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Journal #1 


In order to become a better writer, practice is key. One way you will gain practice is through free-writing in your online journals that you will turn in for this class.

One English book states, “because writing is a skill, it makes sense that the more you practice writing, the better you will write” (Lagan 16).

You will use a technique called “free-writing” to complete these entries, which means you will type on your topic for ten minutes using a timer (use the timer on your cell phone). When free-writing, you do not worry about spelling or punctuating correctly, about organizing material, or about finding exact words. You simply type without stopping for ten minutes. Mistakes do not count, but I will be checking to make sure you have at least a half a page, typed, double-spaced and in MLA format. 


You will be given the opportunity to write in your journal many times over the course of the semester. You will receive 10 points per journal entry. The 10 points will strictly be a participation grade.  I will assign the prompt you will write about, and you will have that week to complete the entry.

At the end of the semester, you will choose one of your best entries to edit into a final draft.

At the end of the semester, you will have completed many writing samples over a variety of topics. This is a great way to grow comfortable with the writing process and to master MLA format. 

One of the most important things you will learn in English 099 is what MLA format stands for and how to format it.  MLA stands for the Modern Language Association. It is the format used for writing English papers in college.     You will use this handout to better understand how your papers and assignments should be formatted. Please print these out to have as a reference of how to format a MLA style paper. All of your Journals and Essay rough drafts and final drafts will be written in MLA, which is why the journals are important. 


Journal #1 Prompt: 

How do you feel about the spring semester?  What are your expectations for this course?  What are you interested in learning more about?  Do you have any concerns about online learning? Be sure to click on the Journal Handout document to see how to format your journals. 

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