12/11/22, 4:53 PM MBA 699 Module Six Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
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MBA 699 Module Six Report Guidelines and Rubric
MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2 TM
12/11/22, 4:53 PM MBA 699 Module Six Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
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In your role as a business development manager involved in preparing an exit strategy for the life science organiza�on, you learned
that employee a�ri�on is one of the key risks to the proposed acquisi�on. In Milestone Two, you analyzed the employee data to
evaluate this a�ri�on risk and suggest reten�on strategies to mi�gate it. Later, as you began preparing for the exit, the organiza�on
faced another challenge—the possibility of the buyer withdrawing from the sale. To mi�gate this risk, you searched and planned for
alterna�ve buyers.
Management now wants to be more cau�ous about such risks. To avoid more unforeseen challenges in the process, the vice
president (VP) wants you to iden�fy and assess other current or poten�al risks the organiza�on may face due to the proposed
acquisi�on and recommend strategies to mi�gate them.
In this assignment, you will perform a risk assessment using the fishbone method you learned about in this module.
Write a report for the VP with risk assessment and mi�ga�on recommenda�ons for the organiza�on in the scenario and its exit
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Risk Iden�fica�on: Apply the fishbone method to analyze two other risks or problems the organiza�on is facing. Your
response should include the following:
a. Iden�fy two risks or problems to be resolved and create a fishbone diagram for each. Refer to the fishbone diagram
template for help. Insert a screenshot or copy your fishbone diagram to your report.
b. Iden�fy one main cause and ancillary causes for each risk or problem.
2. Risk Evalua�on:
a. Evaluate the probability and impact of each iden�fied risk or problem as low, medium, or high.
b. Jus�fy your evalua�on of the impact and probability of each iden�fied risk or problem. Provide ra�onale with
suppor�ng data.
3. Risk Mi�ga�on: Recommend one way to mi�gate each iden�fied risk or problem. Support your response.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a 2- to 4-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources
should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on on cita�ons.
Module Six Report Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)Needs
Not Evident (0%) Value
Risk Iden�fica�on Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner
Iden�fies two risksor problems to beresolved andcreates a fishbonediagram for each,and iden�fies onemain cause andancillary causes foreach risk orproblem
Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude iden�fyingtwo relevant risksor problems,effec�vely using afishbone diagramto analyze risks orproblems, oriden�fyingappropriate mainand ancillary causesfor each risk orproblem
Does not a�emptcriterion
Risk Evalua�on:Probability and
Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onally
Evaluates theprobability and
Shows progresstoward proficiency
Does not a�emptcriterion
12/11/22, 4:53 PM MBA 699 Module Six Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
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Probability andImpact
in an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner
probability andimpact of eachiden�fied risk orproblem as low,medium, or high
toward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayincludeappropriatelyevalua�ngprobability andimpact of eachiden�fied risk orproblem
Risk Evalua�on:Jus�fica�on
Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner
Jus�fies evalua�onof the impact andprobability of eachiden�fied risk orproblem andprovides ra�onalewith suppor�ngdata
Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude providingappropriatejus�fica�on foreach iden�fied riskor problem or theuse of data tosupport thisjus�fica�on
Does not a�emptcriterion
Risk Mi�ga�on Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner
Recommends oneway to mi�gateeach iden�fied riskor problem andsupports response
Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude providingappropriate waysto mi�gate eachiden�fied risk orproblem
Does not a�emptcriterion
Ar�cula�on ofResponse
Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner
Clearly conveysmeaning withcorrect grammar,sentence structure,and spelling,demonstra�ng anunderstanding ofaudience andpurpose
Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors ingrammar, sentencestructure, andspelling, nega�velyimpac�ngreadability
Submission hascri�cal errors ingrammar, sentencestructure, andspelling, preven�ngthe understandingof ideas
Cita�ons andA�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons forideas requiringa�ribu�on, withfew or no minorerrors
Uses cita�ons forideas requiringa�ribu�on, withconsistent minorerrors
Uses cita�ons forideas requiringa�ribu�on, withmajor errors
Does not usecita�ons for ideasrequiringa�ribu�on
Total: 100%
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Activity Details
12/11/22, 4:53 PM MBA 699 Module Six Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q2927 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW2
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