rynes,
Giluk, and Kenneth Brown, which was published in the Academy of Management Journal
(2007) Vol 50, No.5, 987-1008. They studied the gap between academic and practitioner
▪ Note: Do not spell out the title and publication details of your sources in the text. Right
(two different ways):
1. Rynes, Giluk, and Brown (2007) found a gap between academic and practitioner
▪ Note: The authors are the subject of the sentence. This is referred to as an “in-text citation” and
includes just the authors’ last names and year of publication.
2. A gap was found between academic and practitioner knowledge (Rynes, Giluk, & Brown,
▪ Note: The citation is placed at the end of a sentence in parentheses. This is called a
“parenthetical citation.” In this type of citation, use an ampersand (&) instead of “and.”
When should you cite a source?
When you use your own words in referring to the ideas or concepts of others
When you use the exact words that are written in one of the sources that you read
▪ Using someone else’s exact words is called a “quotation.”
▪ For quotes of less than 40 words, use quotation marks and follow the quote with a
parenthetical citation that includes:
▪ The name(s) of the author(s)
▪ The year of publication
▪ The page number the quote was taken from in the original source— for
“Academic and practitioner periodicals in human resource management are
worlds apart” (Rynes, Giluk, & Brown, 2010, p. 992).
▪ Any phrase or quote of 40 or more words should be separated from the text of
your report by single spacing and by indenting from the both right and left margin.
This is called an “offset quote.”
Provide Support for Each of Your Points
Scholarly academic work builds on previous knowledge and recognizes the contributions that others
have made to knowledge.
Providing a citation for each source of information that you use is necessary for at least four
▪ To help your reader understand the foundational information that you used to support your
▪ To give credit to sources of knowledge and the work of others.
▪ To protect the source. If you make a good point but don’t cite your sources or indicate direct
quotes with quotation marks, the reader will attribute it to you by default.
▪ To avoid plagiarism. Incorporating material from outside sources (whether direct quotes or
paraphrasing) without proper identification or citation is a form of plagiarism. Never represent
the work of another as your own.
Here is an excellent guide to help you understand plagiarism and how to avoid it (students are
strongly encouraged to study it carefully):
University Libraries, University of Missouri (n.d.). Plagiarism Tutorial. Retrieved March 1, 2013,
In your conclusion:
▪ Summarize your argument regarding the solutions/responses that
you discussed in the body of your paper, including the most
important points you made and how they relate to your overall
▪ Do not discuss or raise new issues in the conclusion.
▪ Limit the conclusion to 1 or 2 paragraphs.
The reference section, found at the end of the paper, is an alphabetical list of the
sources that you used to write your paper.
Center the word “References” at the top of a new page.
Starting on the same page, enter a full reference for each citation in your paper. Provide
only one reference for each source no matter how many times you cite it in your paper.
▪ Each reference should include the following information (so readers can find the
▪ Author’s last name, first initial, middle initial
▪ Year of publication
▪ Title of the article, book, or Web page
▪ Title of the publication where the article was found (If the article is from a
journal or newspaper, include the volume and issue number, and the pages
where the article is located.)
Reference section formats for different types of sources:
Article on a Web page with no date:
▪ Author last name, first initial, middle initial (publication date). Title of the article. Retrieved
X date from http://
▪ Example (note that the second line of the reference is indented five spaces):
Dvoretsky, D. P. (n.d.). History: Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of
Sciences. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from
Online newspaper article:
▪ Author name (year, month, day of publication). Article title. Newspaper Title. Retrieved X
date from http://
▪ Example (note that the second line of the reference is indented five spaces):
Hilts, P. J. (1999, February 16). In forecasting their emotions, most people flunk out. The New
York Times. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from
Academic Journal Article:
▪ Author name, first initial, middle initial (publication year). Article title. Journal Title, vol.
#(issue #), page numbers where the article was found.
▪ Example (note that the second and third lines of the reference are indented five spaces):
Shapiro, D., Kirkman, B., & Courtney, H. (2007). Perceived causes and solutions of the
translation problem in management research. Academy of Management Journal, 50(2), 249-
Book: Author name (publication year). Book Title. Location: Publisher.
▪ Example: Fitzgerald, S. P. (2002). Decision Making. London: Capstone Publishing, Ltd.
Reference Page Example
Allen, G. (1998). Motivating Supervision. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from:
Chapman, A. (n.d.). Adam’s Equity Theory. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from:
Chapman, A. (n.d.). Herzberg’s Motivation Theory. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from:
Dreyfack, R. (2004, May). Personalizing productivity. Supervision, 65(5), 20-22.
Shapiro, D., Kirkman, B., & Courtney, H. (2007). Perceived causes and solutions of the
translation problem in management research. Academy of Management Journal,
50(2), 249-266.
▪ “n.d.” = no date. Use this for the date when there is no publication date available.
▪ First line of each reference is at the left margin, and each subsequent line in that
same reference is indented 5 spaces (one tab stop).
