Instructions for Replies
In your replies, read peer discussion posts and respond to at least two other posts by 11:59 PM Eastern on Day 7. Be sure to respond to your peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and draw upon your insights to further the discussion. Refer to the discussion guidelines and rubric for specific details.
Tatiana Gracheva (1st peer post)
1. For this assignment, I chose a histogram representing the distribution of BMI for the students in all high schools in Rasht, with a lower BMI limit of 15 and an upper limit of 35.
Figure 1
Histogram of BMI distribution.
BMI histogram.jpg
2. I chose this topic because it is interesting which factors can contribute to Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurrence, the most common endocrine disorder in women, leading to infertility, obesity, liver disease, diabetes, cardiovascular, and other health problems.
Materials and methods:
cross-sectional study;
multi-stage cluster sampling;
1850 female students, the mean age of subjects 17.2 ± 0.7 years (the age of menarche 12.8 ± 0.9 years), diagnosed with PCOS;
unimodal distribution because it has one prominent peak;
mean BMI is 𝑥⎯⎯⎯
the distribution is skewed to the left, yet it is not statistically significant, according to the description;
A small number of individuals have extreme values with BMI >30
Interestingly, there is no significant difference in BMI between students with PCOS and healthy people. The frequency y-axis confuses me because it doesn’t show the real number of participants. I don’t quite understand what that bell-shaped line means. I assume it might be a Gaussian or “normal” distribution of BMI of a healthy population. That’s why it was mentioned that the results are not statistically significant because the histogram almost matches Gaussian bell-shaped curve.
Conclusion: Using statistical analysis allows us to understand the relationship between specific clinical parameters and the prevalence of health issues. “A long-term follow-up is needed to compare the accuracy of clinical determination of the disease versus diagnosis based on hormonal and/or sonographic assessments.” (Asqharnia et al., 2011).
Asgharnia, M., Mirblook, F., & Soltani, M. (2011). The Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in High School Students in Rasht in 2009 According to NIH Criteria. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility, 4(4), 156–159.
Katelyn Bush (2nd peer post)
May 16, 2023 at 8:34 PM
1.) Lets go to the movies! I chose a pie chart of the favorite movie genres in 2022!
pie-chart-movie-genre-popularity (1).jpg
2.) Movies are not just for passing time. It allows us to feel different emotions; thrill, happiness, intensity, sadness, and shock. You can really become immersed in the movies! 2022 was the year of action movies! 20 of the biggest film-producing countries were analyzed. "Thanks to Hollywood blockbusters including Top Gun: Maverick, The Batman, and Jurassic World Dominion, action and adventure came out on top as the highest-grossing movie genres this year, bringing in 18.29% and 15.63% of the total worldwide box office". (Celatti, 2022). This pie chart is a great visual, really getting to see the parts-to-whole relationship for categorical data. Coming in on top was action with 18.29%, adventure in second with 15.63%, and third Sci-Fi with the 10.32%. It is no wonder why they are on top with the movies, Bullet Train, Violent Night, Avatar the Way of the Water, and Uncharted coming out last year. "This genre is a fan favorite around the world". (Celatti, 2022).
Celatti, A. (2022). The world’s favorite movie genres in 2022. FandomSpot.

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