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Composition: la familia

You must include connectors in your composition to give your composition fluidity.

Y (and)

Mi madre es bonita y amable. 

O (or)

Ella viaja o baila los fines de semana.

Pero (but)

l es gordo, pero no es obeso. 

Ni…ni (neither…nor)

ellos ni son gordos ni flacos. 

Porque (because)

Trabaja porque le gusta. 

Sinembargo (however)

Ella no es sociable, sinembargo tiene buenos amigos. 

Ya que (since)

Ya que trabaja mucho, no tiene tiempo para mirar la televisin. 

Sino (but instead, rather, but)

Ella no es extraordinaria, sino ordinaria.  

You must incorporate and demonstrate proper conjugation of -ar, -er, and -ir ending verbs in the present tense.

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Demonstrate proper conjugation of the verb gustar

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Proper use and conjugation of the verb “estar” with prepositions

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Demonstrate proper use of the verb “ser” and “tener 

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You will introduce yourself and include the following: 

  • your name (use the verb llamarse)
  • Your origin/nationality (use ser)
  • Age (use the verb tener)
  • Description of yourself ( use the verb ser) include hair color and eye color (use tener)
  • your characteristics (use ser and the adjectives from the paquete)
  • The city you live in (use vivir) and where it is in relationship to another city or places (use estar+ prepositions from lesson 2)
  • What you normally (normalmente) do ( use -ar, -er, and -ir ending verbs in the present tense) and at what times and days you do those things.
  • Express your likes and dislikes.  (use the verb gustar)

After introducing yourself you will introduce 2 living members of your family (pets can be included) and their relationship to you.  You will include the following about each member:

  1. Their relationship to you (ser + possessive adjectives)
  2. How old is he/she? (tener+ age) and their date of birth (su fecha de nacimiento es el 23 de febrero de 1997)
  3. Description: what is he/she like? (ser + adjective, use a minimum of 3 adjectives per person)
  4. Characteristics:  what is their personality like (use ser and a minimum of 3 adjectives per person)
  5. Their profession or occupation (ser + ocupation)
  6. What are their hobbies or pastimes? (Use verbs from lesson 1-3 in the present tense)
  7. What do you and this person like to do together?  (use gustar)

Composition requirements:

  • 12 font
  • double-spaced
  • complete sentences in Spanish
  • written in paragraph format (No bullet points)
  • include a minimum of 5 connector words from the chart above
  • answer the above questions about yourself
  • answer the above questions about 2 family members of your choosing
  • demonstrate good use of ser, tener, estar, gustar, and other verbs in the present tense.
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