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The senior leadership of your organization is preparing for its annual three day meeting. During these meetings, one day is devoted to current events / issues which the company finds itself needing to address. For this year’s meeting, you have been asked to give a presentation on Cybercrime as a strategic threat to the organization.

To prepare for your presentation, you should find a recent news report or law enforcement press release about a specific instance of a cybercrime which impacted the financial services industry (or customers). Analyze the report / press release and then write a background paper containing your analysis and findings.

In your background paper, include a summary of the report or press release that addresses the crime, the perpetrator, motive (if known), methods, the victim(s), the object of the crime (systems, data, networks, etc.), and the outcome of the investigation / prosecution.  (Who did what to whom? What happened?)

Should the company take actions or develop strategies to protect itself from similar crimes? What are your recommendations in this regard?

Post your 5 to 7 paragraph background paper as a reply to this topic. Remember to cite your sources and include a reference list at the end of your posting.

2/24/22, 6:47 PMRubric Assessment – CSIA 485 6380 Practical Applications in Cybe… Management and Policy (2222) – UMGC Learning Management System

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50/50 Discussion Par!cipa!on with Cri!ques and Follow-ups
Course: CSIA 485 6380 Prac!cal Applica!ons in Cybersecurity Management and Policy (2222)

Timeliness of Ini!al Pos!ng On Time Late Very Late No Submission

Timeliness of Response to

Discussion Paper


5 points

Posted response to topic

assignment before 11:59 PM ET

on Sunday.

4 points

Posted response to topic

assignment before 11:59 PM ET

on Monday.

3 points

Posted response to topic

assignment before 11:59 PM ET

on Tuesday.

0 points

Did not post response to topic

assignment before 11:59 PM ET

on Tuesday.

“Short Paper”

(Response to Topic


Excellent Outstanding Acceptable Needs Improvement
Needs Significant

Missing or No Work




Use of Authorita!ve


7.5 points

Provided an excellent

introduc!on to the

deliverable which clearly,

concisely, and accurately

addressed the topic of

the short paper.


paraphrased informa!on

from authorita!ve


6.5 points

Provided an outstanding

introduc!on to the

deliverable which clearly

and accurately addressed

the topic of the short

paper. Appropriately

paraphrased informa!on

from authorita!ve


5.5 points

Provided an acceptable

introduc!on to the

deliverable which

addressed the topic of

the short paper.


paraphrased informa!on

from authorita!ve


4.5 points

Provided an introduc!on

to the deliverable but the

sec!on lacked some

required details.

Informa!on from

authorita!ve sources was


2 points

A”empted to provide an

introduc!on to the

deliverable but this

sec!on lacked detail

and/or was not well

supported by informa!on

drawn from authorita!ve

sources (too many

quota!ons or improper


0 points

Introduc!on was missing

or no work submi”ed.

17.5 points

Provided an excellent

analysis of the issues for

the required topic.

Addressed at least three

separate issues and

provided appropriate

examples for each.

Appropriately used and

cited informa!on from

authorita!ve sources.

15.5 points

Provided an outstanding

analysis of the issues for

the required topic.

Addressed at least two

separate issues and

provided appropriate

examples for each.

Appropriately used and

cited informa!on from

authorita!ve sources.

14.5 points

Provided an acceptable

analysis of the issues for

the required topic.

Addressed at least one

specific issue and

provided an appropriate

example. Appropriately

used and cited

informa!on from

authorita!ve sources.

12.5 points

Addressed the required

topic but the analysis

lacked details or was

somewhat disorganized.

Appropriately used and

cited informa!on from

authorita!ve sources.

6.5 points

Men!oned the required

topic but the analysis

was very disorganized or

off topic. OR, the analysis

did not appropriately use

informa!on from

authorita!ve sources (too

many quota!ons or

improper paraphrasing).

0 points

Analysis was missing or

no work was submi”ed.

