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on the politics of the day. There is true variability in theworld of giving. The types of programs funded byCongress are subject to realignment and changes in thefocus of politics.


To make some initial terms clear, the process of writing aproposal for funding has come to be known as grant writ‐ing, and the individual responsible for the writing of theproposal is a grant writer. The entity providing the moneyis called the funder. Although it is commonly said thatone writes a proposal to obtain a grant, it may be that theend result is actually a contract. Be that as it may, we willcontinue to follow the generally accepted convention andcontinue to use the word grant freely throughout thisbook.

Contracts for services, or fee-for-service contracts as theyare often called, require the agency to provide services onbehalf of a funder, and the agency is reimbursed for ser‐vices delivered. For example, a community dental clinichas successfully won a contract with the county to pro‐vide dental care to low-income children. The multipagedocument (the contract) signed by the agency and thecounty will spell out the details of the services to be de‐livered. In this example, the contract states that the clinic

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Soraya M. Coley and 2 more

Proposal Writing: EffectiveGrantsmanship for Funding…

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