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PT 1

In Week 1, you started observing contemporary organizational leaders and managers. This week, you will identify which positions are positions of influence and which are positions of management based on job titles. You may want to review the assigned readings from Week 1 to assist you in completing this week’s assignments.

Organizations are hierarchal by design and structure rather than flat, affecting their function and culture

The relationships within the organization are graphically depicted on a chart illustrating specific spans of control represented on the horizontal axis and specific areas of responsibilities represented on the vertical axis. The sample chart included in the week’s resources represents the chain of command within the organization from supervisors to subordinates and depicts the downward flow of decision-making and the upward flow of accountability (Zhang, Yu, & Lv, 2015). The resulting diagram is called an organizational chart and typically has more columns (areas of specialty) than rows (span of control). The size of the organization dictates the many layers of an organizational chart and include clinical and non-clinical business functions. A sample organizational chart as shown below illustrating a single leader with three subordinate managers also referred to as direct reports.

Starting on the top of chart, the term leader with connected below with the term support staff. Under both terms is a line connecting to the terms manager, manager and manager.

What cannot be graphically depicted is organizational culture, also known as corporate culture. Culture influences how organizations manage and accept change. Culture is formed from the collective values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations of individuals within the organization.

Consider the effect of organizational culture when two companies decide to merge, or one company acquires another. The downfall of organizational mergers is often attributed to the clash of organizational cultures where there are clear differences in the values and belief systems from one organization to the other (Weber & Camerer, 2003). Examples include the issues encountered during the Daimler-Benz/Chrysler merger and the AOL/Time Warner merger. Organizational development researchers closely study organizational culture and its relationship to and influence on employees, but not until failures of large corporate organizations did economists start to pay attention.

For this assignment, locate an organizational chart from your employer or ideal employer and  review it to determine the span of control and the areas of responsibility

Next, you will select job titles that you believe represent Positions of Influence and Positions of Management. For confidentiality, all names of individuals in this document as well as the name of the organization are to be redacted. Only job titles remain visible.

You may type directly on your organizational chart using the letter I for Positions of Influence and the letter M for Positions of Management next to the job titles. Be sure to write your name on the organizational chart. Scan or save the document to create a pdf, that you will submit as part of this assignment

Next, provide a brief discussion and justification for each job title you identified as one of Influence or Management.

Length: 1 page organizational chart; 2-3 page analysis; 3 peer-reviewed scholarly resources.

PT 2

This week you will continue your discussion of contemporary leadership and management models in the MHA5002 HA Leadership Forum found in the NCU Commons. 

Specifically, you are to respond to postings by at least two other forum participants as well as to any responses to your initial post made in Week 1 of this course.  Remember, no organizations and/or individuals are to be identified by name or location. Use fictional names to refer to all entities, i.e., Mr. Leader in Hospital Z.

To locate the required forum, click on the SHS Health Administration Forum in the Commons, then click on the Conversations button on the left menu. Locate the required forum and click on that conversation block. Remember that the Commons is a public forum. Professionalism and proper netiquette are required in all postings and responses.

Minimum of 150 words

Minimum of 1 scholarly resource


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