10 points

Included an excellent

summary sec!on for the

short paper which was

on topic, well organized,

and covered at least 3

key points. The summary

contained at least one

full paragraph.

9 points

Included an outstanding

summary paragraph for

the short paper which

was on topic and covered

at least 3 key points.

8 points

Included a summary

paragraph for the short

paper which was on topic

and provided an

appropriate closing.

5 points

Included a summary

paragraph but, this

sec!on lacked content or

was disorganized.

1 point

Included a few summary

sentences for the short


0 points

Did not include a

summary for the short


5 points

Included and properly

cited three or more

authorita!ve sources

with complete

publica!on or retrieval

informa!on. No

forma$ng errors.

4 points

Included and properly

cited three or more

authorita!ve sources

(minor errors allowable).

Reference list entries

contain sufficient

informa!on to enable the

reader to find and

retrieve the cited


3 points

Included and cited two or

more authorita!ve

sources (minor errors in

cita!ons or reference

entries). Reference list

entries contain sufficient

informa!on to enable the

reader to find and

retrieve the cited


2 points

Included and cited at

least one authorita!ve

source (minor errors in

cita!ons or reference

entries). Reference list

entries contain sufficient

informa!on to enable the

reader to find and

retrieve the cited


1 point

Men!oned at least one

authorita!ve source but,

the cita!ons and/or

reference list entries

lacked required

informa!on (not

sufficient to retrieve the

correct resource).

0 points

References and cita!ons

were missing. Or, no

work submi”ed.

2/24/22, 6:47 PMRubric Assessment – CSIA 485 6380 Practical Applications in Cybe… Management and Policy (2222) – UMGC Learning Management System

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5 points

No forma$ng, grammar,

spelling, or punctua!on

errors. Submi”ed work

shows outstanding

organiza!on and the use

of color, fonts, !tles,

headings and sub-

headings, etc. is

appropriate to the

assignment type.

4 points

Work contains minor

errors in forma$ng,

grammar, spelling or

punctua!on which do

not significantly impact

professional appearance.

Work needs some

polishing to improve

professional appearance.

3 points

Errors in forma$ng,

spelling, grammar, or

punctua!on which need

a”en!on / edi!ng to

improve professional

appearance of the work.

2 points

Submi”ed work has

numerous errors in

forma$ng, spelling,

grammar, or punctua!on.

Substan!al polishing /

edi!ng is required.

1 point

Submi”ed work is

difficult to read and/or

understand. OR, work

has significant errors in

forma$ng, spelling,

grammar, punctua!on, or

word usage which

detract from the overall

professional appearance

of the work.

0 points

No submission.

First Cri!que Excellent Acceptable Needs Significant Improvement Missing or No Work Submi!ed



10 points

The cri!que pos!ng provided

three or more sugges!ons for

improvement in content which

were based upon an analysis of

the short paper (how well it met

the content requirements).

Provided examples which could

be incorporated into the short

paper to improve or refine it.

Authorita!ve sources were cited

as appropriate. The pos!ng

addressed the peer author by


8.5 points

The cri!que pos!ng provided at

least three sugges!ons for

improvement in content which

were based upon an analysis of

the short paper (how well it met

the content requirements).

Authorita!ve sources were cited

as appropriate. The pos!ng

addressed the peer author by


6 points

The pos!ng did not provide a

cri!que of the short paper. The

pos!ng may have included

compliments or “good job” type


0 points

The analysis was missing (or not

submi”ed before 11:59 PM ET

Tuesday night). OR the submi”ed

cri!que was copied (not the

student’s own original work).

5 points

The cri!que was wri”en in an

appropriate tone of voice for a

peer-to-peer communica!on. No

forma$ng, grammar, spelling, or

punctua!on errors. Authorita!ve

sources were appropriately cited.

Submi”ed work shows

outstanding organiza!on and the

use of color, fonts, !tles, headings

and sub-headings, etc. is

appropriate to the assignment


4 points

The cri!que was wri”en in an

appropriate tone of voice for a

peer-to-peer communica!on.

