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Mod 4 Steps:



Read Chapter 9 Healthcare Professionals Legal-Ethical Issues (p. 245-258) (stop at "Dietary") Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals by George D. Pozgar (5th Edition).



Read the articles posted under this week’s topic on D2L 

· The Legal and Ethical Concerns That Arise from Using Complex Predictive Analytics in Health Care

· Electronic Health Records: Patient Care and Ethical and Legal Implications for Nurse Practitioners

· Integrity of the Healthcare Record: Best Practices for HER Documentation.) 


Experience the Simulation and Complete Your Role by Answering the Questions in a Word Document: Watch the Jones & Bartlett LearnScapes for Health Care Ethics episode: “ Equipment Purchase


You do not need to answer the questions asked at the end of the simulation or submit your recommendation in an email. You will need to answer the questions I give you in Step 4 instructions below.



Complete Written Assignment #4 to upload in the Dropbox: 

This written assignment will not be separately graded but is your ticket to participate in class and receive a grade for Class Preparation and Participation so complete all steps and provide thoughtful written answers to the questions! 

For this assignment you will have both a Word document and an Excel spreadsheet to upload. Click on the link below for the instructions.  

This module is dedicated to big data, EHR, & healthcare professionals' legal and ethical issues. As you proceed through the module, if you have any questions please contact me at [email protected].

At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:


· Describe challenges and solutions to legal and ethical issues with Electronic Health Records and Predictive Analytics models.

· Experience the simulation and formulate your own recommendation to resolve a whether the hospital should close its labor and delivery services synthesizing multiple stakeholder perspectives, legal concerns, guiding values and fair process principles.

· Advocacy cause/capstone project: Research and examine data related to your Advocacy Cause. Generate short-term, intermediate and long-term goals in your LOGIC MODEL Spreadsheet.

· Persuasively articulate your positions. Critique a peer’s argument and provide constructive feedback.


These outcomes correspond to the following course objectives as stated in your syllabus:


· Identify a variety of key legal responsibilities, civil and criminal liability, perspectives and rights of major stakeholders, including selected healthcare organizations, providers, and patients, in the U.S. healthcare system.

· Evaluate and debate resolutions to current healthcare legal issues and ethical dilemmas by applying ethical and legal frameworks and reasoning.

· Creatively formulate and persuasively communicate your strategic recommendations to solve pressing health care problems with ethical and legal solutions.


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