▪ Arrange references alphabetically based on last name of the first author of each work.
Add an appendix after the reference page when you have supplemental
material (e.g., a chart, table, diagram, or picture) that you refer to in your
Appendices are optional and depend upon the nature of the assignment.
Appendices (if any) should be placed at the end of the paper and identified
with capital letters (e.g., Appendix A).
The title of the appendix should be placed immediately below the appendix
The appendix label and title should be centered at the top of the page, as in
the example below:
Appendix A
Workflow Diagram
When professors ask you to “follow APA style” or “use APA format,” they are
referring to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth
APA is one of several styles that is used for writing academic papers (MLA is
another) and includes extensive details about how to format citations and references.
APA format is required for doctoral students and recommended for University
master’s and undergraduate students.
APA helps to provide a common, standard format for academic scholars to follow.
For additional information and guidance on APA style, here are two excellent
▪ The APA Style website at (see the links and tutorials at the
bottom of the Web page)
▪ The Purdue Online Writing Lab (
contains extensive, detailed guidance not only on APA format, but also on general
writing, job search writing, and research writing (see the tabs at the top of the Web
Set up your paper as follows:
Set 1-inch margins on all four sides.
Use 12-point type throughout; don’t use different type sizes.
Double-space the text throughout the paper, including the reference page.
Do not put extra spaces between paragraphs or between headings and
Use italics or bold for emphasis, but use them sparingly or it becomes too
distracting for your reader.
Before you submit your assignment:
Re-read the assignment instructions and make sure you addressed
each one in your paper.
Always run spelling and grammar check in MS Word before submitting
your assignment.
If you struggle with grammar, or have trouble with sentence and paragraph
structure, invite a classmate or colleague with strong English writing skills
to proofread your work prior to submission. This process will improve your
writing skills.
Also, consult the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) for writing guidance and
Don’t expect overnight miracles. Writing and editing are iterative processes
that take ongoing practice, feedback, refinement, and attention to detail—
even for the best writers. Your writing will improve as you advance through
the program!
Module 2 – Case Assignment
Assignment Overview
Mobile marketing spending is increasing in recent years due to the popularity of smartphone and mobile commerce. Burberry is starting to use the mobile apps to reach the target market. Burberry is the first brand to use a ‘Snapcode’ on Snapchat as it looks to give visitors in its stores access to exclusive content. Read the following articles related to mobile app marketing campaign by Burberry, mobile app design, and the digital marketing trends. Note that you can find the articles without links in our online library databases using the search box on TLC Portal.
BI Intelligence (2015). Here’s where digital ad spending is going over the next five years. Retrieved from
Burberry launches on kakao (2015). Newton: Questex Media Group LLC.
Burberry launches global partnership with line. (2015, Feb 05). M2 Presswire.
DeMers, J. (2014, Aug. 15). 10 online marketing metrics you need to be measuring. Retrieved from
Goodfellow, J. (2016). Burberry is printing codes on its products to encourage customers to use Snapchat in-store. Retrieved from
L2 think tank: Burberry runs lunar new year WeChat campaign (2016). Chatham: Newstex.
Magrath, V., & McCormick, H. (2013). Marketing design elements of mobile fashion retail apps. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 17(1), 115-134.
O’Reilly, L. (2012, Sep 20). Burberry to put mobile first in mix. Marketing Week (Online).
Roderick, L. (2015, Sep 18). Burberry in snapchat first as it premieres new fashion collection online. Marketing Week (Online).
Roderick, L. (2016, Apr 04). Burberry uses first ever snapcode to let in-store customers unlock online snapchat content. Marketing Week (Online).
Case Assignment
Imagine you have been hired as a consultant to the VP of marketing for Burberry. The VP wants to get an objective opinion from someone outside the company who is familiar with current digital marketing basics.
Your job is to write a short memo of 750 -1,500 words critically analyzing Burberry’s mobile marketing strategy. Note that the company has decided to use mobile social platforms to reach its target markets. Read and cite required articles listed above, including additional research you have done, to address the following issues:
· Evaluate the assumptions behind Burberry’s mobile marketing campaigns, with a brief introduction of the company mobile marketing efforts.
· Analyze the effectiveness of Burberry’s mobile marketing campaigns by applying relevant branding and promotion concepts. Also specify the criteria you use to evaluate the effectiveness.
· With the increasing popularity of mobile media and social media, what would you recommend to Burberry regarding its mobile promotion strategy? Explain why.
Do not spend a lot of time digging in the company’s website and do not just rehash what the company did; instead, introduce a critical perspective. Focus on the Case articles as well as relevant background reading from Modules 1 and 2. There are no right answers; after all, you do not have inside information. You will be evaluated on your understanding of the background materials and your logic reasoning. In particular, show your understanding of the way a change in target market affects the company’s promotion strategy. Also, give some thought as to how Burberry’s mobile marketing meshes with other elements of its marketing program, for example, merchandising (product management), channel management, and pricing.
