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Write a 2-3 page report about the organizational structure of your selected health care organization in which you evaluate the impact of the organizational structure on driving results from a strategic perspective.


For this assessment, you will analyze the elements of the organizational structure and evaluate the impact of the organizational structure on driving results from a strategic perspective.


You have been charged by the leadership team of the health care organization you selected in Assessment 1 to analyze the internal organizational structure. Elements of the organizational structure to be considered are service delivery or manufacturing process, finance, operations, human resources, supply chain, marketing, leadership, et cetera.

You should also review the external organizational challenges and opportunities you explored in MBA-FPX5312 and keep the barriers you identified in Assessment 1 in mind.

In your analysis, address challenges and opportunities that present themselves in the fulfillment of the strategic initiatives. Evaluate the impact of the organizational structure on driving results from a strategic perspective. Then, synthesize the information to make recommendations to best align the organizational structure to drive customer-focused results, considering the possibilities of outsourcing and strategic partnerships.

Your Role

You are a senior leader of a health care organization such as a rural hospital, multi-specialty physician practice affiliated with a large medical center system, managed care organization, or health care system-wide supply chain. You are charged with performing a complete analysis of the organization. This deliverable report should focus on the evaluation of the internal organizational structure.


Continue to analyze the health care organization you selected in Assessment 1, and create a report that includes the following:

Evaluate the internal organizational structure of the selected health care organization. The elements of the organizational structure to be considered are service delivery or manufacturing process, finance, operations, human resources, supply chain, marketing, leadership, et cetera.
Analyze the challenges and opportunities that present themselves in the fulfillment of the strategic initiatives. Keep in mind your analysis of external organizational challenges and barriers identified in Assessment 1.
Evaluate the impact of the organizational structure and challenges on driving results from a strategic perspective.
Evaluate the impact of the organizational structure on driving results from an operational perspective.
Synthesize the information to make recommendations that best align the organizational structure to drive customer-focused results. Consider the possibilities of outsourcing and strategic partnerships.
Deliverable Format

Report requirements:
Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
Use at least two scholarly resources beyond those provided in this course, cited in APA format.
Your report should be 23 content pages, in addition to a title page and references page.
Use 12 point, Times New Roman.
Related company standards:
Use a professional report format of your choice. Remember that you are preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time. Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs. If you are new to this type of writing and document style, you may wish to use these sections as a way to organize your report:

Title page.
Evaluation of the internal structure of the health care organization.
Implications of the internal structure on driving results from a strategic perspective.
Implications of the internal structure on driving results from an operational perspective.
Recommendations to align organizational structure to drive customer-focused results.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria.

Competency 1: Analyze a health organizations strategic initiatives and their ability to ensure access, quality services, and cost effectiveness.
Analyze the barriers to access, quality, cost effectiveness, and organizational structure.
Competency 2: Evaluate the alignment of a health organizations structure and its ability to drive a customer-focused result.
Evaluate the internal structures of the health care organization such as service delivery or manufacturing process, finance, operations, human resources, supply chain, marketing, et cetera.
Evaluate the impact of the organizational structure on driving results from a strategic perspective.
Evaluate the impact of the organizational structure on driving results from an operational perspective.
Synthesize and propose recommendations that best align the organizational structure to drive customer-focused results.
Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable from the perspective of the health care organization’s leadership. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


This assessment demonstrates your ability to conduct an evaluation of internal organizational structures and their impact on driving results from an operational and strategic perspective. Include it in your personal ePortfolio.

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