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MN605 Transition to Practice
Unit 1 Quiz  
Question 1Certification is necessary to apply for (mark all that apply):
Question options:
A DEA License
To get reimbursement
To prescribe medications
To provide health care services
Question 2The most recognized credentialing centers for nurses are (mark all that apply):
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Question 3The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation includes (mark all that apply):
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Question 4Once you become credentialed you do not have to renew your credentials for:
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ten years
Three years
Five years
One year
Question 5The AANP is a National Certification Program that certifies (mark all that apply):
Question options:
School Nurses
Family Nurse Practitioners
Health educators
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioners
MN605 Transition to Practice
Unit 4 Quiz  
Question 1                         
The APRN Consensus Model States that scope of practice is not a setting specific but based on patient care needs. True or False:
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Question 2                         
PCNP (Primary care Nurse Practitioner) does not have educational preparation to care for the complex acute or critical care patient but does have preparation to manage the simple acute patient? True or False:
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Question 3                         
LACE stands for:
Question options:
Licensure, Action, Certification, Exam
Licensure, Accreditation, Curriculum, Education
Licensure, Accreditation, Credentialing, Education
Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, Education
Question 4                          The regulation of Acute and Primary care scope of practice is based on the following criteria (mark all that apply):
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Question 5         
Primary Care and Acute Care Nurse Practitioners can work in specialized areas of choice and do not require any additional education or certification. True or False:
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MN605 Transition to Practice
Unit 6 Midterm  
Question 1          Currently in the U.S., medical treatments that result in injury or death is a:
Question options:
Major cause of morbidity
Major cause of mortality
Major cause of morbidity and mortality
Major cause of morbidity, mortality, and malpractice claims
Question 2         
Risk management is about analyzing the act of the individual provider versus the system the provider works in.
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Question 3         
Medication errors that occur during prescribing, administering, or dispensing are one of the leading causes of malpractice claims against Nurse Practitioners (NP).
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Question 4                          Today, the trend of malpractice suits against NPs in the U.S. are (select all that apply)
Question options:
Decreasing in number
Increasing in number
Unchanged from previous two decades
Increasing in severity
Question 5          When courts are determining reasonable practice of a prudent NP, they consider :
Question options:
Testimony of expert witnesses
Local and national standards of care
All of the above
None of the above
Question 6          For the NP, scope of practice , as issued by state boards or national professional standards, serve to:
set limitations of what the NP can do and not do.
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Question 7
Under Tort law, causation refers to:
Question options:
The established duty of the provider to treat the patient
The direct result of the NP’s act or omission of an act that results in injury or death
The breach of duty
Damages that incurred
Question 8
For someone to claim malpractice the following need to have occurred except:
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Breach of Duty
Financial loss
Question 9
When determining deviation from standard of care, all of the following is considered except:
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Physician preferences
Evidence based practice guidelines
Question 10
A successful malpractice claim against an NP is highly unlikely if (check all that apply) the NP:
Question options:
Followed current evidenced practice guidelines
Practiced within scope of practice
Documented appropriately
Assessed patient in a competent manner
Referred when medically needed
Question 11       
A major source of severe penalties of malpractice claims against NPs are all except:
Question options:
Failure to refer when appropriate
Failure to accurately diagnose
Failure to properly assess
Failure to keep up current continuing education
Question 12       
Daily patient workload may increase the risk of a malpractice claim.
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Question 13       
Following clinical practice guidelines is one of the best ways to avoid malpractice litigation.
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Question 14       
When a plaintiff proves a malpractice claim in court, the penalties for the defendant are always:
Question options:
Fines and possible jail time
Monetary damages
A combination of monetary damages and fines
A combination of monetary damages and license suspension or revocation
Question 15        Punitive damages are awarded when it is proven that the gross malpractice is caused by the defendant. The amount of punitive damages is based upon the jury recommendations and jurisdictional limits.
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MN605 Transition to Practice
Unit 7 Quiz  
Question 1
When determining your worth of services based on practice charges per patient visit and your anticipated patient load (per day, per week) what key variables are important to consider? (Mark all that apply.)
Question options:
Overhead cost to run the practice
Cost for Service
Patient Population Served
Question 2
When negotiating a contract for full time employment it is appropriate to ask for what following benefits? (Mark all that apply.)
Question options:
Malpractice Insurance
Vacation and Sick Pay
A cell Phone
Continuing education allowance
Question 3                         
Graduating from a nurse practitioner program and passing the national certification exam automatically grants you the ability to sign prescriptions. True or False:
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Question 4                         
Before applying for a DEA number, you must be licensed to practice in your state of residence. True or False:
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Question 5                         
NPI Numbers are required for all nurse practitioners caring for patients with Medicaid Insurance. True or False:
Question options:

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