Chat with us, powered by LiveChat identify and explain the steps that you need to take in planning the group before the group begins based on the model provided by Toseland and Rivas Chapter 6 page 162 - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

Need an example for planning a group in Social Work
Informed Consent Form:
Experiential Support Group for SWK 601

As part of SWK 601, I agree to participate in a 6-10 session Experiential Support Group comprised of class members. Each group will be approximate 40-50 minutes in length and will meet each week. The group will be facilitated by class instructor. I understand that the purpose of the group is to enhance my affective, cognitive and experiential knowledge of group work in social work practice. I understand that information in the group is to remain confidential and that any person who violates the confidentiality of the group will receive a failing grade in the course.

The course instructor, Dr. Rachel Robinson, has discussed the risks and benefits to this group experience with me. Potential benefits of participation as a group member and a group observer include increased knowledge and skills relate to social work practice with groups and increased social support. A potential risk related to participation is that personal information revealed in group could be disclosed to others outside the group, resulting in emotional hurt and/or professional repercussions. Another risk of group participation is that if I violate the confidentiality rules of the group, I may be expelled from the group and I may receive a failing grade for the course.

I understand that Dr. Rachel Robinson will not disclose any information I choose to share in group outside of group with the following exceptions required by law and/or social work ethical guidelines:
If I express knowledge of abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult; and
If I express intent to harm myself or to harm other people.

Dr. Rachel Robinson has informed me that there will be guidelines for group (decided upon by the group) that will include the importance of keeping information discussed in group confidential. I have also been informed that I receive a grade for this activity based on my attendance related to the groups and journal entries that I write as a result of the groups. I have been informed I will not be graded on the issues I discuss in group or on the growth I experience or do not experience as a result of the Support Group. I have been informed that I am able to choose what I share or do not share in group.

I have read and fully understand the information provided about the benefits and risks of participation in this group. I have discussed the benefits and risks with the class instructor and I have had the chance to ask all the questions that I wished to ask about the matters listed above and about all other matters. The class instructor has answered my questions in a way that satisfies me. By signing this document, I agree to accept the risks listed in this form and the risks explained to me by the class instructor in the hopes of achieving the benefits discussed.

Planning the group paper rubric

In this paper you will identify and explain the steps that you need to take in planning the group before the group begins based on the model provided by Toseland and Rivas Chapter 6 page 162.
The 11 steps are:

Establishing the group’s purpose

Assessing the potential sponsorship and membership of the group

Recruiting members

Composing the group

Orienting members to the group


Preparing the group’s environment

Reviewing the literature

Selecting monitoring and evaluation tools

Preparing a written group proposal

Planning distance groups

This does not focus on the actual start of the group but what you need to do to create and plan the group. You will find a sample consent form that you need to use at the bottom of the content page in blackboard. You will use the example that follows to write your paper:

Nancy is a caseworker in an agency that works with individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder. She has a lot of women in her caseload who have been diagnosed specifically with bipolar disorder. A significant number of these women are single mothers who have been struggling with their diagnosis while trying to parent. Nancy feels that there is a need for a group for these women, but she has never run a group and does not know where to begin. You have had experience with the steps that are needed to plan a group before it begins. Nancy comes to you for advice on what she should do.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Identify each step using a heading

25 points

There is a heading for each step in the planning process that is clearly presented in detail


There is a heading for each step in the planning process with a discussion of each step


Some of the headings were missing and explanation of the step was vague


Headings were not used and steps were not articulated


Provide a detailed explanation of each step

25 points

Each step is clearly articulated and ties to Nancy’s situation


Each step is discussed and ties to Nancy’s situation



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