Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In the beginning of the paper, start off by describing your initial reaction after watching 13th. In other words, did you feel helpless, inspired, angry, stirred to action, or some combination? - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

Midterm Reflection Paper – ‘13th’ Documentary

Paper Requirements (Review Grading Rubric):

? Paper must be formatted in APA style. The paper must be double-spaced, 12-point Times New
Roman font, and have 1-inch margins. You are not required to have either a title or reference page.

? The paper must have at least 750 words but no more than 1500 words.

? The vast majority of the information included in the paper must be paraphrased from the text or
documentary in your own words. Any material copied from the text must be in proper quoted
format per APA style.

o Papers with more than 10% of the word count consisting of quoted material will
automatically receive a 17-point grade deduction.

o Any plagiarism will result in a zero for the paper and will be officially reported. It is
the student’s responsibility to double-check this before the deadline.

Required Documentary: 13th (2016, Dir. Ava DuVernay, 100 min.; Netflix)

? Students that do not have access to the film and cannot view the film at AUM on 2/16 are required
to contact me by 5pm on Monday, February 20th for other accommodations. Please note that the
paper deadline will not be extended due to this issue. Students should contact me right away.

? I strongly recommended that you watch the documentary twice. Watch it once fully to take it all in. It can
be a lot to take in at once. Then, watch it again to pay special attention to details and quotes. You
should take notes of elements that you might want to include in your paper given the prompts.

Required Sections (Paper must include the following sections):

• Section 1: In the beginning of the paper, start off by describing your initial reaction after watching 13th. In other words, did you feel helpless, inspired, angry, stirred to action, or some combination?
Reflect and discuss why you think you felt this way.

• Sections 2-4: Next, include your answers for the student choice section prompts here (See the list
of choices on page 2). All papers must include answers to 3 of the prompt choices. Each
answer/discussion should be three separate paragraphs (i.e., sections) of the paper.

• Section 5: Next, include a section that discusses how the overall theme of the documentary also
applies to other minority groups (e.g., different sexual orientations, different gender identification
groups, and immigrants). Be sure to clearly explain how the themes and issues also pertain to the
other minority groups within this section and provide at least two examples.

• Section 6: At the conclusion of the paper, include a section for your personal reflections of
experience by discussing each the following prompts (Yes, all three prompts are required her


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