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Response to the articles from about poetry and professionals. You may agree or disagree or do a little of both with the article; reference at least one poem to support your view. Also, indicate “extra credit” in the subject line or in the post so I can keep everything straight. “More info in the attachment”…




Meet or exceed 500 word (that’s about 2 pages) minimum
Use 12 point font, double-space, standard margins (usually 1-1.25 inches)
Use MLA or equivalent page format: you should have a heading (your name,
my name, date, class at top left), a title, and page numbers.
Use MLA parenthetical citation format for quoted and paraphrased material
Provide Works Cited page with correct MLA entry for the appropriate text(s) in
the Norton Introduction to Literature (does not count toward your word/ page
requirement) and for all other sources (websites, articles, books, etc)
Your response should reflect your own ideas and your sources (if you consult
websites, books, articles, etec) should be properly documented per MLA
guidelines. Essays with evidence of plagiarism (intentional or unintentional)
will receive an F.
Your response should be supported by specific quotations from the literary text.
Your essay should be written for a college academic audience and demonstrate
evidence of careful editing and proofreading. Essays written like text messages
or with several grammar/ proofreading issues will not receive a passing grade.
Response Essay Topic:
Choose one of your discussion board posts and revise it into a more formal response
paper in which you critically engage the literary text you discussed in your post. In
other words, you will need to move beyond basic plot summary (here’s what
happened in the text) and your reaction to the text (I liked it, I didn’t like it, It
reminded me of my brother, etc.) to a critical analysis. The bulk of your essay should
consist of your own ideas in your own words; this is not a research paper. Your essay
should have a clear thesis (your main point) and evidence from the poem, short-story,
or play to support your point. See the Sample Response Papers in the Norton on pages
50-53, 502-503,794-96.
Review Norton “Writing About Literature” Chapter 17 Paraphrase, Summary,
Description; Chapter 18 The Literature Essay; Chapter 20 Research Essay (note—
you are not writing a research essay but you may find the section on Integrating
Source Material useful if you consult sources); Chapter 21 Quotation, Citation, and
The Dos and Don’ts of Response Papers:
DO NOT: Only summarize plot
DO: Analyze the thematic and symbolic significance
of events in the story
DO NOT: Say you didn’t like a
DO: Explain how a character was unlikable, how that
effects the reading experience, and why that may or
may not have been the author’s intent
DO NOT: Generalize and provide vague DO: Use specific examples from the text (including
reasons behind your text analysis
DO NOT: Make superficial, obvious
insights (poor thesis: Doll’s House is
about a bad marriage.)
DO: Think deeply, and look closely into the work.
Notice things that a casual reader would not.
DO NOT: Simply repeat ideas mentioned in class by the instructor or by other students.
DO: Build off ideas mentioned in class,
adding your own thoughts and insights
to the discussion.

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