The MLB Vision, Mission, and Goals
Antonio McClan
Management of Sports 600 x2543
The MLB Vision, Mission, and Goals
Major League Baseball (MLB) is one of the oldest governing bodies for the profession of baseball in the United States of America. It is among the four oldest base bases ball sports that operate in two countries in Canada and the United States of America. The organization is vital since it manages one team in Canada, while 29 teams are managed in the United States. MLB has the mandate to operate in North America; however, it has the responsibility managing the world bases ball classic tournaments (MLB, 2022). Major League Baseball was established in 1903, 2han the national leagues and the American leagues were established. Therefore, leading to the creation of the world series, which was a match between the winner of the two leagues, most of the members of MLB are from the United States.
The organization's vision believe that the traditions of baseball reflect values in society that are of the highest standards. Our association is dedicated to protecting the dignity of the game through former major league players (MLB, 2022). We achieve our beliefs by demonstrating through our leadership our commitment to preserving core human values, promoting a passion for the game of baseball, globally showcasing its values, heritage, and heroes, and by serving the unique needs of players
Their organization's mission is to achieve our beliefs by demonstrating through our leadership our commitment to preserving core human values, promoting a passion for the game of baseball, globally showcasing its values, heritage, and heroes, and by serving the unique needs of players.
The role and power of the governing body's impact on the effectiveness of the MLB which governed by the major league baseball constitution. Their constitution of the MLB has undergone different reforms since it was created in 1879.
Under the direction of the commissioner of baseball, the MLB management is appointed to hire the negotiators, marketing, television contract and labor.
The organizational structure of the MLB is governed by the constitution that has been revised since the organization was established with the recent amendment in 2012. Under the authority of the executive. The governing board is made up of six members that are considered to help govern the vast coverage by the MLB. Some of the key divisions in the group include baseball development, administration, human resource, and business. The organization also has a multimedia whose key role is to oversee the website of all the teams participating in the league.
The management has been effective since it has played a vital role in formulating rules to be followed by the team, and all are the ones in charge of disciplinary action committed by the team and the player (Scott, 2022). For example, when a player is found to have tested positive for a steroid, the management pushes the play by making him to lose 50 games without pay. If he is founded to have tested for the second time, the player is punished by missing 100 games without pay. It is also in charge of punishing the team and giving out fines.
MLB. (2022). mission . Retrieved from https://www.mlb.com: https://www.mlb.com/mlbpaa/about/mission
SCOTT, J. (2022). MLB Suspends 12 Members of Angels, Mariners After Brawl. Retrieved from https://www.si.com: https://www.si.com/mlb/2022/06/28/mlb-announces-punishment-players-staff-involved-in-angels-mariners-brawl

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