Authorita!ve sources were

appropriately cited. Work

contains minor errors in

forma$ng, grammar, spelling or

punctua!on which do not

significantly impact professional

appearance. Work needs some

polishing to improve professional


3 points

The tone of voice used in the

cri!que was not appropriate for a

peer-to-peer communica!on in

the workplace. OR, there were

errors in forma$ng, spelling,

grammar, or punctua!on which

need a”en!on / edi!ng to

improve professional appearance

of the work.

0 points

No submission (or not submi”ed

before 11:59 PM ET Tuesday

night). Or, the cri!que was

copied (not the student’s own

original work).

Second Cri!que Excellent Acceptable Needs Significant Improvement Missing or No Work Submi!ed



10 points

The cri!que pos!ng provided

three or more sugges!ons for

improvement in content which

were based upon an analysis of

the short paper (how well it met

the content requirements).

Provided examples which could

be incorporated into the short

paper to improve or refine it.

Authorita!ve sources were cited

as appropriate. The pos!ng

addressed the peer author by


8.5 points

The cri!que pos!ng provided at

least three sugges!ons for

improvement in content which

were based upon an analysis of

the short paper (how well it met

the content requirements).

Authorita!ve sources were cited

as appropriate. The pos!ng

addressed the peer author by


6 points

The pos!ng did not provide a

cri!que of the short paper. The

pos!ng may have included

compliments or “good job” type


0 points

The analysis was missing (or not

submi”ed before 11:59 PM ET

Tuesday night). OR the submi”ed

cri!que was copied (not the

student’s own original work).

5 points 4 points 3 points 0 points

2/24/22, 6:47 PMRubric Assessment – CSIA 485 6380 Practical Applications in Cybe… Management and Policy (2222) – UMGC Learning Management System

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Overall Score

The cri!que was wri”en in an

appropriate tone of voice for a

peer-to-peer communica!on. No

forma$ng, grammar, spelling, or

punctua!on errors. Authorita!ve

sources were appropriately cited.

Submi”ed work shows

outstanding organiza!on and the

use of color, fonts, !tles, headings

and sub-headings, etc. is

appropriate to the assignment


The cri!que was wri”en in an

appropriate tone of voice for a

peer-to-peer communica!on.

Authorita!ve sources were

appropriately cited. Work

contains minor errors in

forma$ng, grammar, spelling or

punctua!on which do not

significantly impact professional

appearance. Work needs some

polishing to improve professional


The tone of voice used in the

cri!que was not appropriate for a

peer-to-peer communica!on in

the workplace. OR, there were

errors in forma$ng, spelling,

grammar, or punctua!on which

need a”en!on / edi!ng to

improve professional appearance

of the work.

No submission (or not submi”ed

before 11:59 PM ET Tuesday

night). Or, the cri!que was

copied (not the student’s own

original work).

Contribu!ons to Discussion Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement Missing or No Work Submi!ed

Follow-up Reply or

Comment #1

Follow-up Reply or

Comment #2

10 points

Posted a follow-up reply or

comment which demonstrated

cri!cal thinking and added value

to the discussion.

8.5 points

Posted an acceptable follow-up

reply or comment which added

some value to the discussion.

6 points

Posted a follow-up reply or

comment but added li”le value to

the discussion.

0 points

Pos!ng was missing (or not

submi”ed before 11:59 PM ET

Tuesday night). Or the pos!ng did

not add value to the discussion.

10 points

Posted a follow-up reply or

comment which demonstrated

cri!cal thinking and added value

to the discussion.

8.5 points

Posted an acceptable follow-up

reply or comment which added

some value to the discussion.

6 points

Posted a follow-up reply or

comment but added li”le value to

the discussion.

0 points

Pos!ng was missing (or not

submi”ed before 11:59 PM ET

Tuesday night). Or the pos!ng did

not add value to the discussion.

Do Not Use This Box
0 points minimum

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