Assignment Expectations Regarding Your References and Defense of Your Positions
Write clearly, simply, and logically. Your memo should be 750-1,500 words long, excluding title pages and references, but quality of writing is more important than length. Use single space, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size. Check the following link for business memo format:
Back up your positions or opinions with references to the required reading found in the Module 1-2 Backgrounds. In using those references, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts presented. Rather than grading on how much information you find, emphasis will be on the defense of the positions you take on the issues. Also remember that:
· The “why” is more important than the “what.”
· The defense of your positions on the issues is more important than the positions you take.
Do not repeat or quote definitions. Your use of the required reading to support your opinions (that is, contentions or positions) should demonstrate that you understand the concepts presented. Do not include definitions or summaries of the readings, or simply describe what the company did. Instead, your responses to the questions should be analytical and should demonstrate that (a) you understand the principles from the background reading and (b) you can apply them to this particular case. Vague, general answers will not earn a good grade.
Avoid redundancy and general statements such as “All organizations exist to make a profit.” Make every sentence count.
Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.
When writing an academically oriented paper, you will uncover many facts about the product. If you paraphrase the facts, cite the sources in your text and link those citations to references at the end of the paper.
Here are some guidelines on how to conduct information search and build critical thinking skills.
Emerald Group Publishing. (n.d.). Searching for information. Retrieved from
Emerald Group Publishing. (n.d.). Developing critical thinking. Retrieved from
Guidelines for handling quoted and paraphrased material are found at:
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Academic writing. Retrieved from
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Retrieved from
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Is it plagiarism yet? Retrieved from
Your paper consists of arguments in favor of your opinions or positions on the issues addressed by the guidelines; therefore, avoid the following logical fallacies:
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Logic in argumentative writing. Retrieved from
· make sure to reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the
Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper
,(See Attached) including pages 11-14 on in-text citations.
· NO Plagiarism (will check on Turnitin)
Reference credible sources only
The following resources are not
acceptable for this course, keep in mind, there are many others:
· and Lumen
· Course hero
· Studypool
· Chegg
Top of Form
Rubric Name: MBA/MSHRM/MSL Case Grading Rubric -Timeliness v1
Bottom of Form
The following reading list provides background information on promotion and marketing communication.
Marketing communications (n.d.). Lesson store. MarketingTeacher. Retrieved from
Promotion (n.d.). Lesson store. MarketingTeacher. Retrieved from
Promotion decisions (n.d.). KnowThis. Retrieved from
Promotion strategies (n.d.). LearnMarketing. Retrieved from
What is digital marketing? (n.d.). Lesson store. MarketingTeacher. Retrieved from
The following articles explain and illustrate the role of promotion in marketing decisions:
Beltrone, G. (2012). Ad of the day: J.C. Penney – Peterson Milla Hooks brings its poppy visual style to the retailer’s big new rebranding effort. Adweek (February 3). Retrieved from
Comstock, B., Gulati, R., & Liguori, S. (2010) Unleashing the power of marketing. Harvard Business Review, 88 (10), 90-98.
Jargon, J. (2012). ‘Super Size Me’ Generation Takes Over at McDonald’s. Wall Street Journal. (March 8):A1.
Perner, L. (n.d.). Integrated Marketing Communication. Introduction to Marketing. Marshall School, USC. Retrieved from
This article speaks to the limits of promotion:
Burkitt, L. (2011). A Chinese Brand Flounders in US. Wall Street Journal (December 20):B1.
These articles discuss online/mobile promotion:
Lopez, R. (2012) Sevenly hopes to change the world one t-shirt at a time. Los Angeles Times(January 25).
Mac, A. (2012). How to lose friends and alienate Twitter followers: 5 stupid social media mistakes.Fast Company (March 1). Retrieved from
The millennial generation research review. (2012). U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Retrieved from
Mobile marketing: Location matters – but how much? (2012). [email protected] (March 9). Retrieved from
Reda, S. (2012). Social gets down to business. Stores (March). Retrieved from
Stranahan, S.Q. (2011). Keeping up with posts and tweets down east. New York Times (December 7).
Check these Links on managing marketing information and research method:
Managing Marketing Information. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions, New York, NY. Retrieved from
Managing Marketing Information (Audio). (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions, New York, NY. Retrieved from
These Web pages explain SWOT Analysis:
SWOT financial analysis (n.d.). eHow. Retrieved from
SWOT Analysis (2012). Investopedia. Retrieved from
SWOT Analysis (n.d.). MarketingTeacher. Retrieved from
This Web page explains that (1) Strengths and Weaknesses are internal to the firm forces that determine the financial health of a product or company (and gives examples of Strengths and Weaknesses), and (2) Opportunities and Threats are external to the firm forces that determine the financial health of a product or company (and gives examples of Opportunities and Threats). At the very bottom of the page are links to examples of SWOT marketing analyses.