Chat with us, powered by LiveChat IGE 3600: Synthesis Essay - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

Prompt: How can conspiracy theory narratives help us understand 20th and early 21st century US life and culture? Apply key concepts from course materials, including Barkuns book, to your analysis. How does your previous knowledge (including that gained from college courses) inform your understanding of the importance of conspiratorial thinking in our modern life and culture?

-Feel free to use the first-person I in the paper. I want you to explore your opinions.
-Be sure to use concrete examples to support your claims.
-Essays should be 6 pages double-spaced, MLA, 1 margins, and 12 pt Times New Roman font.
-Provide a title page that gives your name, the course number, and title, instructors names (on one line), class time, and the date turned in.
-Please focus principally on materials from this course (the provided sources) for your paper.

Criteria for Evaluation

Using a scholarly style format (APA, MLA, or Chicago), you should cite quotes and specialized information, and provide a bibliography of all outside sources.
The instructor will consider the following as s/he reads your paper:

Thesis/Focus/Conclusion. Does the paper have a clear thesis or main idea?  Does the paper present and consistently explore an original point of view, taking into account multiple perspectives? Does the author use examples, reasoning, and reflection to explain the ideas? Does the conclusion match the thesis?
Organization. Does the opening paragraph engage the reader and set up the authors purpose? Does each paragraph contribute to developing the authors thesis? Do the paragraphs have topic sentences and transitions that help the reader follow the ideas? Does the author address all aspects of the prompt?
Support. Does the author use examples from course texts, films, discussions, and personal experiences to explain his/her ideas? Does the author consider diverse perspectives and values? Are examples paraphrased without extensive summarizing? Are all points explained through examples or reasoning? Are quotes used effectively and accurately?
Grammar/Mechanics/Syntax. Is the essay free from major errors in spelling and grammar? Are word choices correct for academic writing, and are the sentences fluent and varied? Are all quotations and specialized information appropriately cited? See style manuals for the rules of grammar, style, and citation.

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