Chat with us, powered by LiveChat ?In chapter one of your text, you examined the characte - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

?In chapter one of your text, you examined the characteristics, similarities, and differences of clinical and population health research. Using that information as your guide, reflect on the current state of population health outcomes, and healthcare service delivery. What trends do you do you believe should be a priority for both population health and clinical researchers? What trends do healthcare administrators need to consider when developing programs designed to meet the needs of providers and healthcare organizations??

South rn N w Hampshir Univ rsity
HCM 440 ournal Rubric

Journ l ctivities in this course re priv te between students nd the instructor. These ssignment topic will serve s person l reflection on your knowledge
nd experience rel ting to he lthc re.

Guidelines for Submission: When writing this journ l, ple se include evidence-b sed sources s well s your own reflections on the topic. APA form t is to be
used for the references nd in-text cit tions. Submit ssignment s Word document with double sp cing, 12-point Times New Rom n font, nd one-inch
m rgins.

Critic l Elements Exempl ry (100%) Proficient (88%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) V lue

Knowledge of the

Meets “Proficient” criteri nd
offers gre ter insight bout the
topic th t is under
consider tion

Cle rly rticul tes wh t is
known bout the topic th t is
under consider tion

Articul tes wh t is known
bout the topic, but missing
cl rity nd det il of content

Does not rticul te wh t is
known bout the topic under
consider tion


Org niz tion of the
Subject M tter:
Strengths nd
We knesses

Meets “Proficient” criteri nd
offers keen insight bout
content strengths nd
we knesses of the topic s well
s the conclusions th t re
dr wn

Logic lly org nizes the topic,
offering relev nt comment ry
on strengths nd we kness;
dr ws cle r conclusions th t
re reflective to the topic

Org nizes the topic round
strengths nd we knesses nd
dr ws conclusions, but with
l ck of logic l present tion nd
problems with cl rity in

Does not org nize the topic
logic lly nd does not present
cle r conclusions


Use of Evidence-
B sed Sources

Meets “Proficient” criteri nd
offers more det il pert ining to
the references th t re used in
the journ l. APA form t is

Provides references from t
le st two evidence-b sed
sources th t re relev nt nd
current to the topic, within
three ye rs. Uses correct APA
form t for reference cit tions
nd for in-text cit tions

Provides limited references,
nd the sources re not current
or relev nt to the topic. APA
cit tion form t cont ins errors

Does not provide evidence-
b sed sources th t re relev nt
nd current to the topic. No
references re cited, nd there
is no APA form t used


Articul tion of

Submission is free of errors
rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r,
spelling, synt x, nd
org niz tion nd is presented
in profession l nd e sy-to-
re d form t

Submission h s no m jor errors
rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r,
spelling, synt x, or org niz tion

Submission h s m jor errors
rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r,
spelling, synt x, or org niz tion
th t neg tively imp ct
re d bility nd rticul tion of
m in ide s

Submission h s critic l errors
rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r,
spelling, synt x, or org niz tion
th t prevent underst nding of
ide s


E rned Tot l 100%

  • HCM 440 Journal Rubric
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